
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Getting A Trim, Swapping Things, Kitty Fix and Fun Visit.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

We were both in bed shortly after midnight last night and neither of us woke feeling quite refreshed until just after 8:00 this morning. After breakfast we managed to spend only a short time on our Computers before doing our morning chores then heading out. With the cooler forecasted temperature we shut the A.C. and opened all the windows. 
A Cloudy start to our day.

Our destination was Fantastic Sam’s in Windsor. We had contemplated doing a few other errands first but then we’d be stressed out from having to rush. Instead we were nearly a half hour early for our appointments giving us just enough time to sit and relax for all of Fifteen Minutes. Jen had to wait while the Dye in another customer’s hair set so she had both of us done in Twenty Minutes. We have been dealing with Jen for over Five Years and she listens to any changes we want as well as fixing our hair when we return from our southern trips. She also reads our Blog and is keeping up with the problems we are having with our Trailer.

It was past noon when we left and we were feeling hungry so we went to the nearest Wendy’s for lunch. We’ve learned that eating off their Value Menu we can eat Healthy, be Satisfied and Save Money. We both ordered a Chicken Wrap and a small Frosty as a dessert. We’ve also learned to mention that we are seniors which gets us our drinks for Free.

After eating we headed to Guardian Storage where after collecting our Mail we also went to our Climate Controlled Storage Unit. There was a double purpose for that stop with the first being to return the Gift Wrapping Paper and Supplies. The second purpose was to pick up my Painting Supplies I’ll need for a quick Rust Repair on the car before we head south. 
Golf League Meeting at the 19th Hole Restaurant.

We were Home shortly after 2:00 but because we had other plans I didn’t get into any big projects. While Kathy was doing research on the Computer I checked what supplies I would need to install the RV Scissor Jacks on the trailer. After opening the shipping box and taking the Jacks out I measured what size Bolts could be used. Checking my Parts-Organizers I manage to find Nuts and Flat Washers but no Lock Washers or Bolts the length we needed. 

I joined Kathy at the Computers and managed to get caught up on the morning reading that I had missed. Kathy sliced the rest of the Meatloaf that she made yesterday for supper. We both savoured the taste of those Meatloaf sandwiches. Even though it is made from ground beef the same as a Hamburger it just has a totally outstanding taste that we both enjoy. 
The sky finally cleared and the temperature started to drop.
Shortly before 5:00 we were headed to Amherstburg with our first stop being the Home Hardware Building Center. As soon as we parked the car I was pleasantly surprised to see someone had painstakingly restored the old International pickup. They even had the Home Hardware Insignia from that era added to the doors to make it look totally authentic. 
Done up with Home Hardware logo and in the Company Colours.
Inside I got the Bolts and Lock Washers needed while Kathy found some Floor Cleaner she wants for our tile flooring. Before we left the store, we had a chance to make friends with the store’s Cat. Kathy laughed saying he always reminds her of when her Grandfather had a General Store when she was a child. He always had a couple of Cats that kept the rodents out of the Store

We then had to stop at Canadian Tire. While Kathy looked around the Halloween Decorations I found a small bottle of Never-Seize to use on a few upcoming projects.

We then headed over to our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Mellissa’s for our weekly visit. Kevin had planned on bring their Travel Trailer home to work on it but other things got in the way. Now he’s learning why we all say our plans are written in Jell-O. We had our usual fun visit that touched on a number of issues but we all learned something new and laughed while doing it.

Now that we are finally getting Fall Temperatures we are hoping to start getting many things on our To-Do List crossed off. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Joke of the Day

Q: What did Godzilla say after eating a four-cylinder Toyota?

A: "Gosh, I could have had a V-8!"


  1. My grandfather ran a general store too. Those were the days.

  2. I'm glad someone likes meatloaf as much as I do!!!

  3. Sounds like a productive day. Meatloaf sounds good; will have to put that on the list of things to cook this week.

  4. Meatloaf is good for these cool days. you timed it right!
