
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Relaxed Sleep, Microwaving Lunch and Sharing Information.

Our Location today is at the La Posa South, LTVA, Quartzsite, Arizona.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Thanks to all those encouraging words from our readers as we dealt with the Problems we were having with our Truck. Whether one has a Trailer or an RV that pulls a Towed this Lifestyle is fun when everything works right but when problems start they can become overwhelming at times.
As soon as Kathy lay her head on her pillow last night she instantly fell asleep and didn’t wake until this morning. I didn’t fall asleep quite that fast but slept fairly solid only waking once to roll over. It had to have been that knowing the Truck would once again be problem-free for sometime hopefully was like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders and we were able to relax.
I was again awake before the Sun rose over the Mountain Range to the east. After getting my morning routine finished I was able to get an early start on the Computer. As soon as the Sun started reflecting its light through the edges of the Bedroom Window Shades Kathy was awake and coming down to join me. It was cool enough that Kathy had me turn our Blue Flame Heater on low to take the chill out of the air. Our families back in Ontario would scoff at that since they are in the midst of a Snowstorm with near or below Zero Temperatures.

Having experienced the Mayhem of the Big Tent opening for the last couple of years we decided to wait until the beginning of the week when things should be more civilized. To some the excitement of the crowd is what drives them back every year. Others it is the Freebies. For ourselves it’s not being pushed through a maze of bodies and not being able to take our time to actually see what new products are being offered.
With plenty of Sunlight to charge our Batteries Kathy was able to use the Microwave to cook our lunch. By cooking our lunch rather then supper that way gives the Sun time to recharge our Batteries. We try to have some Ready-Made Foods on hand just in case we have to rush so today we tried Chicken Fried Rice and Chicken with Orange Sauce for lunch. We think we’ll try the Sweet & Sour version before making our judgment but it was filling and Kathy made certain that it was Low Sodium.

After lunch we went outside to start giving the Truck a good interior cleaning. While Kathy cleaned the Dash and replaced some of our Labels I was busy reorganizing my Organizers. Since I plan on eliminating some of the Bins we carry in our Basement you will find me doing that again over the next few weeks.

There is a group of RVers that have gathered over the last few days on the other side of Ken’s RV probably for the first time because they are laid out in a Helter-Skelter fashion. The small sign they have says they are Fulltiming Families with most having lots of children running around playing. The problem is that little ones as young as Two or Three years old are playing Hide & Seek in the Washes with other children. This is not a fenced in Campground, this is the Desert where Wild Animals live that prey on small animals, pets or children to eat.
Asian Style Salad and Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup.
Wayne and Sue voiced their concern to me about the children but didn’t want to say anything. When I mentioned that to Kathy at supper she was just as worried. Since I have no qualms about speaking my peace to anyone she suggested I go talk to them so I did.
Moon rising at Sunset.
I approached a small group of adults and started by asking them if they had ever camped in the Desert like this before. Then I explained the Hidden Dangers that existed. I explained that had the Office been open they would have told them what it was. Telling them that Children especially the little ones could easily think Coyotes were simply a puppy to play with. We had spotted older children playing outside in the dark the other night as well. Seeing Firewood piled by the group Firepit I pleaded with them to inform the rest of the group at the gathering of the Danger they were letting their children be exposed to. I also said I didn’t want to find out the Coyotes had killed one of the children here because they thought I was stringing them a line. They said they would bring it up tonight.
Wayne watched me as I walked back asking me how it went. I can only hope they share the information and pay attention to their surroundings. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike.

We are never as bad off or as happy as we say we are.

Honore de Balzac, French Novelist


  1. I see tooooo many folks not understanding about the mountain lions and coyotes in the west Texas desert letting their kids and pets be at risk.

  2. I do hope the parents keep their children safe while in the desert. Here in Australia there was a very sad incident of a dingo killing a baby, and a very long court case for the parents. It was very sad and the parents had only turned their backs for a short while.

  3. Not to mention rattlesnakes, although it may be a tad too cold for them yet. It's scary to say the least.

    1. The rattlers are out on the SW side of Tucson. So are the baby ones, we saw a squished one on the road yesterday.

  4. Good for you for talking to the families group..if you didn't and something happened you'd feel terrible now you've done what you can do.

  5. So happy that you did go over and tell them the facts of camping where they are. I agree with you about waiting to head into the big tent.

  6. "My Wish" was a song at my grandson's graduation. I've loved it ever since. The words are just so perfect.

  7. I am in full agreement with you about the dangers of the desert. Right now is coyote mating season and that makes them dangerous, and after living here for 42 yrs I only resently learned that rattlers do not hibernate, javelines with young will attack even adults, bob cats will try to stay out of the way but you never know, foxes are known to carry rabies and yes mountian lions are out there too. But most people will just find a good intention such as yours being a nosey body. But I really hope they listened to you.
