
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Another High Wind Day, Attending Farmers Market, Shopping In Parker and Heavy Rain.

Our Location today is La Posa South L.T.V.A., Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A.

Waking to a brighter day was a real change from the last couple that we had experienced in more then one way. The Sun made a beautiful entrance that would last for a while but the best part was waking up after having a very restful night and being able to breathe through our noses. Even though we are still needing to take these Generic Pills of Mucinex the severe Congestion that had been keeping us awake at night was gone. 
7:58 MST.
We spent a short time on the Computers checking E-Mails, News and Tracking Packages. As soon as our inside chores were completed we headed out the door. As we were leaving the wind had picked up to its forecasted 30 MPH Gusts and Dust filled the air. The breeze also seemed to feel much cooler then the 63 F (17 C) that showed on the Thermometer
8:06 MST.
Our destination was the Farmers Market in Quartzsite that is scheduled to run every Tuesday between 9 am and 2 pm for as long as they can get Vendors to participate. Located on Main Street just west of the Yacht Club on a gravel parking lot the Vendors and Customers were sparse due to the Wind and Dust. Kathy managed to find some good bargains at reasonable prices. Even though some Vendors still had goods the Dust was just too much for them and they were closing up as we were leaving. 
It's hard to see the mountains as we head towards Parker.
It has been some time since we did any serious grocery shopping and after a quick stop at the local grocery stores we headed for Parker. With the Wind behind us it was often difficult to make out the shapes of the Mountains ahead of us. Once we were in Parker itself, you could taste the dust in the air. 
Coming out of Walmart to this.
Since it was only 11:30 when we stopped at Taco Bell where we enjoyed a lite lunch. We watched from inside their building as large clouds of Dust blew by outside and people struggling to walk against the Wind under those conditions. 
No I'm not being Highjacked.
The Dust was so bad Kathy had to protect herself.
After eating our lunch, we walked across the parking lot to the Save-a-Lot grocery store. They had their Air Conditioner set so cool I had to go get Kathy’s jacket from the Truck. With the ever-changing sales they had going and our Members Rewards Card we paid less then we would have at Walmart
Dust so thick you can't see the mountain a 1/4 mile away.
Even though we were well stocked and the back seat of the truck was nearly covered we were not able to get everything on our list. With that in mind we then had to drive across the street over to Walmart where we found the last four items on our List. There were lots of people walking around inside the store wearing Dust Masks
Heading in to Rain.
When we came outside to the Truck, the entire sky around us was filling with dark looking Clouds. As we drove through Parker to head back to Quartzsite most vehicles were driving around with their lights on at 2:30 in the afternoon because it was that dim. 

Traffic was a steady stream heading in both directions but the intensity of the Dust Storm had everyone driving well below the Speed Limit. Looking for the mountains was harder this afternoon then it had been this morning. Just before we reached the Plomosa Road BLM Area we started getting lite showers that helped clean the Dust from the Windshield. By the time we hit the City Limits of Quartzsite Rain was coming down quite steady. 

With the weather forecast of Rain for the remainder of the day, evening and night we wouldn’t be able to use our Weber to cook supper. As an alternate we chose to go to Time Three Family Restaurant for supper at 3:00 in the afternoon. It was still raining steady when we walked inside but shortly after we sat down the Rain really came down. Kathy had a Salad and a Sandwich while I had a tasty bowl of Chicken Vegetable Soup and a Sandwich. Even that we walked out stuffed. 

Back at La Posa South LTVA it felt strange driving through Water Puddles all the way to our Trailer. The Rain slowed to a drizzle while we unloaded everything. Working together it still took quite a while to get everything put away so it didn’t look like we had just been shopping. 

Then the strangest thing happened, even though it was still slightly raining the Sun came from behind the clouds so we could get a beautiful Sunset. I went out to take that picture and turned to see a Triple Rainbow but by the time the Point and Shoot actually took the shot it was hard to see even a single arch. 
The third Rainbow was closer to the mountain with the cloud.
The two remaining Rainbows are left of center..
With lots to get caught up on after being Sick lately the next few days should be busy. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment and click on the pictures to enlarge them. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

The best things come in small packages.


  1. I like the rain bow photo. It is so nice when you can see multiple rain bows.

  2. I watched on my phone as the rain hit Q. You got it much worse than we did. We didn't have the wind either. Watch out for those flash floods!!

  3. Glad to read you two are feeling better. Really happy it rained hoping it helps with the dust.

  4. Good idea that Kathy put on the mask, after being so sick she sure didn't need to breath in all that dust you should have worn one to. You had more rain than we did but we did have the high winds.
