
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Lots Of Visitors, Getting The Gazebo Up and A Long Day.

Our Location today is at Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Setting the Alarm to wake us for 8:00 this morning, before going to bed had us feeling encouraged about getting things done at our Site today. Every time that I woke while turning over I could hear Kathy struggling with Congestion so I knew she was again not getting a very restful night’s sleep. I woke to the Alarm and waited until everyone had gone out the door before turning on the lights. She could have slept longer but understood why I was pushing to get things done today. After packing Sandwiches, Fruits and Drinks along with a change of clothes we were on our way by 9:30. 
Leaving the Storage Yard.
Our first stop was Guardian Storage where we went to our Storage Unit that we have everything from our Trailer placed. When we arrived at Shaun was at his own Storage Unit directly next to ours. We had a brief chat where he asked how our Trailer was doing and wishing us the best. I picked up my Electric Drill, Square, Extension Cord and our Two Ladders of which One was standing in the back corner. It required moving only one stack of Boxes so that I could lift the Ladder straight up and out. Once the Ladders were secure we were on our way to the next stop.

Our next stop was Home Depot. Having seen many Gazebos that didn’t have proper bracing collapse after being twisted by the Wind I wanted to be Proactive. After looking in the Hardware Section and not finding what I needed I was sent to the Storage Section where I found the Brackets but not the Bolts so it was back to the Hardware Section. They only had One Size of the bolts I wanted and the small packets cost more then buying a Bulk Package. Rethinking my design, we were on our way back to the Storage Section when we ran into George who I used to work with in the Casting Plants. He and his wife just recently purchased a Travel Trailer so they can do some RVing. When we told him about going “Off the Grid” in the desert he was really interested. Before we knew it, an Hour had passed and George said he had to get moving.

Finally walking out with what I believed would make the Gazebo more secure we were headed to Wildwood Golf and RV Park to install the Gazebo on our Site. After helping Kathy get set up so she could plant her Daisies she got for her birthday in the Front Garden and the Citronella Plants in a Hanging Basket I started unwrapping the Tarp from the Gazebo Box that was on the Picnic Table. 
Emptying the Gazebo Box.
As I emptied the Box and laid the pieces on the Patio where the assembly would take place I noticed that this Gazebo had plenty of Bracing already built in to the design which meant that other then talking with George we had wasted our time at Home Depot this morning.

Hugh stopped in to see what we were doing. He was on his way to run an errand but offered to give us a hand when he got back.
The plastic bags were left on to avoid scratching
during assembly on the Patio.
Kathy watched as I assembled the Cross Bars then attaching the Legs to the opposite sides. She then helped me to add the Side Bars to One End then using a Long Unopened Box and our tall Step Ladder we supported both Sides while I attached the Second End. Once the Bolts were tightened it didn’t take long to add the Roof Supports.

Our neighbours Maynard and Marva stopped in to drop somethings at their trailer and saw we were busy. They noted what we were doing and the changes to the Garden that Kathy made before wishing us a good day.
Fastening the Roof Supports.
It was nearly 4:00 when we realized we hadn’t had lunch yet so we ate our Sandwiches, Juice and Fruit. While doing that I called our son Kevin to ask about borrowing his Hammer Drill. The reason for that is the Park requires all Sheds and Gazebos to be anchored so the Wind doesn’t make them Airborne. By not putting the Roof on right away we didn’t have to worry about that immediately.

We loaded up the Trash and Recycle in the Truck and dropped that off at the Park Trash and Recycle Bins before heading out to Amherstburg. Since we needed Cement Anchors to hold down the Gazebo Kathy suggested stopping for that first.

Stopping at the Amherstburg Home Hardware Building Center it didn’t take long for Terry to show me the different types of Anchors they had and getting the proper sized Masonry Bit to use.

Kevin already had his Hammer Drill on the Picnic Table waiting for our arrival. When we walked back up to the Truck Melissa had arrived home and was briefly talking to Kathy.

It didn’t take long to get back to the Park and set up to add the Anchors. Unfortunately, when Terry had gotten the Masonry Bit for me to use they didn’t have the longer ones in stock so I had to first drill through the holes in the Gazebo Legs to mark the Patio then move the entire thing over to drill them deeper.

Having heard the sound of drilling Ted came over to see what was going on and a brief visit. It was at that time that Larry came over to see how we were doing and was surprised to see the progress we had made.
Even Peter stopped in to see what we were up to.
After getting the Gazebo back in place and started to install the Anchors I somehow managed to bend Two. Kathy said I was probably as tired as she was so it was time to pack it in.

Wanting to wash my hands in Warm Water rather then just at the Bib we went to the Park Laundry/Washrooms to get cleaned up. When we came outside there was Russ and Mike former Coworkers of mine now Retired and wanting to talk. They had seen us working on our Site but didn’t see the Trailer. They had their own suggestions on how to deal with Jayco.

We were back at Home Depot shortly after 8:00 and they were more then happy to take the Braces and Bolts back. I went looking for Concrete Anchors to replace the ones I damaged but could only find One at Three Times the Price that I paid at Home Hardware so it got left behind.

We headed to the Tecumseh Home Hardware Building Center only to find it closed.

We continued on to the Shoppers Drug Mart where Kathy had some supplies she needed.
It was past 9:00 and I was feeling hungry so we stopped at the Wendy’s and each ordered a Chicken Wrap off their Value Menu. It was funny because my Cell Phone started ringing and it was Karen our daughter wondering if we were Okay. Must be Role Reversal but it is because she loves her Mom.

We have few errands tomorrow along with more work to do at our Site that we want to finish before we get our Trailer back. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your idea of lawn maintenance is a can of gasoline and a lighter.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a great start to your day, thanks for the share. Keep up the posts, love checking out your blog. Hope you have a good rest of your day!
    Greg Prosmushkin
