
Monday, May 14, 2018

Still At Karen’s But We Got Our Home Back.

Our Location today is at Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Having looked at today’s forecast before going to bed last night we were in no rush to jump out of bed to get the day started. When we went upstairs for breakfast at 9:00 even though Sanford greeted us, there just seemed to be the sense that we weren’t alone. There was a note asking if we could pick up Tyler at his Co-op Training Shop and drive him to his After School Part-Time Job in the afternoon as Greg had a Dental Appointment that he had forgotten about and Tyler normally doesn’t work on Mondays. Looking outside it was quite Overcast but not Raining at the moment.

After eating we headed downstairs to get our morning reading done and to make a Phone Call to Val out at Wildwood Golf and RV Park. Last year when we moved to our present sight we’d pulled a lot of Wood out from in the Driveway which was then refilled and leveled with Crushed Stone. With all the work we have been doing lately in preparation of bringing our Trailer back we noticed the Crushed Stone had settled since last year leaving ruts and dips. When I mentioned adding some Stone she said that they were having a downpour at the moment but they would get to it as soon as possible.

That’s when we both heard sounds coming from upstairs while Sanford was with us and he didn’t even flitch. We knew our earlier suspicions were correct because minutes later our granddaughter Kylla came downstairs and visited for a short while. She works Shift Work on her job so she also had appointments to tend to this morning before going to work this afternoon.

We finished our morning reading on the Computers and were on our way out the door just after noon. We headed to the Devonshire Mall where we had a few things to tend to but first we went to the Food Court and had Chinese Food for lunch. We took our time eating and People Watching at the same time.

We were running an errand for Karen at The Bed and Bath Shop but when we asked about the particular product we were told it had been discontinued. Now Karen will have to find something else that works for her. We also stopped at Shoppers Drug Mart and GNC to see what they had in the line of Prebiotics and Probiotics in an effort to help control our appetites.

Leaving the Mall, we still had time before picking up Tyler so we stopped at Guardian Storage to get our Mail.

While Tyler was getting showered at home before going to his job at the Penalty Box Restaurant we were sitting at our Computers downstairs when the phone rang. It was Stephanie from Leisure Trailers saying she was just about to Make Our Day. With no heads up from Jayco a Trailer Transporter pulled in this afternoon with our Trailer in tow. Since the phone was on speaker she heard Kathy squeal with delight. After asking what time they closed, I said we’d be there in an hour.

Poor Tyler only heard us talking about the Trailer all the way to his job. Not knowing when we would eat supper after we dropped him off, we stopped at a Subway to get a Sandwich to go.

We arrived at Leisure Trailer by 5:00 and as soon as we saw our Home sitting there we didn’t even go inside the building. We opened the door and walked into our Trailer. Knowing all the problems by heart we were checking everything out when Stephanie herself walked in. She told us that Jayco had let a number of people go that they felt were not handling Customer Service properly. All the repairs were done including the Flex Crack in the outer wall and correcting the paint colour. 
Stephanie took our picture with our Home this afternoon.
Kathy went inside to bring in the Slides and close the Lights while I readied the Truck for towing. As I positioned the Truck and went to connect the Plug the entire Breakaway Cable fell to the ground. When I tried to reinsert it in the switch I found the end had Broken-Off. As soon as I told Stephanie, she got two of the RV Techs out to replace the Breakaway Switch immediately.

With that minor repair needing to be done, it kind of through us off in our Circle Check before pulling out. The Tech who was leaving for the day right behind us pulled up next to us at the Traffic Light to tell us we had no License Plate. (It was there when we brought it to them Five Weeks ago.) Kathy called Stephanie but since it was nearly 6:00 she’ll deal with it first thing in the morning. I just kept driving until we pulled in to Guardian Storage and parked within feet of the Storage Unit we had put everything from the Trailer in.

We opened all the Slides and ate our Subway Sandwich at our own Dining Table. Then I started hauling in the Boxes. Unfortunately, Kathy was getting tired and wanted me to stop once all the Boxes were loaded. The Forecast for tomorrow is Rain again in the morning so we’ll be busy unpacking before emptying the rest of the Storage Unit. When we arrived at the assigned RV storage spot, someone had parked a large Cabin Cruiser on a Four Axle Trailer and with a Twelve Foot Beam on it. We parked next to it but I’ll be calling the Office early in the morning.

This was definitely an Unexpected but Delightful Surprise which means we’ll be sleeping in our Home before the end on the week. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

All popular fast-food condiments are represented on your center console.


  1. I am so happy for you and Kathy, Rick. Hope they find your plate or pay to replace it.

  2. Great news guys, you will be back on your site, before you know it.

  3. Glad you got you trailer back and almost moved in again.

  4. Congrats on getting your home back! It has been a long haul for you and soon you can settle inside on your site. :)

  5. Glad that your trailer is back. Go over everything to make sure all is ok.

  6. Congratulations on getting your home back! Hopefully you don't have to go through this again. Hopefully they stuck your plates in one of your bins or something simple. Have fun getting it all put back together.

  7. YAY!!! So glad you got your trailer back. Home sweet home!

  8. Thats like an early Christmas. Sue and I are happy you will be able to move back HOME!! Enjoy

  9. I hope they got everything fixed for you. Must feel like a new home again.

  10. How nice to get your rig back! Home Sweet Home!

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard
