
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Cold Winds, Making A Luncheon Date and Government Shut Down Causing Changes To Plans.

Our Location today is La Posa South L.T.V.A., Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A.

Last night was our coldest night since we arrived in the southwest. With not too much planned for today we felt comfortable to stay under our warm winter bedding for a while longer this morning. It was past 7:30 MST when I stumbled downstairs to start opening the Window Shades. Looking outside the Flags and Windsocks were all flying straight with barely any flutter. 

I’d barely gotten things ready for breakfast when Kathy came down stairs. Even though I offered to cycle the Furnace she didn’t want to waste the Propane. (If you are freezing, you’re not wasting Propane to keep warm.) Our hot Coffee/Tea helped keep us warm up while reading at the Computers. 

Since it was a slow day we kept lunch lite by having a bowl of Split Pea Soup, a Cheese Stick and a Yogurt for dessert.

Since mentioning in the Blog the other day that we had gone out to visit with Gordon and Sheryl Six but hadn’t found them due to the fact there were so many Escapees Groups that we didn’t know where to start. A longtime friend of theirs had found our Blog on the sidebar of Travelwith the Bayfield Bunch and has been following us for some time. Doug kindly contacted Gordon and verified we had met them at the New Christy Minstrels Show and got information we needed. For that we Thank You Doug.

Lots of people attend Church Services on Sundays then like to go out for a Brunch so we waited to call well after lunch. Gordon was happy to hear from us but passed the phone to Sheryl so she could schedule us in on their Calendar. Since the Wind was still quite cool and the Outside Temperature was only 55 F (13 C) with cold Winds we set up a luncheon date for this coming Thursday when it will be warmer. As soon as I was off the phone Kathy wrote it on our Calendar to make certain we wouldn’t forget. 

For supper Kathy wanted something a little more filling so she made the Chicken Croquettes along with Sautéed Asparagus and a Salad. It was again a lite meal but since we weren’t very active today it worked perfectly. 

With this Government Shut Down we might have to modify our plans until it’s resolved. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment and click on the pictures to enlarge them. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

The eyes are the window of the soul.


  1. Beautiful shot of the sunrise bouncing off the side of the trailer.

    I think like Kathy about propane, but I agree with you. That's what it's there for and it really isn't all that expensive compared ​to truck fuel costs.

    Hope it warms up soon. Even chilly down here in Yuma in the mornings now. Going to cycle my furnace too.

  2. We are headed to Big Bend in two weeks. Their services are shut down. If though we have reservations, they don't guarantee a spot. Visitor center closed, bathrooms, etc. So sad.

  3. It's ridiculous, this government shutdown. They just do it to try and force others to vote their way, after all, they get paid regardless. I hope it doesn't mess up your plans too much. Stay warm!!!

  4. The government shutdown sure puts a damper on things. Hopefully you will be able to get by for the duration. Regardless of the crowds at the big tent event I think I would enjoy going there, even if it was only for looking at things. I enjoyed the pictures you took! Stay warm and have fun.
