
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Cooler Temperatures, Visiting In The Store, Lite Rain, Birthday Shopping and Tasty Meal.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Sleeping with the Windows and Roof Vents open helps to make you sleep better by giving you more Oxygen in the air you are breathing. It also has a down side when you add different factors in like Summer PJs and Sheets along with Temperatures that dip close to 50 F (10 C) with a strong North Wind blowing through the area. I spent most of the night shivering under the Sheets with no access to a warmer Bedcover. It felt good to get out of bed at 8:00 so I could put my Housecoat on just to warm up.

I was quite cautious not to disturb Kathy but she has been waking earlier and wakes very easy. We’d finished our breakfast by 9:00 and took our Coffee/Tea over to the Computers. Even though we still can’t comment on the Blogs on our Sidebar we read, if we wait long enough we were able to connect to and read the majority of them. Other then doing our normal Chores we kept busy doing what we could on the Computers for the morning.

For lunch we finished the last of the Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup that Kathy made the other day. We even topped that off with a Bran Muffin as a form of dessert.

Since it had been drizzling most of the morning we headed out after lunch to avoid Cabin Fever. Our first stop was the Park Library for Kathy to do a Book Exchange but we were told before entering that the Carpets had just been freshly shampooed and it would be appreciated if we waited until tomorrow. So, we dropped a pile of Magazines at the Laundry Room for people to read while washing their Clothes.

With Heavy Clouds and lite Drizzle we wanted something else to do then just sitting at the Computer, so we headed back to Amherstburg with our first stop being the Canadian Tire Gas Bar. We have lots of errands to run this week and little time so it made sense to do it then.

We headed back to Walmart more for the ability to walk around as a form of exercise. Kathy found a nice Blouse and pair of Jeans but was still looking around when our Dear Friend Pauline turned the corner. She was doing the same as we were and had spotted us from across the aisle. We had a short visit right in the store but plan on getting together for a more serious visit. After she left Kathy found a pair of shorts in just my size but when I tried them on they were way too big. Must be all the cutting back we are doing on our meals.

Realizing that we have a couple of Birthdays to celebrate later this month Kathy started looking for something personal for both. After coming up blank we opted for Gift Cards but that didn’t seem like enough. We drove back to Dollarama where we spent quite some time gathering School Supplies that both can use when they go back to School in September. Combined we are sure they will appreciate their Gifts.

Back Home it didn’t take long to store our Purchases before starting to make our supper. While Kathy cleaned and sautéed some Portobella Mushrooms I started cooking the ears of Sweet Corn in the Microwave. That was all we had to eat yet we were more then satisfied.

After cleaning the dishes, the Rain stopped but the Wind was gusting up to Thirty MPH giving us some hard jolts. With that kind of weather, we watched another movie from the Parker, Arizona Walmart. It seems all the choices we made have fit the Action Packed/Thriller/Suspense theme we enjoy.

Tomorrow we start by setting the Alarm and it might be something we’ll have to repeat through the week. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


A fine line by Mark Twain:

Reader, suppose you were an idiot.

And suppose you were a member of Congress.

But I repeat myself.


  1. Doing the corn in the microwave is a good fast way of cooking it, taste good also.

  2. Love Portabello mushrooms! They are very hearty and of course corn on the cob is great too! Always nice when clothes are too big rather than too tight :)
