
Saturday, March 16, 2019

More Planning, Neighbours Return and Larger Campfire Gathering.

Our Location today is at the La Posa South, LTVA, Quartzsite, Arizona.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Why I was wide awake by 6:00 this morning I have no idea but I forced myself to stay in bed until just before 7:00 when my Back told me it was time to get up. The Sun was just starting to come over the Mountain Range to our east as I started lifting the Window Shades. Once everything was ready for breakfast I made myself comfortable a my Computer. It was nearly 8:00 when Kathy joined me downstairs.
With the Wind blowing from the north and giving Ken’s Flags quite the workout we started opening the Windows only on the south side after our normal morning chores were finished. We were starting to worry about our friends Wayne and Sue so we sent Sue an E-Mail and within a few minutes she responded that they were just heading south through Parker and would see us soon.

We continued our research until we spotted the White F-350 Dually coming up the path. Knowing how tired they must have been I went out and told them we’d talk after they got rested up.
Wanting something different for lunch today Kathy grilled a couple of Ham Salad Wraps and we added a handful of Potato Chips as a side. They hit the spot without making us feel stuffed.
We spent more of the afternoon checking places that we’ll be stopping as we head east on our return to McGregor. All that Physical Inactivity sure didn’t make us feel very hungry so Kathy made us Chocolate Chip Pancakes for supper.
After repositioning the Truck to block the Wind I started setting up the Firepit. The Juniper Firewood that we bought from DJ is so dry that it only takes a couple of pages from a Sales Paper to get it started. Once I was satisfied that there was enough Wood to get it going I invited our neighbours to come over to join in the gathering.
Skelty is a good listener and never argues about anything.
Kathy came outside at 6:30 and within minutes Ken and Skelty came over to join the fun. They had just gotten comfortable when Wayne and Sue arrived. We started visiting and hearing about their Two Day 1,100 Mile Trip to bring their Utility Trailer up to Idaho. According to Wayne I-40 was full of Chuck Holes in the pavement that actually caused his Air-Gate to fall off and was only being held to the Truck by the Cables. When they came back south the same section of Highway that they travelled back in November with no problems was just as bad as the Eastbound Lane.
It was closer to 7:00 when Tom and Deb from Celebrating The Dance arrived. We had invited them over when we saw them the other day. I’d set the chairs up for the Ladies at one end of the Semi Circle with the Men at the other end. Not trying to discriminate but both Genders tend to talk about different things. As typical everyone interacted like they were old friends with an exchange of information being shared by all. 
(L-R) Deb, Kathy, Sue, Tom, my empty chair, Ken, Wayne and Skelty.
Everyone seemed to be enjoying the visit at the Campfire that we weren’t watching the time. It was nearly 11:00 when they started getting tired we all said our Good Nights and for Tom and Deb who we might not see again before they leave it was “See you down the Road”.
A few more of these Campfires and the Firewood will be much easier to handle. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

Johann Goethe, German Poet


  1. Mighty nice camp fire you had there.
    I don't think I've seen Skelty before.

  2. Great campfire! Shelty is the perfect company. Quiet and shy.

  3. Nothing more enjoyable than a campfire and good friends ... and Skelty added a nice touch, he looked very comfy in his chair.

  4. I don't think I have ever heard of chocolate chip pancakes, they look tasty.

    Your campfire looks so warm and inviting.

  5. Aww what a nice campfire! Nice that Tom and Deb came over and you all had a great visit. I agree most times men and women talk about different things!

  6. Great campfire. Is skelty attached to anyone I like the quiet type LOL

  7. It was certainly a lovely evening and as always the time flew by. I couldn't believe it was almost 11 o"clock when we all decided it was time to call it a night. Tom and I always enjoy sitting around a campfire chatting with friends. Thank you for having us. If we do not see you both again before we leave, safe travels and we will see you down the road.

  8. Lovely fire with friends and you stayed up till 11PM!!! Good for you.
