
Friday, May 18, 2018

Cleaning Up To Go and We’re Home.

Our Location today is at Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

I don’t know what was happening last night but I woke a few times when there was no Air being pumped through my CPAP Machine and then as I’d go to sit up be hit with a hard blast of Air. Not a good thing when you depend on that to keep you going. I still managed to be up by 8:00 but just barely got caught up on my Computer reading. As soon as the clock neared 9:00 I went upstairs to wash up then came down to turn the Lights on.

It didn’t take Kathy long to get ready while I went out to the Truck to bring in the Laundry. We had hoped to do it yesterday so that all we’d be packing in the Trailer would be clean Clothes and Bed Sheets but we ran out of time. That meant it was the first thing we would take care of today. We stripped the Bed and while I continued sorting the Laundry Kathy started packing away other things that we would be needing tonight. Once the Laundry was loaded in the Truck I also started packing a few things away such as the Computers and CPAP Machines.

Kylla was studying in her room so she had Sanford in there as well to keep him out of our way. That meant we didn’t get a chance to rub his ears and snuggle up to him this morning. We’ll miss him the most when we leave.

It was almost 11:00 when we rolled out of the driveway and we hadn’t had breakfast so our first stop was at Arby’s for a Brunch. It wasn’t a Buffet but it was filling enough to hold us over.

Our next stop was the Lauzon Road Laundromat. We had planned on doing Laundry on Monday but when we got that call that our Home was at Leisure Trailers it went out the window. We also hadn’t cleaned the Bedding we had taken off the Bed when we emptied the Trailer so we had quite a few loads. We didn’t want to stop anyone else from getting their wash done either so we did the Clothes in one set, then when they were finished replaced them with the Sheets and Blankets. The same thing happened with the Dryers. While we folded the Clothes, the Bedding was being dried.

We were back at Karen’s house by 2:15 where we loaded the Suit Cases under the Toneau Cover and filled the Back Seat. Tyler arrived home from his Co-op Training Shop before we left and said that he was going to miss us. After being there for Seven Weeks we’ll miss them as well but There Is No Place Like Home.

It was just past 3:00 when we were as laden as we could be so we stopped at the Michigan Diner on Manning Road for an early supper. Being this was Friday we ordered the Fish and Chips off the Senior’s Menu and substituted Onion Rings for the Fries.

We took our time eating and People Watching but were still at our Site at Wildwood Golf and RV Park shortly after 4:00. Since the Forecast was showing evening Showers, the first thing we did was empty everything out of the Truck. While Kathy started putting some things away I went out to fix the leak on the Water Heater where Jayco removed the Plug.

We worked until 9:00 trying to get everything ready for our first night back Home. It just is not the way we had it which means it needs Tweaking to make it all fit.

A while back in a Comment a question about our Unlimited Verizon MiFi was asked how it worked and about Roaming Charges. Being in the City it worked great as long as we kept it high in the room because the level we were staying in was completely Under Ground Level. This evening out in the county we’ve been having some Dropped Connections probably due to the Cloudy Weather. When I had spoken to one of their Representatives he had said there would be no Roaming Charges and we have not seen any.

We are hoping the Weather improves for tomorrow morning so the Park Yard Sale can go on without any Rain. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Sorry Too Busy 
For Taking Pictures.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've ever had to hop to the bathroom in a sleeping bag

 so family members wouldn't see you naked.


  1. Welcome home! I know you still have plenty to do but at least you don't have to rush and things can slow down a little. Hope you have great weather tomorrow

  2. I'm sure you will be sleeping better back in your own home.

  3. Has it all been fixed to your satisfaction?
