
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wild Windy Day, Refocusing and Forgot The Camera.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

We once again saw the 11 o’clock Local News last night so we were more then ready to sleep by the time it finished but that didn’t mean we would. I was comfortable enough under the covers but my mind just kept thinking of everything I’d already reviewed earlier in the day. It was probably only an hour before getting up that I finally fell back to sleep. When I looked at the clock as it approached 8:00 I immediately got out of bed to start my day. This will hopefully be part of the solution to retrain my biological clock when I should be sleeping.

I’d barely gone through my morning ritual of opening the window shades and starting to get things readied for breakfast when Kathy joined me downstairs. Even as we enjoyed our breakfast the west wind was whipping anything that wasn’t fastened all around the street with some making its way to our patio. Looking down the street at some of the flags that stood unwavering in the wind. Bring our Coffee/Tea over to finish at the Computers the first program I always turn on is The Weather Network to check out the wind speed. When it indicated that the Wind Gust were only 7 MPH I called it a Liar out loud. Whoever is entering the local data must be talking on the phone with some long lost relative and hoping no one notices these indiscretions.

With our morning chores completed as soon as I’d returned from getting rid of our trash at the Park Trash and Recycle Area I started to get ready to install our new Security LEDs. The problem was no matter how I stood the ladder next to the front of the trailer the 7 MPH wind blew it over. Thinking I’d have better luck working on the Rear Security Light the water was gushing from the ground by just my stepping on it. Not good for holding a ladder stead. Kathy told me she didn’t want me on a ladder if there was a chance of getting hurt so that stopped that. 
The only picture taken today and there is already a bite taken from the sandwich.
When it came time for lunch Kathy buttered the bread while I sliced the cheese for Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with another hot cup of Coffee. With the continuing wind the only thing that could be done was to get some work done in the Computer.

Kathy has spent a lot of her free time since our return from the Southwest this spring researching places we want to visit when we head back in that direction. The problem was that she was trying to do it all in just one trip. She finally realized today that we’ll just have to go back more then once in order to see and appreciate all there is to see. This afternoon she started working on Plan B and C so we can take a more relaxed route without lots of backtracking.

I had a number of changes that I needed to do to three of my Spreadsheets. The first was to the To-do List that seems to continue growing even with the odd thing being marked as completed. Another was our Pretravel Checklist, which I’ve read that many RVers use one so they don’t forget things. Even though we haven’t had a problem without one we have notice a few forgotten things that almost did. Once these Checklists are completed we plan on using them to protect us from unnecessary problems. I also did some research and found something we need equally priced both in Canada and the United States but due to the high Exchange rate between the currencies we’ll be looking at buying it locally.

We had been so engrossed in what we were doing that it was time to watch the 6 o’clock News before we knew it. We had planned to get some groceries so as soon as the News was over we headed out the door towards Walmart in Amherstburg. We were nearly there when we realized we hadn’t eaten supper yet so we made a quick detour over to McDonalds where we had their Sweet Chili Wrap for our meal.

While at Walmart we did look in the Home Accessory area in hopes of finding a better trash can for our kitchen. When we couldn’t find what we were looking for we refocused ourselves on getting our groceries. We did end up walking out with more then we needed because the shopping list got left behind. Guess we’ll just have to eat more.

As I was loading our purchases in the truck Kathy walked across the street to Canadian Tire to check what they had in trash cans. By the time I got there she was ready to leave without making any purchase.

We were both upset with ourselves because when we left Home to go shopping we forgot to bring the camera along. We missed a picture of a Great Blue Heron at one of the Water Hazards at the end of our road. Then we missed a strange Cloud Formation and finally we missed a Beautiful Sunset. Are we ever slipping up! Must be the lack of sleep? Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Modern Definitions

Blamestorming: A meeting where everyone blames each other for a missed deadline or a failed project.


  1. I know what you mean about forgetting your camera. There's always a missed photo you don't get when you do not have your camera.

  2. Have you ever tried Melatonin for helping you sleep? It is a natural supplement. I get the sublingual kind. Gives me a great sleep. I am also thinking of the winter travels. We cannot negotiate any big mountains unless we upgrade the truck. Our new trailer s right at our tow limit.

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