
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Follow-Up, Breakfast Out, Another Movie and A Short Visit.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

We were barely awake with the Alarm at 6:00 this morning when a Heavy Downpour of Rain started pounding on the Roof. It was expected but for later in the morning. We took our morning Pills and I applied Kathy’s Eye Drops before heading out the door at 6:30 towards The Windsor Eye Institute for Kathy’s Follow-Up appointment. The Rain slowed the traffic slightly but there were still Three Idiots that went speeding by only for me to catch up to them at the next Four Traffic Lights.

Everyone that also had Cataract Surgery at the same time as Kathy yesterday were also there waiting for the Office to open. Since it was a quick exam we let the others rush in ahead of us. Dr. Favio did the Follow-Up and was impressed that we had already started the Drops saving her the trouble of having to do it. She also answered Kathy’s concerns easing her worries about the little remaining Blurriness.

We were on our way Home by 7:45 but since we hadn’t had breakfast and were starting to feel Light-Headed, we stopped at the Hi-Ho restaurant on Walker Road. We were pulling in just as they were unlocking the Door. With our cutting back on our Food Intake even the little we had for breakfast was enough to having us feeling overly fed.

By the time we arrived back at the Trailer the Rain had stopped but there was a cool breeze keeping most inside including the Golfers. Checking our Rain Gauge showed we had another .4 inches of Rain this morning.

Between doing Kathy’s Eye Drops, Kathy doing some reading, my working on the Computer and a very Lite Snack at 3:30 we didn’t do much. At 4:00 we started watching another movie that we purchased On Sale at Walmart in Parker Arizona. This was “Law Abiding Citizen” with Jamie Foxx. We both gave it Two Thumbs Up.

After eating some Macaroni and Cheese for supper, Kathy was starting to get Cabin Fever again so we called to see if we could still have a late but short visit tonight.

We were soon headed to our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa’s house in Amherstburg. They were happy to see Kathy in good spirits and listened intently while she explained what took place. As mentioned we were on our way Home within the hour.

Kathy wanted to wash her Hair so she was just careful about not getting any water in her Eye while not using the Goggles. With our starting the Eye Drops earlier this morning I added time between applications making the last time after 10:00 this evening. It was only a few minutes later that Kathy was in bed. The good thing is we don’t have to get up early for another week. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Age is an issue of mind over matter.

If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Mark Twain, American Writer


  1. Isn't it lovely not to have anything you HAVE to do? No getting up early ... I love it!!

  2. Glad Kathy's eye is coming along nicely. Great you got a visit in too!

  3. That good Kathy is doing great. There's always a idiot or two out driving in the rain.
