
Sunday, December 17, 2017

More Than Our Usual Chores and Failed Leak Test.

Our Location today is La Posa South L.T.V.A., Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A.

I was out of bed by 7:30 this morning and immediately started my normal routine, raising all the Window Shades. Unlike yesterday there was a familiar sight that put a smile on my face. The Sun was making its way from behind the mountains without any of the clouds that masked it from our sight yesterday. 
Good Morning Sunshine
After getting things ready for breakfast I’d barely gotten on my Computer to check The Weather Network when Kathy came downstairs at 8:00. As soon as she covered her legs with the Throw Blanket I knew it was time to cycle the Furnace. I really have to get that Blue Flame Heater working that way it would have the Trailer nice and toasty for when Kathy would get up and not be wasting our Propane.

We kept our reading to a minimum this morning because we had more then our normal chores to do today. With all the dust that had been blowing in the wind this past week we needed to change our Bedding. I simply stripped the bed and sorted the remaining laundry along with a special load. It was past 11:00 by the time we stopped at the Trash Bins before heading in to Quartzsite.

Our destination was the Main Street Diner and Laundromat. Since we knew we would be quite some time doing the wash we opted to having lunch first. Michelle was happy to see us even addressing us by name. We were about to look at the menus until she told us that the Luncheon Specials were Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy as well as Hot Turkey Sandwiches with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy at a very reasonable price. We hardly waited and it was being served nice and hot. It tasted delicious and was just the right size that Kathy said we were having Supper for Lunch and Lunch at Supper.

We managed to get Six Washers all together which makes it so much easier to keep an eye on them. After working on our Waste Tank yesterday Kathy wanted me to wash those clothes separately. All that converted to Four Dryers with One being on the Cool Cycle for our Bedding and Delicates. Even though it wasn’t crowded we’ve learned to work together folding the clothes and bedding. 
Hotdogs, Salad and the Last German Chocolate Brownies.
We were back Home in La Posa South LTVA by 2:30 and after sitting for a few minutes I headed up stairs to put the fresh bedding on. When that was finished I brought the Folded Laundry upstairs to start putting it away. 

As mentioned yesterday I needed to test the Waste Barrel after it Cured. Once I’d put a couple of gallons of water in the Barrel I was very disappointed to find a leak. That’s not something you want to be leaving a trail of. I’ll make up another batch of the J-B Weld tomorrow to make certain the leak is gone but this time I can keep the Vinyl Gloves on while applying it. 

Shortly after 4:00 while Kathy was making a Salad I grilled a couple of All-Beef Hotdogs for supper. The Temperatures are slowly dropping but nothing compared to what the kids are getting back in Ontario. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment and click on the pictures to enlarge them. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You have ever bought an Anniversary present at an auto parts store.


  1. I think you'd of been better off using GE silicone to seal that as it's hard to get anything to stick to the barrel plastic. The silicone is more plyable and will seal it better. I used it as you are doing using those flanges and it worked. I think if you get the epoxy to work, it will eventually fail on you.

  2. Sounds like a perfect day ... except for the leak part!! Hope you get it repaired.
