
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

This Must Be A Test.

Our Location today is at the La Posa South, LTVA, Quartzsite, Arizona.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

It felt good to get to bed last night knowing that we would be going to get our Truck this morning and Kathy slept soundly until nearly 8:30 this morning. By midnight I was staring at the ceiling trying to convince myself to fall back to sleep for the next couple of hours. At 3:00 I repeated the process only to be laying there unable to fall asleep again after 6:00. When 7:30 rolled around I just got up. It was like a Pretravel Night’s Sleep where I managed to get all of Three Hours of sleep.
After having Cereal for breakfast we took our Coffee/Tea over to the Computers but when we couldn’t get On-Line we started getting ready to head out. It was a good thing we did because just before 9:00 there was a knock at the door. Friends Bill and Patsy from OnOur Way and Chillin’ With Patsy stopped for a quick visit while out for their morning walk. They wished us the best with the Truck today and told me where there were located here at La Posa South LTVA. Bill also told me The Weather Network was forecasting Rain in Yuma this morning.
The reason we did not go to Yuma to pick the Truck up yesterday was the Flash Flood Warnings on Arizona 95 closer to Yuma itself. We were heading out of the LTVA by 9:10 and witnessed many of the Washes closer to Quartzsite that were still filled close to the road itself.
We noticed Fog surrounding many of the Mountain Peaks in the distance but as we approached the Yuma Testing Grounds it seemed more like there was a Ground Fog that was thick enough to actually slowed traffic down. As we broke through the Fog itself the smell of Rotting Vegetation was in the air but we were still too north of where any Produce was being grown. Even though the roads seemed dry we was also started noticing Mist was being raised from the pavement as vehicles were coming towards us. As for the Washes that were supposed to have Flooded yesterday closer to Yuma they seemed totally dry.
Our Truck waiting to come Home.
We arrived at Bill Alexander Ford in Yuma just after 10:30. We were so happy to see the Truck sitting out front that we forgot to go fill the loaner with Gasoline so back on the road to the nearest station to fill it up. When we told Al the Service Manager and Lilian the Loaner Vehicle Coordinator about the near miss we had they were both in shock but happy the idiot got caught.
The Loaner returned Unscathed.
It was nearly 11:30 by the time all the paperwork was finished and we were on the road. We stopped at Karl’s Jr. where we had lunch from their Value Meals. Kathy enjoyed the Double Cheeseburger while I had the Spicy Chickenburger, we shared the small French Fry but ordered the extra drink.
Walkers on Sale at Walmart.
From there we stopped at Walmart for a few things that we keep forgetting to put on our Shopping List. Today we managed to get everything but the Bulbs that I need for our Clearance Lamps. We stopped at Pep Boys, Auto Zone and O’Reilly Auto Parts before finding what was needed.
The last stop we made before heading Home was at GNC. It seems they are the only ones that carry Arnica which is a Natural Supplement that has been helping Kathy’s Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arnica is available at GNC in the US but not in Canada so we plan to stock up a little at a time.
O'Reilly's Parking Lot. Water is deep.
We were finally heading Home northbound on Arizona 95 and the Truck was running wonderfully. With only Five Miles to the Border Patrol Checkpoint the Truck suddenly sounded as if the Turbo was screaming and the Engine was over revving. All we could do was slow down and limp Home
I called Al the Service Manager saying we were going to need that loaner again. He said that he’d call me back. I tried using my Code Reader but it didn’t seem to pick anything up when plugged into the Truck and when plugged into the Computer it would not even show up.
Our granddaughter once told us if you want to find something out just Google it so I did. Starting with the Year then the Type of Vehicle, the Engine size then the Symptoms it gave me an answer. Just before leaving Windsor I had replaced the Air Filter but when I pulled it out of the Truck this afternoon it was damp and full of debris. If your engine can’t breathe it will try harder to do so.
The closest place that carries these Air Filters is in Blythe and I had them put Two aside for me. Our friend Wayne will take me there in the morning so we are not running the Truck without a Filter.
Al call back saying he had secured the loaner again but he’ll wait for my call after we try a new Air Filter. What I can’t understand is how the Filter got damp in the first place because the Coolant was leaking into the Engine. Hopefully this will be the end of this Nightmare.
With our stomachs tied in knots over another problem we had Split Pea with Ham and Vegetable Soup for supper. Maybe someone is trying to tell us something. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You received a dishonourable discharge from the line at the recruitment office.


  1. I hope the new air filter will solve your problem.

  2. You certainly are not having good luck with that truck at all. Keep trying.

  3. Good grief!! Keep up hope .. this too shall pass.

  4. Oh no!!! Praying the air filter takes care of the problem. Enough is enough for you guys.

  5. Oh boy! Well the rest of your day sounds productive at least :)

  6. We cannot even imagine the frustration you two must feel. Fingers crossed this is the fix.

  7. Hopefully this fixes the issue but I wonder how the filter got damp in the first place.
    Good luck.

  8. Hmmm, not good news. Fingers crossed.

  9. Did he drive that thing through huge water ways yesterday for the test run?
