
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Added Lighting and Long Distance Birthday Wish.

Our Location today is La Posa South L.T.V.A., Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Up before 7:30 MST again this morning I had the chance to get a few indoor chores completed before Kathy got out of bed just after 8:00. After having our breakfast, we took our morning Coffee/Tea over to the Computers to get caught up on what is happening around Home as well in the Southwestern States. Our kids are still getting lots of Snow and our temperatures will be cooling down for a while. It is Winter! 
The crowds are thinning out.
Kathy wanted to do more cleaning this morning around the living area of the trailer because of the fact we are always coming inside the door with our shoes on before taking them off. It doesn’t look like much but even walking through that area with our slippers moves the Dust and Dirt all through the Trailer. 

For lunch we had Minestrone Soup, a Cheese Stick, a Yogurt Cup and the last of our Graham Crackers lightly buttered. 

Kathy had more Bookkeeping to do this afternoon so I headed outside. 

The other day when we stopped at the Vendors Area on Tyson Wells Road one of the things we got at a reduced price were more Solar Powered LED String Lights. With the String Lights we have on our Antenna Mast we can find our way Home but they were not that bright. After doing some measuring for another Project on the roof I took the upper section of the Mast down and started wrapping another set of Solar Powered LED String Lights to the Mast. These sets have more LEDs on the same length of wire but the wire is permanently connected to the Solar Panel. I had to reset them a few times in order to have them only cover the upper section. Due to Wind Gusts of 25 MPH I needed to keep a low profile but by the time I had the first set installed my Back told me that the second set would have to wait. 

At 5:00 MST we called our grandson Cameron to wish him a Happy Birthday. Melissa’s parents were also there for the celebration and couldn’t believe we were calling all the way from Arizona. Cameron loved the gifts we sent him. He also told us about all the Snow they have been getting this winter. Then he asked how Cold it was here and if there were any Camels where we are? Definitely nice that we could call on his special day. 

For supper I grilled a Sweet Potato and a couple of Boneless Pork Chops while Kathy cooked some Brussels Sprouts for another side. 

It was a couple minutes past 6:00 when we though to watch the News. Because I had moved the position of the Antenna just the slightest bit we had to reprogram the Television and I even had to climb the Ladder and rotate the Antenna Mast slightly by hand. We can watch the News but we lost a couple of our other channels we like to watch. 

We went outside to check on the Mast Lights after dark and it is quite an improvement. Tomorrow I’ll do the Lower Section of the Mast which will be a lot easier to do. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

There are some people who have the quality of richness and joy in them and they communicate it to everything they touch. It is first of all a physical quality; then it is a quality of the spirit.

Thomas Wolfe, American Novelist.


  1. Your lights look great. Wasn't that an amazing sunset last night?

  2. The lights are wonderful! Your sunset pics are something else! How nice to be able to wish your grandson a Happy Birthday!

  3. Wonderful sunset pictures.
    Your mast lights look great.

  4. Your mast looks GREAT!!! You will be able to find yourselves now in the dark for sure.

  5. Can you imagine if Camels were roaming through the parked RVs and looking into your windows?
    I keep thinking that all the RV stuff available down there for a lot less $ should make us think twice before buying anything here if it can wait before we visit those vendors ourselves.
