
Monday, January 14, 2019

Close Coyote Crossing, Making 114, Cloudy Skies, Progress Report and Rain.

Our Location today is at the La Posa South, LTVA, Quartzsite, Arizona.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

It seems that when we move around outside of our own region our bodies don’t always adjust completely. Even after going to bed at our normal time last night I was laying in the dark staring at the ceiling for Hours before getting up. Then after doing my usual morning prep work I was on the Computer for nearly an Hour before the Sun decided to peek through the opening in the Clouds along the horizon before disappearing for most of the day.
I’d barely read a few Blogs when Kathy joined me downstairs for breakfast. We both noted that even though the sky was filled with Clouds the Flags on Ken’s RV would only move slightly for a moment before hanging lifelessly again.
I took the time to finish my Coffee along with Kathy and her Tea at the Computers before moving on. We had waited to take Morning Showers not only to feel more refreshed but as a way of keeping our hair more manageable. Wearing CPAP Masks to bed every night makes your hair go everywhere but the way it’s combed.
Kathy planned on staying Home to get a few things accomplished while I headed into town. This year we’ve had more Rain in this area and have heard a lot of Coyotes around. We even hear them in the daytime or see shadows darting around in the Washes. After turning north on Arizona 95 I had to hit the brakes to avoid hitting a Coyote that was crossing the road. It stopped in its tracks looking at me as if saying “Hey watch where you’re going” before bounding across the oncoming lanes. I know we are in their home but what bothers me are the people who don’t protect their pets.
What our Sky looked like until after dark.
My destination was the Quartzsite Community Center where they were having a Blood Drive. When I tried to book an appointment last week I was told they were totally booked but just to drop in and if they had cancellations I could donate. It was comfortable outside so I left my vest behind. Walking inside I realized the mistake I had just made as they had the Air-Conditioner cranked.

Lots of people there had appointments while a handful of us did not. Bit by bit some of the Scheduled Donors were turned down for reasons like having a Cold, to High Blood Pressure to just Not Feeling Well. After doing my Quick Pass on the Computer and waiting for nearly an Hour I was given the necessary check up and given the green light to make my 114th Blood Donation. Even after having my Cookies and Juice I was on my way Home by 12:10.
Kathy had accomplished what she wanted and started making lunch as soon as I walked in. Today we had Chicken Sandwiches with Olives for a side along with a Mandarin Orange and Cherry Turnover for dessert. Kathy sliced the meat from a rotisserie Chicken we bought yesterday and the Salt in the Olives would help me retain my liquids to start rebuilding my Blood faster.

We sat back at the Computers after eating to check a few things. Suddenly I couldn’t keep my eyes open and needed to have a Snap. Since they recommend you don’t overwork yourself for the rest of the day I took the Short Nap. Normally I would fight the urge so that I sleep at night rather then being awake when I should be recharging my Batteries.

I managed to get caught up on all the Blogs we read and was about to start some research at 4:35 MST when the ground suddenly shook. Kathy checked On-Line and found we had in fact had a 3.1 Magnitude Earthquake.
The Sun only made another brief appearance through an opening in the Clouds before 5:00 then it was again hidden from sight. Kathy made Pancakes for supper and used the Mixed Berries that were no longer frozen by the time we got Home yesterday as a topping. As we were enjoying our meal we could hear Rain hitting on our Roof. It will continue for the rest of the night.
The Sun almost reappeared.
Around 6:00 Al the Service Manager from Bill Alexander Ford in Yuma called to say that Ernesto the Mechanic was just taking the Truck for a Road-Test but wanted to check it in the morning to be certain there were no more leaks. He’ll call back tomorrow but it was nice to have a progress report. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Classic Bumper Sticker #251

If we quit voting will they go away?


  1. Beautiful sunrise pictures!! I've got my fingers crossed for your truck.

  2. Good luck with the truck, no earthquake where we were sitting outside that any of us felt.

  3. Sure hope the truck is finally fixed for good. I've never been able to donate blood because I'm anemic. But I really admire those folks who can and do. You are saving people's lives. Thank you.

  4. Congratulations on donation # 114! Quite an accomplishment! Hoping that the truck is fixed for good this time! Great sunrise pic!

  5. Congrats your #114. That is dedication.
    Hope the truck repairs are finished now.

  6. Congratulations on your 114 donation.
    We echo the comments above...really...really hope the truck is finally fixed.

  7. Congrats on all those blood donations. I hope that the rain stays away.

  8. Lots of blood donations very good of you Rick.
    We had a few rumbles here but it was late last night.
    Hope your truck will be ready for you in the morning.
