
Monday, October 1, 2018

They Mattered.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

With the temperature near the 50 F (10 C) throughout the night we made certain to keep ourselves undercover. I was disappointed to have slept until 8:00 this morning because I wanted to do some outdoor work but in the next instant when I heard the Rain pounding on our Roof I relaxed.
With all the Window Shades raised it was still hard to see inside the Trailer without turning on any lights so I simply turned on my Computer. The Weather Network was the first thing I looked at and it showed the Rain leaving the area by 9:30 on the Radar. That looked good but what didn’t was the high for the day would be just before midnight. Our day would be totally Cloud Covered and our daytime temperature was only going to be 52 F (11 C) and would not start warming until the later evening hours. 

When Kathy came downstairs she didn’t want to believe what I was telling her but when it was Damp enough to turn on our Blue Flame Heater she knew I was right. It turned into a Two Cup morning while doing a number of things at the Computers. 

For lunch Kathy busied herself cleaning the Refrigerator of Leftovers. She used Leftover Ham to make us each a sandwich with some Leftover Lightly Salted Potato Chips along with a few Dill Pickle Slices on the side. She also finished the Leftover Strawberries for our dessert.

Kathy hadn’t finished her On-Line Banking so while she did that I washed the Dishes. We both finished around the same time.

After dressing for Damp Windy Weather, I loaded a few tools in the Car before we drove up to the Park Office. We needed to pay our deposit for the 2019 Season as well as settling our Electric Bill. With this having been a much warmer year we used our AC much more. So unlike last year we did not get part of our Electric Deposit back. 
Married a cousin of Harry. Was a Police Officer.
We were soon on our way towards Windsor with our focus on taking care of business. Our first stop was at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 594 to hand in the information to have Frank Curtis (Kathy’s Dad) and Richard Adams (Arlene’s Grandfather) recognized as military veterans that served during WWII but have always been forgotten on Remembrance Day. After passing along the information in the office we were told the Committee that takes care of that might not get to it this year but for certain next. Typical Bureaucracy! 
Harry's Uncle.
Inquiring about my Renewal Sticker for my Legion dues, Robert started telling us about major problems others are having by Renewing On-Line. The Automatic Renewal is the biggest problem taking dues out for Multiple Years at a time and not forwarding the information to the Branch you belong to. Think I’ll be going back to Branch 594 next year to pay my Dues. 
Kathy's Father, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
Leaving the Legion, we drove around the corner to enter Heavenly Rest Cemetery. The first stop was to locate Kathy’s Father Frank Curtis’s Gravesite. During WWII he had been taken Prisoner by the Nazis and held in one of their POW Camps. The Nazis would openly beat or kill prisoners to make examples of them. When the Camp was liberated the Prisoners had to be treated for Malnourishment before they could be sent home to their Families. 
Kathy's Father.
Frank suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder which at the time was not considered an Injury and there was no way to treat it back then. Like many others it caused problems long after they were home. He would die in 1962 from Head Injuries suffered in an Automobile Accident. Since he was buried in a Family Plot he had gone unrecognized as a Veteran. Today after cleaning the overgrowth from his headstone Kathy and I placed a Canadian Flag. This year he will not be forgotten. 
My Parents.
We proceeded over to where my Parents are buried. People think Cemeteries will keep these markers clean but they don’t. Many of the markers we cleaned today were barely visible but by using my Cordless Grass Trimmer and Leaf Blower it didn’t take long to make them noticeable again. Even with the Grass cut back they still need a good scrubbing to get the mud off. 
Arlene's Grandfather.
The third stop was at Richard Adams resting place. Born in 1900 he managed to serve the last month of WWI. He returned home to remain active in Essex Regiment. When WWII broke out he was one of the oldest wanting to serve. When the war was over he returned to Civilian Life but died in 1968 after suffering Multiple Strokes. He was my Late Wife’s Grandfather and was buried in a Family Plot. Until today he also was not recognized for his service but will no longer be forgotten as we placed another Canadian Flag in his honour. 
My Late Wife
We walked over to where my Late Wife Arlene and Late Son-in-law are laid to rest. If you recall my Daughter wears army boots. Her Late Husband Robert always wanted to serve but couldn’t due to Heart Problems as well as Kidney Failure. He was only 33 Years Old when he passed. 
Late Son-in-law.
We stopped and cleaned up Kathy’s Grandparents headstone as well. They were very instrumental in developing the Family Values she has today and encouraging her to learn. 
Kathy's Grandparents.
Driving over to Victoria Memorial Gardens we went in search of Kathy’s Late Husband Harry. These headstones were even more overgrown then at the other Cemetery. We found Harry’s Parents, Uncle and an Aunt along with a complete stranger whose stone we barely saw sticking through the grass before we found Harry’s marker. 
Harry's Parents.
Before leaving the Gardens, Kathy walked over to her former Doctor who had delivered all of her children but died suddenly of the same Cancer that Harry had died from Two Months before. 
Kathy's Late Husband.
After cleaning up all Twelve Headstones today the Batteries on the Cordless Tools were slowing down. With all the Fresh Air we breathed, we were both exhausted and didn’t feel like cooking so we headed up to Burger King for supper. We each had their Original Chicken Sandwich and a Senior’s Soft Drink for only $7.35 total. Another satisfying meal. 
Kathy's former Doctor.
Talking while heading Home we were saddened that many people are soon forgotten because the Cemeteries don’t take the time to clean the overgrown Grass. Like the Unknown Marker we cleaned it had been invisible from sight. Anyone reading this please take some time to show those we have lost that they mattered, that they were loved.

We finally got Home just before 6:00 to unload the Car and set the Batteries to charge. The temperature is warming up at the time of this writing. We have things scheduled for the rest of the week. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Q: What's musical and handy in a supermarket?

A: A Chopin Liszt.


  1. Good for you two!! I like to photograph the occasional cemetery and always enjoy fixing up headstones and making them look nice. I guess I just feel bad that no one takes care of them.

  2. That was interesting and very good of you to take the time to freshen up the headstones of loved ones. They all died far too young for one reason or another. I noticed Joan Lovell was born the day after me, same year. I like reading the stones and it can be a very sad place whether you know anyone buried there or not.

  3. That was wonderful of you two to clean and freshen the headstones and area!

  4. That's good work, getting the headstones cleaned up and cared for, but doesn't it feel strange to see your names on them already? I think that would creep me out! We're having cold and rainy weather here in northern MI, too. Tom says he's not going to listen to me the next time I say I want to go north in the fall!

  5. So nice to remember those who have passed on.

  6. Lest we forget. Well done both of you. And thanks.
