
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Switching Easter Dinner.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Both Kathy and I are hoping that all our Readers had the chance to have Happy Easter with Family or Friends. The most important part is recognizing the day for what it truly represents.

It felt wonderful waking up this morning to temperatures in the Upper Forties rather then the Lower because it had finally stopped Raining. That meant we only turned on a single Heater to take the chill out of the air.

Just as we were about to sit down for breakfast our daughter Karen called. The Family was supposed to get together at her house in Tecumseh today to celebrate Easter but she was going to have to Cancel. Our grandson Tyler was sent home from work last night sick and couldn’t keep anything down. After a restless night he started all over again this morning. Since Kathy, our son Kevin and Greg’s mom Rose have Bad Immune Systems Karen figured rather then passing along what Tyler has it was better to Cancel. We’ll get together when everyone is well again.

We immediately called our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa’s since they would have been there and made alternate plans to go to their house in Amherstburg. We could still make the Two Salads we had planned to bring but just make them smaller. They thought that was a great idea so we were still getting together with most of the Family.

While Kathy was taking her shower I was busy chopping the Fruit used in the Ambrosia. When Kathy came out to finish mixing it all together it was my turn to get cleaned up. Kathy also made the Kale Salad that we were also bringing.

We kept lunch simple by enjoying another bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup. Satisfies you hunger without filling you up.

Since I hadn’t emptied our Waste Tanks since we were Wapakoneta, Ohio Nine Days ago I took care of that this afternoon before walking over to our Seasonal Site to see how soft the ground was. If it continues to dry and we don’t get much more Rain we could be over there next weekend.

We arrived at Kevin and Melissa’s just after 4:30. Ken and Heather were already there so it was just a few minutes later that we all sat down to an Enjoyable Meal after which we visited for another Few Hours talking about all kinds of things. Poor Heather didn’t like the story of the Rattle Snake that came by our Campfire or the Scorpion that walked across our Mat while we were in Quartzsite. Guess she won’t be travelling to Arizona anytime soon.
Just as we were arriving Home there was a lite drizzle coming down but by the time we got inside it had stopped. We have to start making Doctors Appointments but since most will not be in tomorrow we’re not sure what we’ll be doing. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

The hottest love has the coldest end.



  1. Sorry to hear about Tyler not being well. It was nice that you were able to move the gathering to another home.

  2. I hope your grandson gets to feeling better soon. It was nice that you did not have to cancel your plans and were still able to get together with other family members.

    Here is hoping the rains stop and you can finally occupy your seasonal site.

  3. At least you spent time with family. Sorry Tyler isn't feeling well, but it's always better to stay away from "sick".

  4. Nice that you were able to switch dinner..but too bad about Tyler hope he's feeling better! Sounded like a great evening!

  5. Sorry about Tyler but nice that you could all be flexible enough to create another plan with family. Fingers crossed that the rain stays away.
