
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Three Special Visits, Feeling Brain Dead and Getting Things Measured Up.

Our Location today is at Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Why is it that we sleep in during the week and are up at a reasonable hour on the weekends? Because we’re Retired that’s why! Hard to believe we were up before the rest of the household reading on our Computers before 9:00 this morning and waited until we heard movement before going up for breakfast. We had time to talk with Karen as well as Kylla and Cody before heading back downstairs to get some of our other On-Line issues taken care of. 

Our Norton Anti-Virus was up for renewal this week and I was successful in adding it to my own Laptop. I’m not sure if it was tiredness or I just went Brain-Dead but I couldn’t think how to get it installed on Kathy’s Machine so I called Norton. The Tech was willing to take control of my machine but I nixed that idea because of a past bad experience. That’s when he told me to just open my E-mail on her machine and hit the Download Button. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. He helped me make a few other adjustments and we were done in less time then it took me to upload the program to my own machine. 
"Off the Grid" in La Posa South LTVA Quartzsite.
While I was doing that Karen introduced Kathy to a Brain Twister Program on her cell phone. Since Kathy loves to read and play Word Games she was hooked in minutes and wondering how to get this on her Cell Phone. Our planned outing was delayed and I had to remind her that she was the one who had said she wanted to get out. 

It was past lunchtime when we went out the door with Kathy first saying we would do one thing then another. Karen must have thought we had lost it after I went back inside Three Times to get things we needed. 

Since we didn’t know when we’d be back we thought about just getting a Chicken Wrap off the value menu at Wendy’s. They were just enough for our now shrinking appetites. The Wendy’s in Tecumseh shares the building with a Tim Horton’s and since we were still feeling chilled we grabbed Coffees to go. 

Yesterday I mentioned we were wanting to repaint our Patio at Wildwood Golf and RV Park in McGregor but we didn’t have any dimensions to work with so that’s where we went. I measured the Patio in sections because of its irregular shape. After not being able to figure out such an easy thing as downloading the Virus Protection on a Computer I didn’t hesitate to use a Calculator to make certain the numbers came out right. 

As we were leaving Kathy suggested we go visit a very dear Friend that we haven’t seen for a number of years. When we arrived at Gay and Liz’s home in Amherstburg, Gay was in his shop working on his latest Street Rod and Liz who was having a bad day was resting. Kathy and Liz were in the Family Room of the shop while Gay and Myself were talking Shop about when we worked in the Old Foundry and his latest creation. Time flew by and we are hoping we didn’t tire Liz out. We’ll definitely be seeing them again before we head south next fall. 

The Chicken Wraps had passed and Kathy suggested we make this a visiting day so we headed to the McDonalds in Essex for supper. Kathy stayed on the sensible side by ordering a Chicken Salad while I wavered and got a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Even with that we still ate much more sensibly then when we are traveling but we are going to try to continue this pattern in the future. 

After eating we arrived at our daughter-in-law Jen’s house in Essex. We haven’t seen her or the grands since last October and had a few surprises. Both our grandsons Connor and Haigan have been busy growing along with the other activities they are in. Our granddaughter Emma thought it was time to move out so we missed seeing her. We had lots to talk about and got an extra round of Hugs and Kisses before we left. 

It was past 9:00 by the time we got back to Karen’s house in Tecumseh and the only one there was Sanford. He made up for everyone else being gone by sticking near to us until we will shut the lights. 

We forgot the Camera today so you’ll just have to suffer with more Arizona File Pictures. Not sure what we’ll be doing tomorrow so you’ll have to read about it then. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

I have the simplest tastes.

I am always satisfied with the best.

Oscar Wilde, Irish Poet and Playwright


  1. Looks like you had a nice time catching up on your visits.

  2. I love those "brain" apps. Have a couple on my phone that keep my brain working overtime!! It's good for you!
