
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Recovery Accomplished, Astonishing Purchase, Updating, Researching, Evening Fire and Helping Out.

Our Location today is Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Cottonwood, Arizona, U.S.A. 

After lazing around for a while this morning my back told my it was time to get moving at 7:30 this morning. I’d barely gotten the Window Shades open in the living area and the Coffee Cups set on the counter when Kathy was coming down the stairs. After a light breakfast we settled in to get caught up on our E-mails, News from back in Windsor and Blogs that haven’t posted in a while. We also talked about what we needed to accomplish today.
Not a promising start to our day.
While Kathy finished checking on what the kids have been doing back home I remade the bed and topped off our CPAPs so they’d be ready for tonight. When Kathy went upstairs to get changed I packed up our Hiking Gear and brought it upstairs to be stored.
We had our Supper at the Golden Dragon Chinese Restaurant on Monday and we had room enough in the booth that we had laid our Jackets next to us with our Cap/Visor on them. After eating Kathy put her Jacket on and we left. It wasn’t until we were heading out the next morning to go visit Montezuma’s Castle that we realized Kathy’s new Petrified Forest Visor was Missing and she had it going into the Restaurant.

With our Shopping List in hand we headed out of the Park and into Cottonwood. It was only after 11:00 when we arrived at the Golden Dragon and the manager said he had it in his car but not in the truck he’d brought today. Asked why he said his son had found it and given it to him on their way home the other night so it was still in the car. We decided to stay for their Lunch Buffet knowing we wouldn’t eat much for supper. By the time we’d finished eating the Manager had gone home and returned with Kathy’s Visor.

After finishing our big meal of the day, we needed to buy a few more groceries so we drove over to Food City. We managed to get everything we needed and found a few other things that were Unbelievably Priced at this store. They were Garden Ornaments that back in Windsor would have been four times the price they were here. Garden Ornaments unfortunately don’t work too well in an RV Lifestyle.

As we were checking out when Brad announced the total I simply Tapped my Card and it immediately accepted it. Brad said he’s been doing that job for over Thirty-Years and never seen anything like that. As mentioned before there are things we take for granted in Canada that is just coming to the US.

We were home shortly after 1:30 and after getting the Groceries put away we both had things to do on the Computers. Kathy wanted to research things we’ll be doing while in Congress next week while I was busy updating our two Rand McNally GPSs. Last year when we had trouble with our GPS as soon as it was updated it began working properly. After the fiasco the other day we knew it was time to do it again.

We did enjoy a bowl of Kathy’s Homemade Chicken Vegetable Soup for our supper tonight. 
T. J> happy to sell me the wood.
While Kathy cleaned up the kitchen I busied myself getting things ready for our very first Campfire of our Winter Getaway. Having bought a bundle of Firewood at the Camp Host’s Site I soon had it going nicely. We also got to see a beautiful Arizona Sunset off in the distant Mountain Range just past Clarksville
This Arizona Sunset looks like the sky is on fire.
The lights of Jerome in the distance.
As we were sitting enjoying our fire a 4x4 Van pulling a Trailer with an ATV on it kept on circling our Campground Loop so we figured they couldn’t find their site. Leaving Kathy to guard the Fire I used a Flashlight to get the driver’s attention. It was a woman traveling with her two dogs and she was tired but couldn’t see the posts with the site numbers. When I asked the number and she responded I pointed to her Site Number painted on the Asphalt right next to me. I explained how she could simply drive through by driving around the loop one more time. When she turned the corner, I signalled with the flashlight and she was starting to set up in less than a minute after parking. 
First Campfire of this trip.

Back at the Fire it was past 8:30 by the time the flames died down. We think we’ll sleep well tonight. Thanks for following along, feel free to leave a comment and click on the pictures to enlarge them. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks.

Samuel Johnson, English Writer


  1. Sounds like a busy day, although all of your days sound busy to me. Glad Kathy got her hat back. The sunsets out here are amazing. Cozy looking campfire. Looks like you're having a great time.

  2. The campfire sure looks nice. It just gives you a calming effect sitting around a campfire.

  3. I love it when people help us women drivers find our parking spot!!! You're a good guy!!!
