
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Getting Out On A Rainy Day.

Our Location today is at Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

When we read The Weather Network’s forecast for today we knew to expect Cloudy Skies with light Rain when we woke up. Being Saturday and Retired was like winning the Lottery at being able to not having to worry about getting up early as well. I didn’t expect to sleep until nearly 9:00 but being in the basement and the Heavy Downpour that was blocking any light from reaching us what woke me was the sound of the Sump-Pump that was barely getting a minute’s rest between cycles. I’d barely gotten out of bed when Kathy was wondering why it was so Dark and what was that noise coming from the closet in our Bedroom. Luckily, she was well rested because she didn’t hear the Thunderstorms that roared through the area overnight. 
Sanford wasn't feeling well today and laid there most of the day.
We only had a lite snack figuring we would grab a bite before heading to the Park in the afternoon. I ventured out to the Truck wearing my Raincoat to get some things that Kathy had left behind the other day and on the return gave Greg ideas on how to mount some cabinets on the garage wall without tearing the walls themselves apart. 

Was that Forecast ever off. At 2:30 the Rain was still coming down steady enough that Sanford didn’t even want to go outside. We were not only getting Hungry but Cabin Fever as well. Our plans to finish the Flagstone went down the drain along with a lot of Rain. The temperature would not rise above 43 F (6 C) until after 10:00 this evening. 

Around 3:00 we headed over to the Tecumseh Mall to get some walking in. We had a little surprise when we saw they had a set up of the Local Law Enforcement Agencies that actually are stationed in the Windsor area. With the recent influx of Refugees from War-Torn Countries being relocated to our area this was a demonstration of what the different agencies did in order to protect the citizens of the area. 
After walking for only a short time our hunger started kicking in which is not good when you are Diabetic or Hypoglycemic so we walked to the Food Court to see what food was available. We finally choose a couple of different Chicken Wraps and Coffees from Tim Hortons. They were not overly filling, even for our shrinking stomachs. This also gave us more time to People-Watch. A real eye opener of how people dress to stay dry, keep warm and wear clothes that we wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. (They call that Fashion, we call it Rags.) 

After heading back past the Law Enforcement Displays we went in to Dollarama where we wanted to get more supplies for Kathy to use for spraying the Driveway at our Site out at the Park. We were nearly ready to leave when Liam popped up in front of Kathy. She knew who it was but has he ever grown since the last time we saw him. His mom Christine was just coming up behind him so we had a short visit about her Grandmother and Mother.
Containerized Command Center that can off loaded
so the Truck can be used elsewhere.

When we arrived back at Karen’s we were surprised to find only Sanford there. With that we put things away and had the chance to watch the 6 o’clock Local News. (They said the Rain System had stalled out over our area but would be gone by tomorrow morning.) Karen and Greg stopped in for a few minutes before going out to visit with friends for the evening. That meant we could watch Top Chef Canada before going downstairs for a bit. 
Now this is a Tow Truck.
We both enjoyed taking our showers before anyone else came home. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

Kathy and I would like to wish all our Female Readers a Happy Mother's Day.

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You put sugar on your Frosted Flakes.


  1. Thank you for the wishes and Happy Mothers Day Kathy.

  2. Gosh you sure are getting the storms in your area. I like to people watch. It's pretty funny sometimes!

  3. Happy Mother's Day Kathy! Poor Sanford, don't you just want to curl on the couch with him..I love the Police displays, nice when they do events like that. of my favorite things to do is people watch..amazing isn't it! Have a great day!
