
Friday, January 19, 2018

Early Water Run, Missed Visit, The Quartzsite Madness Begins and Supper In Blythe.

Our Location today is La Posa South L.T.V.A., Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A.

We both managed to sleep quite comfortably with the moderate temperatures outside last night. That surprised me because I had plans to get up early as soon as I saw the Sun starting to appear. Lately when I even consider doing that my sleep will be broken to the point that I should have just stayed up the entire night. 
The morning Hues lighting the sky before the Sun appears.
This morning I was out of bed before 7:00 MST and changed my clothes in the living room where I had put them last night before going to bed. Minutes later I was slowly driving back to the Fresh Water Faucets here at
La Posa South LTVA. Since the number of RVs that converge at Quartzsite for the Big Tent was up by 30% from last year the Bureau of Land Management has started rationing the Fresh Water. I managed to pull up to a Hose Bib as another RV was pulling away. The couple next to me informed me that the Notice that was posted at the Office said that each day after 14,000 Gallons of Water would be dispensed the Pumps would be shut down. They didn’t do that last year and ran the Reservoir nearly dry.

After filling our Barrel as soon as I moved away from the Bib someone from the line that had formed behind me took my spot. With over Four Hundred Pounds of Water on the rear of the Truck it rode very smoothly back to our Trailer. I managed to hook up the pump and start filling our Fresh Water Tank before the Sun even crested the Mountains in the east. When I went inside to check the Tank Level Kathy was sitting at the table with breakfast already served. 
Filling our Fresh Water Tank before 8:00 this morning.
Kathy felt like she was relapsing with “The Crud” so she didn’t waste any time taking a Generic Mucinex to help clear her up. We did our usual Computer reading and inside chores all before noon. I also took the time to close up the Pump, Water Filters and Fresh Water Barrel before we had lunch. By the time we had lunch Kathy was feeling much better. 

As soon as we had eaten lunch we got in the Truck and headed off in the direction of Plomosa Road. We had planned a couple of short visits for today but we were looking for the “Needle in the Haystack” for both. We had been invited to visit with Rolland and Sheryl Six who we met at the New Christy Minstrel’s show last Saturday. They were with the Escapees group but we came across Six different groups and since we weren’t sure what their RV looked like we struck out.
We finally saw the sign to the Montana Owners Association and after finding our way around the washes finally found the group. We spotted what we thought was the proper Truck and Trailer but weren’t sure. We asked a group of Montana Owners that were having an early afternoon social and they confirmed we had been at the right unit. After knocking on their door and getting no answer, we figured they were out checking the local Vendors in Quartzsite. We told the Social Group who we were and headed back towards town. Bill and Jan Mains returned home just minutes after we left according to their Blog. 

In town Kathy went inside Family Dollar while I tried to fill our Drinking Water Jugs. The machine gave the guy ahead of me change back and showed the message that it was Empty. I went next door to the General Store where I managed to fill One Jug before that machine gave me change back and showed it was Empty. These machines process the water fed to them on the spot and can only do so many Gallons Per Hour. I walked back to Family Dollar just as Kathy was coming out. She said it was jammed full of people inside. 
Leaving the Montana Owners area on Plomosa Road.
We planned to go back Home since it was too early to go for supper. When we arrived back at La Posa South LTVA there were RVs parked on both sides of the road after the Office as people were lined up to go inside to register and there were morRVs coming in directly behind us.
RVs waiting to register at La Posa South LTVA today.
We got some late afternoon reading done before heading back to Quartzsite for supper. It didn’t matter where we went, Grubstake, Taco Mio, The Yacht Club, Family Times Three Restaurant along with all the fast food places, people were lined up out the doors. This mayhem will continue until after the Big Tent is gone. It helps the local economy but is pure madness. 
More RVs trying to register as we are leaving Two Hours later.
We headed down I-10 and went to Denny’s in Blythe. It felt good to sit in a restaurant that wasn’t jammed full of people. Kathy enjoyed the Salmon Sizzler while I had the Gouda Chicken Sizzler. Both were excellent choices. Before leaving Blythe, we stopped at Albertson’s and picked up added supplies for our Freezer so we can avoid the Traffic Congestion and Crowds in Quartzsite. 
Taken through our windshield as we drive to Blythe.
It was past 7:30 by the time we did get back to Quartzsite and thinking further to avoid the upcoming crowds we stopped at the Chevron to top off our Diesel. Being tired it finally dawned on me to go back to the Reverse Osmosis Machines. Sure enough the machines had plenty of Water to fill our Containers. I also went inside to buy one more case of Bottled Water for Kathy. The same case of Bottled Water that was selling for Two Dollars last week was now marked at Five Dollars. (It stayed on the shelf.) 
Salmon Sizzler.
Back at La Posa South LTVA since there was a cloud covering it was pitch dark. Driving the safe way Home after dark we noticed a lot of RVs filling spots that had been empty earlier today. A van that had just pulled in before us moved to let us pass by then followed us until they got to their RV. Must be new to the neighbourhood. We were lucky to be able to see our Trailer off in the distance with all the lights wrapped around our Antenna Mast. 
Chicken Gouda Sizzler

Tomorrow we’ll get up early to make our only trip to the Big Tent for this year. We’ll let you know how that turns out. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment and click on the pictures to enlarge them. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Marcel Proust, French Novelist


  1. It's really amazing to think of all the water and sewage used in and around Q each year, and that's just for the Big Tent goers!!!

  2. WOW, it sounds like that place with all that crowd is a mess. Not where I would want to be.

  3. I noticed in your blog you were looking for a Rolland Sheryl Six with the Escapees. I belong the chapter 34 of the escapees with a Gordon and Cheryl Six from Salem, OR. I know their location or can find out where you can locate them if you are interested and this is the same couple you are looking for. our group camps on Plamosa road and I can find out if they are still there. their rally is still going on. I am presently at home in Oregon. My name is Doug Hinman at they usually do go to the concert. I like your blog, we miss being down south this winter.

  4. I just texted with gordon and he said it was them you spoke with.

  5. Wow, with Quartzite up 30%, i bet things are really crowded out there. Sounds like a getaway to Blythe to Denny's was a good choice and a way from the crowds.
