
Friday, April 5, 2019

More Planning, Exploring Shops and Visiting With Wonderful Friends.

Our Location today is at the Town and Country RV Park in Roswell, New Mexico.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We both managed to sleep soundly last night with the help of an Extra Strength Tylenol that helped to ease our Shoulder Pains. When I first opened my eyes it was barely 6:00 so I convinced myself there was no place we had to be in a hurry and reopened them just before 7:30.

After opening all the Window Shades downstairs I managed to get things ready for breakfast before checking out The Weather Network. It was barely 50 F (10 C) so I appreciated the warmth that my Housecoat gave me. I was also checking temperatures in our next scheduled stop when Kathy came down to join me.
In the Right Corner you can see our present Site Number.
The Travel Trailer is on the Site we were assigned.
After breakfast we got caught up on our morning reading checking the News, Family and Friends through E-Mail, Facebook, Messenger and of course the Blogs. That was when we found out that Tom and Deb from Celebrating the Dance were also in Roswell but were taking a Day-Trip. We left Comments so that we could possibly get together later after they got back.
This bird was singing a pretty Song.
After accomplishing a few tasks and doing more planning we finished our inside chores before getting things going in the Kitchen. When we went to Walmart in Deming on Wednesday to get out of the Wind we had looked for some Topical Pain Relief for our sore Shoulders. A woman there told us that Fresh Pineapple helps Arthritic and Joint Pains. Since we both enjoy eating Pineapple when we were in the Grocery Section we got one to come Home with us. While I cleaned it up Kathy was busy making Toasted Cheese Sandwiches to go with the last of her Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup. It tasted great, warmed us up and satisfied our appetites. We finished washing the Dishes and were heading out the door by 12:00.
We like this Church because it still appears to have
Old Time Charm with Modern Materials.
Slowly cruising (25 MPH Speed Limit) up Main Street we saw lots of the UFO Shops we had seen the last time we were here that had Closed Up. Luckily the main UFO Museum was still open for business. There were quite a few people that seemed like they were lost on which way to go (Probably First Timers to the Town of Roswell). To get away from that mayhem we just kept going stopping at different places along the way. Before we knew it we had driven all the way to Walmart on the north end of Main Street.
These are not your normal Strawberries but
It was after 4:30 when we were leaving that we suddenly both felt very hungry from all the walking we had been doing. The answer to our dilemma was at the end of the parking lot in the form of Panda Express. We have eaten at their locations in the past but not this winter. The last time that we had eaten out at any kind of Chinese Food Place Lin’s in Yuma. We got our usual moderate portions but because we have been cutting our Portions we had to take some Home for another meal. Another thing we noticed about this location was that it had a Drive Through Lane as well as the inside dining.
Strawberries on Steroids.
Back Home at the Town and Country RV Park after getting things inside Kathy needed to rest from all the walking we had done. I went outside to check out one of our Trailer Signal Lights that was no longer working. It was an easy fix because I had a Spare Bulb in my Bins. When our RV Dealership had done repairs to the Trailer Two Years ago just before we pulled out to head south again I noticed that the Lens was not sitting properly and had filled with Water. Even though I had dried it up then the damage had already started. Today the wire contact on the Bulb had corroded off so we no longer had a signal on that side but because it was hidden by the Bicycle Cover and I installed Signal Lights on our Bicycle Carrier we were safe.

Kathy wanted to rest so I went to the corner Gas Station to top off our Diesel rather then waiting until the morning. I had just finished fuelling when Deb called to verify that we were okay for a visit but they were still about Fifty Miles away. No Problem.
I went Home where Kathy was already cleaning things up. As the time got closer I drove back to the Gas Station so I could lead them through the Park to our Trailer. When Deb and Tom called to say they were approaching the Intersection I had described and could see the Truck I started heading for the road. When they stopped at the Traffic Light for some reason it would not change for them to come through the Intersection. They had to turn north on Main Street and turn around to come back. They could not have driven a Hundred Feet up Main Street when the Traffic Light would have allowed for them to come through.
Nasty looking sky all day long.
After following me in Tom and Deb parked behind our Trailer while I circled around to back in ready to hook up in the morning. Every time we get together with these Wonderful Friends it seems like we have been away for years and the conversation never stops because we are so comfortable talking to them. It must be that by reading One Another’s Blogs we feel like we have known them forever and it is like they are part of the Family.
They say the Aliens are taking all the good jobs in town.
Before we knew it was after 9:00 so it was time to say our See You Down The Roads and Safe Travels again. Neither of us took pictures but that's okay. Unfortunately that will have to be another trip because we are leaving in the morning and are heading in a different direction to get back to Ontario then they will to get to Michigan. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

The World's Great Proverbs

A man is known by the company he keeps.


  1. It's nice when you forge friendships like that. Safe travels today.

  2. I think your clouds went all the way to California. It's been overcast and rainy here the last couple of days. Safe travels as you head on East.

  3. Sorry about your shoulder pain! Never heard of a pineapple helping arthritis but certainly worth a try! Those strawberries look yummy! And of course a visit from Tom and Deb..does it get any better! :) Travel safely today!

  4. Sounds like a good day except for the shoulder pain. Hope it goes away soon.

  5. Tom and I are certainly glad it worked out that we were able to get together for a visit. (Even though that traffic light did not want to let us get As always, when we see you both, it was enjoyable to sit and chat. Safe travels and looking forward to the next time we see you down the road.

  6. We look forward to the next time as well! Keep safe and enjoy the ride.
