
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Plumbing Repair, Stain Removal, Grilling Supper and Cloudy Difference.

Our Location today is at the La Posa South, LTVA, Quartzsite, Arizona.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Last night after we came Home from the MacDougal Street West concert we drove around to the Water Fill Station to see what was happening outside in the area. We never saw any Campfires until we drove by the Fulltiming Families group where there were about a Dozen People gathered around a very small Fire. By that time the Winds had dropped from 32 MPH Gusts down to around Twenty but it was still chilly.
MacDougal Street West folk group.
There was enough of a chill in the air that I turned the Blue Flame Heater on to warm the inside of our Trailer until we went to bed when I turned it down to the lowest possible heat setting. Even with that small heat source it was below Fifty when I got up this morning. As soon as I could check The Weather Network I wasn’t surprised to see the same temperature of 37 F (3 C) in Quartzsite, Arizona as in Essex and London, Ontario.
Clear Sky this morning.
It didn’t take long for us to move to the Computers after having our breakfast. But along with my normal reading I had some research to do. Back in October while still at our Base Park we experienced a problem with the Toilet. Once it was flushed the Water didn’t want to stop. Luckily there is a Shut-Off on the line behind the Toilet itself. Once the Shut-Off was turned back on the Toilet continued to work perfectly. We picked up a Valve Repair Kit at Leisure Trailers so that I would be able to fix it the next time that happened. Last night as we were getting ready for bed it happened again. Let’s just say I became the Official Flusher for a while this morning.

Going on the Thetford Site the only thing that I could find was all their products and their Parts Lists for the dozen different Toilets they produce. No matter where I looked there were no Step by Step instructions. I avoided looking at You-Tube Videos because they would eat away our Verizon MiFi Data which would have been Stop and Start throughout anyways. Finally I managed to find a small Instruction on replacing the Valve but I needed to pull the Toilet.
By the time I finished the rest of my inside chores Kathy already had lunch ready. She used the last of the Pepper Steak on a bed of Rice that we made the other day topped with Shredded Mozzarella Cheese along with another Slice of the Fresh Made Bread that we bought at Coyote Fresh Foods yesterday. Again the melded flavours were incredible and the Bread was still as fresh as yesterday.

When I went outside to get my Toolbox I had the chance to talk with Wayne and Sue for a short while. Even though the breeze was only slight today it was still coming from the North and with our Hot Water Heater working it set off our Propane Detector again. Every time it has gone off we have had a North Wind.

After gathering my Tools and the Replacement Water Valve Parts for the Toilet I followed the Instructions and was getting nowhere slowly. Reading the Fine Print it read “If this does not work remove toilet and lay it on the floor”. It still wasn’t easy but laying the Toilet on a Beach Towel I was finally able to get it apart. Comparing the New and the Old Parts I could see no difference or wear but once it was all reassembled and connected the Toilet worked the way it was meant to do. Since the slight North Wind was causing the temperature to feel cooler then it actually was I again had to wear a Jacket to put the tools away.
Almost forgot the picture.
Kathy had been busy removing a Stain in the Carpet that we got while in Alamogordo. She had tried other cleaners but today she used Resolve Spot and Stain Remover and it did the job.
For supper we grilled a Thin Crust Italian Pizza on our Weber Q. With the Trailer blocking the breeze it was cooked perfectly in Twenty-Five Minutes. This one was not overly spicy for Kathy to eat.
Last night's Sunset with partial Clouds.
Looking outside I hurriedly went out to get a few pictures of the Sunset. When I uploaded them to my Computer there was a dramatic difference between Yesterday’s Pictures that contained Clouds and Today’s that didn’t.
Tonight's Sunset 23 Hours and 52 Minutes later.
We’ve got appointments and errands to do tomorrow so we’ll see how that works out. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

The World's Great Proverbs

Discretion is the better part of valour.

William Shakespeare


  1. The toilet is not the best of things that you would want to be doing. But putting the new valve on is not that difficult.
    Glad everything went well with it.


  2. I'm amazed that you find everything you need for all those repairs in a store in Quartzsite. Those guys are smart to carry so much stuff.

  3. The wind was wicked earlier this week. Glad it finally slowed down yesterday and it was warm in the sun. As always your meals look delicious.
    Stop by some time on your jaunts.

  4. Doesn't sound like fun to me to get the toilet out, but good for you for being able to do it..sure it saved a lot of money not having to pay for the work! Beautiful sunset pictures!

  5. Good you were able to do the replacement on your own. Always handy to have a handy man around.
    The propane detector is something I can relate to. We have had that problem before twice and an RV repair tech explained it this way. Depending on the wind direction and where your hot water heater is located it is possible for the wind to send a whiff of propane into the trailer via the seals on a slide. It doesn't have to be much of a wind or much of a whiff. So perhaps parking the trailer at a different angle might be helpful.

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