
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Redneck and Another Birthday Celebration.

Our Location today is at Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Knowing we are Retired it is sometimes hard to understand why we would set the Alarm for a second day in a row. Kathy didn’t have to listen to it going off this morning when I shut it off early and simply turned the lights on at 8:00. We took the time to have breakfast and Coffee while Kathy made up Sandwiches for our lunch while I gathered the Cooler, Ice Packs, Juice along with a few Snacks. After socializing with a sad faced Sanford, we made it out the door by 9:30.

Since we didn’t need to go to the Storage Yard we drove straight up Manning Road and were pulling into our site at Wildwood Golf and RV Park in McGregor by 10:00. We had an appointment for later this afternoon so we wanted to get things wrapped up early. 
Canad Geese making use of the Water Hazard near our site
The idea of using the Battery Powered Leaf Blower worked good as long as the seeds were not stuck in Wet Paint. I also used a Paint Pole today which meant that I wasn’t bent over as much as yesterday. Due to the makeup of our Patio the amount of Paint that was needed to do each section varied. The Patio Stones were bare and slightly porous, then the Patio that had been previously painted and sealed, also needing Two Coats of Paint but there was a section of Twenty-Five-Year-Old Untreated Concrete that had been badly weathered needed Three Coats of Paint so that everything looked the same. 
You can see the colour difference before we started this morning.
Around 11:00 it was very apparent that the Additional Five Gallon Pale of Paint that Kathy picked up yesterday was not going to be enough. Kathy headed back to Home Depot in Windsor while I continued painting as much of the Patio as I could. I even cleaned the last of the Paint out of the Pail using a Spatula so as not to waste anything. I actually only had a Five-Minute Break before Kathy returned. 
Adding another Coat of Paint.
After we had our lunch we worked together to finish this project. Kathy had to use the Broom and the Leaf Blower to keep the Seeds off the Patio that the 17 to 37 MPH Winds insisted on adding to the Paint Finish. Seeing things from the side she also noticed some areas that needed just a touch more Paint. With the bright Sunshine today, the temperature hit 81 F (27 C) so not only did the Paint dry quite quickly but the warm itching on my Neck told me I had just started working on a Tan. 
Starting to look better.
We were starting to close up when our neighbours Maynard and Marva arrived to open their Trailer. They asked about our Trailer and Travels before complimenting us on the work we were doing. 

We left around 3:15 and were at Karen’s house in Tecumseh around 3:45. That gave me a chance to change my clothes and shave before we headed back out the door. 
Winter Wheat very Green but the Windshield tones it down,
Our destination was the Michigan Diner on Manning Road where we were meeting our friend Vera for 4:30. We were early and simply sat in the Car until 4:50 before going in. Kathy was concerned thinking the worst but Five Minutes later Vera arrived. She apologized for being late but had been tied up at the Bank trying to get a mess straightened up. Even though we talked to her a number of times while we were away this winter, we still had a lot of catching up to do.

We enjoyed a leisurely meal and each other’s company even topping it off with dessert in celebration of my Birthday. We had plenty more to talk about and before we knew it was after 7:00 so we spent another few minutes outside in the parking lot before saying our Goodnights.

We were at Karen’s before 7:30 where she informed us Birthday Cake in Five Minutes. I appreciated the thought and enjoyed the second dessert of the evening, Diet tomorrow.

Since our birthdays are Two Days Apart we normally celebrate them on the day between, but due to the circumstances of this year we have celebrated Three Days in a row.

There was a message on the Answering Machine from Leisure Trailer about a progress report on our Trailer so we’ll be calling them in the morning. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


  1. Happy Birthday to both of you ... and the patio looks great!

  2. Happy Birthday Rick! for some reason I always get your Posts a day later so sorry for the late birthday wishes
