
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Long Day Trip, Someone Looking Out For Us and It’s Over.

Our Location today is La Posa South L.T.V.A., Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A.

When we went to bed last night I somehow forgot to delete the thought from my memory that we were doing a Day Trip today. Just like before any trip we have I spend more time awake than sleeping and allowing my body to properly recharge itself. Still laying in bed and noticing the Sun beginning to peak through the Window Shades I knew it was time to start the day. 

The first thing I did was to turn on the Furnace before opening any Window Shades and I immediately got the Water Kettle going to make our Coffee/Tea. The Ignitor on the Stove had done the trick as far as waking Kathy but a quick reminder of our plans soon had her coming down for breakfast. As soon as we’d eaten we didn’t even go to the Computers but got dressed and were heading out the door by 9:00.

Our first stop in Quartzsite was at the Chevron station to top off our Diesel so we wouldn’t have to worry about that for the rest of the day. By 9:30 we were back on Arizona 95 heading towards Yuma.

It was hard to believe that it had been ten months since our last Day Trip to Yuma. The scenery that we had become so familiar with at that time, we were once again looking at almost as if we were looking at it for the first time. The Dips in the road that coincided with the Washes that would flood the roads during Monsoon Season to certain mountain formations that we had given our own personal names to. 

We had an added bonus of seeing a couple of Armored Personnel Carriers creating their own dust clouds as they went bouncing through the Proving Grounds not far off the road. Kathy was so thrilled to see them she totally forgot to take any pictures. 
The familiar Artillery Pieces that mark the entrance to the Imperial Dam Complex was a welcome sight reminding us that we were only half way to our destination. Finally reaching the edges to the city of Yuma the landscape changes from that of desert to green fields of Agriculture. Sharing the roads with Trucks bringing the harvest from the fields to the Processing/Packaging Plants can sometimes be a little unnerving. 
We had a list of things we needed to look for today, along with a list of places to search for them in. At this point we were only going on what I recalled seeing on the Computer as to where these stores were located but with little certainty. I’ll call it what it was, by chance we happened to look up and there on a Shopping Center Post of stores in its complex we spotted our first stop. 
After using other parking lots to turn around we found ourselves at Big Lots. Our plan was not to rush today but simply take our time. We managed to scratch a few things off our lists along with things we had not even considered. The beauty of it all, was we left there without breaking the bank. 

Still going according to the written addresses and not using the GPS we turned on to the street and only drove a block and a half when we arrived at Harbor Freight but it was already past 12:30 and we were hungry. In the corner of the parking lot was a Jack-in-the-Box that proved to serve decent enough food that we had lunch. Back to Harbor Freight it took some time to find the helpful gadgets that I had been looking for and then Kathy even found some Heavy Twine that we had been looking for. 

We had been lucky to this point but we finally had to use the GPS. It must have been insulted that we had gotten this far on our own because it gave us all kinds of problems trying to enter new addresses. We were finally on our way to Dollar Tree where we were searching for something we had found in Blythe. GPSs are programmed to getting you to places on Streets but when we finally arrived there we realized that it had brought us around the block where if it had brought us through the side entrance we could have saved a half mile of driving. 

We ended up with more supplies that we needed at this Dollar Tree but not what we had been searching for. Going back towards the Truck we noticed a store we were not familiar with that was called dd’s Discounts. I would say it is similar to Big Lots but they carry a lot of clothing and everything is priced to sell. We once again walked out having scratched a few more things off our list. 

The only other address the GPS would allow Kathy to enter was to the nearby Walmart. As we were following Arizona 95 we noticed another Dollar Tree as we drove by but we went on to Walmart. Strangely after walking around for nearly an hour the only thing we walked out of Walmart with was a lot of groceries and information as to the location of another store we were looking for but the GPS would not enter.

Driving back to the Dollar Tree we had earlier passed we lucked out finding not One but Two of the things we had been looking for. As we were leaving we again noticed another dd’s Discounts just a few doors over. This time Kathy found something that she needed for herself.

Back on Arizona 95 heading north of the I-8 we found the entrance to the Mall that we didn’t know existed. This is a Mall where not all the businesses are under the same roof and there are roads that connect parking lots to other parking lots. The GPS does not recognize those roads so that is why it would not except the addresses.

We finally found Hobby Lobby near the back corner of the Mall. We’ve been looking for Room Dividers that we’ll be able to use while at staying our daughter’s in the spring and later for additional privacy back at Wildwood Golf and RV Park in McGregor. Since no other stores we had looked at today had them, we knew we had seen them at Hobby Lobby before. As we were searching the aisles we came across the only Two Identical Room Dividers in the store and they were “Reduced to Clear”. Last year they had tons of them around, but now they are a “Discontinued Item”. The staff wrapped them in Clear wrap to protect them and even helped us load them in an already full back seat.

It took us Five Minutes just to drive back to the road from the rear of the Mall. We then drove Golden Corral where even though we were cautious on what we took to eat we still over-ate. It was past 9:00 MST by the time we got Home at La Posa South LTVA and unloaded the Truck.

Kathy has said we would never be able to buy half as many gifts if we waited until we were back in Ontario in the spring. Most of things that are available here in the southwest this year will not be available back Home until next winter when we are not there. She also said that someone was looking out for us and that our 2018 Christmas Shopping is now complete. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment and click on the pictures to enlarge them. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

Marry in haste and repent at leisure.


  1. Wow, that was a busy full day. You certainly got a lot done!

  2. Slow down, you two you are wearing me out.
    Have a great day.

  3. You stopped at all my favorite stores!! Really you can't blame it all on the GPS ... Yuma isn't exactly the easiest town to navigate!!

  4. That was a busy day but it sounds like it was productive.
    I was feeling so accomplished that I had the wrapping paper for Christmas 2018 until I read Kathy had her shopping done for Christmas 2018...:)

  5. Hi Deb:
    We celebrate our Christmas and Thanksgiving together in October. There are no Christmas related gifts out at that time. There are no sales like there are after the holidays and no Christmas related wrapping paper. By doing it now we will have the best of both worlds and it will be done all except the wrapping which I will do when we get home as we have a storage unit to store them in until our Thanksgiving rolls around and at that time we have Turkey and all the trimmings as both sides of our family celebrate our "Merry Thanksmas"
    It is such a special time and I think our families love the "Merry Thanksmas" because it feels like we are all celebrating two Merry Christmas's.
    Shopping now is for us a very good thing because of the sales and planning of what to buy. Until next year!

  6. It seems like anytime we get lost in Yuma we somehow end up going by Cracker Barrel and have to stop. I can't believe you have 2018 Christmas shopping done. That is so efficient.

  7. Sounds like a busy but productive day. I like those kinds of days.

  8. Sure did accomplish a lot today. We recently had a DD's Discount open here. Picked up a few things I hadn't seen anywhere else.
