
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wild Windy Day, Refocusing and Forgot The Camera.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

We once again saw the 11 o’clock Local News last night so we were more then ready to sleep by the time it finished but that didn’t mean we would. I was comfortable enough under the covers but my mind just kept thinking of everything I’d already reviewed earlier in the day. It was probably only an hour before getting up that I finally fell back to sleep. When I looked at the clock as it approached 8:00 I immediately got out of bed to start my day. This will hopefully be part of the solution to retrain my biological clock when I should be sleeping.

I’d barely gone through my morning ritual of opening the window shades and starting to get things readied for breakfast when Kathy joined me downstairs. Even as we enjoyed our breakfast the west wind was whipping anything that wasn’t fastened all around the street with some making its way to our patio. Looking down the street at some of the flags that stood unwavering in the wind. Bring our Coffee/Tea over to finish at the Computers the first program I always turn on is The Weather Network to check out the wind speed. When it indicated that the Wind Gust were only 7 MPH I called it a Liar out loud. Whoever is entering the local data must be talking on the phone with some long lost relative and hoping no one notices these indiscretions.

With our morning chores completed as soon as I’d returned from getting rid of our trash at the Park Trash and Recycle Area I started to get ready to install our new Security LEDs. The problem was no matter how I stood the ladder next to the front of the trailer the 7 MPH wind blew it over. Thinking I’d have better luck working on the Rear Security Light the water was gushing from the ground by just my stepping on it. Not good for holding a ladder stead. Kathy told me she didn’t want me on a ladder if there was a chance of getting hurt so that stopped that. 
The only picture taken today and there is already a bite taken from the sandwich.
When it came time for lunch Kathy buttered the bread while I sliced the cheese for Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with another hot cup of Coffee. With the continuing wind the only thing that could be done was to get some work done in the Computer.

Kathy has spent a lot of her free time since our return from the Southwest this spring researching places we want to visit when we head back in that direction. The problem was that she was trying to do it all in just one trip. She finally realized today that we’ll just have to go back more then once in order to see and appreciate all there is to see. This afternoon she started working on Plan B and C so we can take a more relaxed route without lots of backtracking.

I had a number of changes that I needed to do to three of my Spreadsheets. The first was to the To-do List that seems to continue growing even with the odd thing being marked as completed. Another was our Pretravel Checklist, which I’ve read that many RVers use one so they don’t forget things. Even though we haven’t had a problem without one we have notice a few forgotten things that almost did. Once these Checklists are completed we plan on using them to protect us from unnecessary problems. I also did some research and found something we need equally priced both in Canada and the United States but due to the high Exchange rate between the currencies we’ll be looking at buying it locally.

We had been so engrossed in what we were doing that it was time to watch the 6 o’clock News before we knew it. We had planned to get some groceries so as soon as the News was over we headed out the door towards Walmart in Amherstburg. We were nearly there when we realized we hadn’t eaten supper yet so we made a quick detour over to McDonalds where we had their Sweet Chili Wrap for our meal.

While at Walmart we did look in the Home Accessory area in hopes of finding a better trash can for our kitchen. When we couldn’t find what we were looking for we refocused ourselves on getting our groceries. We did end up walking out with more then we needed because the shopping list got left behind. Guess we’ll just have to eat more.

As I was loading our purchases in the truck Kathy walked across the street to Canadian Tire to check what they had in trash cans. By the time I got there she was ready to leave without making any purchase.

We were both upset with ourselves because when we left Home to go shopping we forgot to bring the camera along. We missed a picture of a Great Blue Heron at one of the Water Hazards at the end of our road. Then we missed a strange Cloud Formation and finally we missed a Beautiful Sunset. Are we ever slipping up! Must be the lack of sleep? Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Modern Definitions

Blamestorming: A meeting where everyone blames each other for a missed deadline or a failed project.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Yard Work, Another One Done, Great Meals and Climate Change.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Since we missed watching the early Local News yesterday we ended up watching the 11 o’clock News last night. The unusual part of that was even though we got to bed late we also got up before 8:00 this morning.  The sky was sunny and the rain had stopped but as soon as we started opening the rest of the windows it felt like we had a high velocity fan blowing through the trailer.

Once we’d eaten breakfast and finished our morning reading we both had things we wanted to work on. Last year we found that by cutting the grass on our site ourselves it was much neater and uniform then when the Parks Landscape Crew did it. Looking at the shaggy effect outside I knew that I had to get back to the same routine as last year. Part of the reason the Park Personal haven’t been around is partly due to the daily rainfall we’ve been getting. As I went around collecting twigs that had been blown from the trees I could hear the water squishing from the water sodden ground. Using our Black & Decker Battery Powered Mower/Trimmer in less then twenty minutes the grass looked like it had just been manicured and I didn’t sink in the grass like the big machines would have done. That shows we take pride in our Little Piece of Heaven
Each of these LED Manifolds will connect Three Waffle Boards.
Each Security Light will be over 1700 Lumens.
With the wind continuing to gust close to the 30 MPH my chances of soldering the LED Wire Manifolds outside were NIL. Knowing I had the proper tools and solder meant it could safely be done on our dining table. Placing a protective cover down on the table before starting ensured there would be no unwanted marks left behind. Using a handy little device called Helping Hands allowed me to have the wire exactly where it needed to be before applying the Solder and Heat Shrink to seal it all in. 

That happen all before lunch so we decided to have French Toast as a change of routine since it has been a while. As we ate our French Toast the wind seemed to be increasing in intensity. The plans to get the materials for the cabinets out of the shed then went on hold. Any attempt to bring those materials out would have turned them into kites so we thought of waiting for the wind to calm a bit.

Kathy was caught up on her chores and decided to do some Reading. I checked my To-do List on the Computer again adding more and crediting some of the progress made. Since most of the things on the list are outside chores where there can’t be much wind I allowed myself to take the rest of the afternoon off. While Kathy did her reading I solved one of my Numerical Fill-ins that have no starting point. It took nearly two hours just to have that first number on the page and an hour to enter the other hundred combinations. 

With the wind still pounding on the trailer we worked at cooking supper inside. We had Spare Ribs, with a Twice Baked Potato we split along with the Sautéed Mushrooms and Onions Kathy made up. There were no leftovers, it was too good.

We washed the dishes and were watching the 6 o’clock News when the sky suddenly got really dark. The first rain of the day started with such an intensity we had to close the rest of the windows. By the time we sat back down the Local News on the television fluttered a few times then went blank. Checking on other channels they were fine so we just checked back every few minutes. The Local News Channel reconnected just after the News was over. Guess we’ll be watching the Late News again tonight.

Since our return from the Southwest in April the weather has been unbelievable. We are normally much warmer by this time of year plus we have been setting records on the rainfall and wind. Guess this is what they mean by Climate Change. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Joke of the Day

Q: If a seagull flies over the sea,

what flies over the bay?

A: A bagel.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Scratching More Off, Adding More On, Yo-Yo Weather and Homemade Soup.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Sleeping in this morning we both managed to feel well rested. Looking outside to the bright sunshine added a sense of purpose to things that needed to be done. As soon as the normal morning routine was over we had to shake things up. There were phone calls that had to be made first thing in order to be able to move on to other things that affect our lives. We would be sitting down to an early lunch before I would even step foot outside for the first time.

Kathy was an Accountant/Bookkeeper/Office Manager throughout her career. Even though she is retired she manages our finances the same way accounting for every transaction on our Credit Card and Bank Account. We are also fortunate that she is that diligent because she has found things that were being charged against us that was someone else’s attempt on getting to Easy Street at our expense. She spent a good part of the afternoon checking that everything was all legit. We know lots of people that don’t keep their receipts nor keep track of their accounts like that. They would be the perfect target of that kind of Fraud because they can’t prove what they did authorize.

I finally got around to installing our new License Sticker on the truck which is not as easy as some would think. Having installed a License Plate Shield I can change a flat tire quicker then that simple act. I also noticed a lamp on the rear of the Cab that wasn’t working but when I went to change it was surprised to see the style of lamps has changed. That will have to wait until we can get to an auto parts supply before finishing that task. 
The wind was really blowing at this point.
The one thing that I didn’t mention earlier was the high wind gusts that we have been getting lately. Since Saturday we’ve been having Wind Gusts exceeding 30 MPH and on again off again rain. When recent history started repeating itself early this afternoon with the sound of distant thunder heading our way I refocused myself on the inside of our Home. Modifying cabinets to add shelves making them fit tightly requires precise measurements and that takes time. 
On and Off Rain.
After creating a list of materials needed for the job as I looked at the rain coming down outside it was easier to get some work done on the Computer then to just sit around. Finally getting around to the To-Do List I found that even though there were things being marked as accomplished there were also more things being added causing the list to grow. Having added a Percentage Counter on the Spreadsheet it was almost discouraging to see the Percentage of Completion dropping instead of going up. 
Homemade Tomato/Cheese and Bacon soup with a side of toast.
We worked together making supper from Tomatoes that were starting to go bad in the fridge. Blanching the Tomatoes Kathy added Bacon I chopped into the frying pan and started rendering it all down. I continued slicing cheese to go in the mix and toasting some bread. Our Homemade Tomato and Cheese Soup was not only tasty but filling. 
On and Off Sunshine
We’ll keep trying to get things accomplished so that the next time we head south we won’t spend so much time working and spend more time exploring. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realize our perfection; through Art, and through Art only, that we can shield ourselves from the sordid perils of actual existence.

Oscar Wilde, Irish Poet and Playwright

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Scratching Things Off Our To-Do List and Stormy Weather.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Even though we watched the 11 o’clock Local News last night we both managed to be awake shortly after 8:00 this morning. The fact that the outside temperature was already 61 F (16 C) and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky might have had something to do with it. Even before we sat down to have our breakfast we were busy opening our windows so we could enjoy as much of the fresh air as we could get. By 9:30 we had not only finished our morning Coffee/Tea but our reading at the Computers and were refocusing ourselves on what we wanted to do with our day.

Kathy wanted to do some rearranging in the closet. Even though she worked at changing many of our regular clothing hangers yesterday she didn’t take the time to organize it. That’s what she did this morning until we had a late lunch. 
Our new over the door Towel Bar.

The other night when we were at our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa’s Home I used the vise in their garage to reshape the top of an Door-Top Towel Bar. I had it the perfect size for the thickness of the door but the door would not close properly with it on. Yesterday I tried Plan B which meant cutting the piece of the bracket on the outside of the door off. Continuing with Plan B this morning I had to file the bracket far enough so that it wouldn’t hit the door frame. Holding metal by hand and filing it to the needed shape is not as easy as it sounds but I finally had it installed by the time Kathy called me for our late lunch. 

We weren’t quite sure what to have for lunch but since we had two bottles of Maple Syrup open in the fridge a plan was made to make them one. We had Pancakes with Butter and Maple Syrup with fruit on the side for dessert. The empty bottle made its way to the Recycle Bin
WE-Boost and Router now mounted above the Mantel
where it used to sit.
After Kathy washed the Dishes she had some Bookkeeping and Research that she wanted to do. 
Modem mounted vertically on opposite side
of swing-arm bracket.
Last year when we moved into our new Home the easiest way to set up our Internet Modem and Router was to simply lay them on our Fireplace Mantel and the wires held them in place. When I made the To-Do List the other day of things needing to done before we leave that was one of the things marked down. Our living room television is mounted on a swing arm which leaves a lot of empty space behind the set. After taking lots of measurements I started first moving our Cell Phone/Internet WE/Boost then mounting the Modem and Routers vertically behind the television. The television still latches securely for travel and the Mantel is free of Electronics and Wires
No more electronics or wires on our Mantel.
Forgot to take a before picture.
Kathy was still on her Laptop researching so I started getting things ready to solder the wire harnesses for Multi Waffle LEDs together. While in Quartzsite this past winter we had a problem with leaving our Security Lights on. That issue was resolved but installing Indicator Switches in place of the originals. We also considered changing the Security Lights themselves but they were expensive and they were not as bright as the original Incandescent Bulbs. When someone suggested soldering the leads to Multiple Waffle LED Boards together I started measuring. Once these are finished and installed each Security Light will produce over Seventeen Hundred Lumens of light and combined they will draw less then a quarter of the power of a single Incandescent Bulb.

I got everything ready inside but planned on doing the soldering outside. The sky suddenly filled with dark clouds so I wasn’t going to start soldering in the rain. Checking the Weather Network it showed our area was under the threat of Severe Thunderstorms.

Since it was already supper time and we weren’t sure what to cook and Kathy was tired; we decided to go to the 19th Hole Restaurant at the front of the Park instead. We enjoyed their Cod Fish and Chips plus we didn’t have to cook it nor clean the dishes. The rain had started but didn’t get heavy until after we got into the R.V.

Back Home we had barely closed the door when the Rain started coming down so hard on the roof it sounded like a drum. We’ll get a few more of those cells tonight but hopefully they won’t be as severe. We’ll hopefully scratch a few more things off our To-Do List tomorrow. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

There's permanently a bowling ball in your passenger floorboard.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Scratching Off A Few Chores, Meeting Our New Neighbour and More To Do.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Even with the cooler temperatures last night we both managed to sleep soundly until the Sun started peaking around the corners of the window shades. After having breakfast and doing our morning reading we started working at getting some of the smaller things that we need to accomplish completed.

Yesterday while we were out in public at the Mall, Grocery Store or Visiting with our grandson last evening we somehow picked something up that left us both with scratchy throats and feeling achy. Strangely it’s not that time of year but it didn’t matter. Wanting to get things accomplished while your anchor is dragging is no easy task. 

For lunch we had Chicken and Wild Rice Soup which seemed to get a few things feeling better. Kathy then finished filling in the paperwork so we could submit the claim for my CPAP Mask Liners to our Supplemental Health Care Insurance while I gathered the trash and recycle from the containers.

Kathy then refocused her attention on the bedroom closet. While we were away last winter we found that Camping World carries special plastic clothes hangers for RVs. They have a shorter hook so that the clothes don’t drag on the floor or second clothing bar. The hook is made so they have to be pushed onto the bar not lifted off. After our Clothing Bar failure on our way south last fall we got the few packs they had in stock to try. Having success with them we continued getting more any time we found them but Kathy didn’t always have a chance to switch the clothes over. This afternoon that was her goal. Not only did she switch the remainder of the hangers but she found some cold weather clothes that will be brought back to our Storage Unit until the fall. The old hangers will be donated to the Goodwill.

We have a mailbox at the front of the Park so instead of waiting until we return to Windsor I walked up to the front of the park to mail it. Back Home I took all the trash and recycle that I gathered earlier and walked it to the Park Trash and Recycle Area. Because I haven’t been exercising enough lately my neck was really bothering me so I stopped in at the Park Exercise Room. As mentioned in the past, it’s not much but it’s better then nothing and by the time I returned Home I was feeling much better.

With plans to scratch at least one of the things I need to do off our list I went out to retrieve my hacksaw from the toolbox in the basement. I’d no sooner closed the basement door when our new neighbour Stan introduced himself. Even though I politely excused myself a number of times it wasn’t until Kathy called me to grill our supper that he allowed me to go with the promise that we’ll have a visit when we are not so busy. 

Kathy made a wonderful Salad to go with the Hotdogs I was grilling. Because the Hotdogs were still slightly frozen I managed to cut both the brackets with the hacksaw while they were cooking. As long as we continue working at these chores whenever we have a chance we are sure they’ll be finished by the time we head south in the fall. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

The World's Great Proverbs

The course of true love never did run smoothly.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Errands and Enjoying Visiting With Our Daughter.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

When we helped the kids celebrate their Anniversary last night Melissa had set out some snacks for everyone to enjoy and we did. Even though we didn’t overindulge ourselves like in the past because we have been cutting down on our snacks at night it came back to haunt us. Kathy and I both had such an interrupted sleep that we were as tired when we got up this morning as when we went to bed last night.

We both slept later this morning and felt draggy but knew we had too much to do today. By 11:00 we were on our way out the door driving the truck towards Windsor.  We prefer taking the car to the city because it gets better mileage and is easier to get in tight parking lots but it can’t haul large items like the truck.

Our first stop was VitalAire on Grand Marais where we got copies of the bills for the Mask Liners for my CPAP Mask and submit the prescription. I need to go through this process of having the payment Denied by our Supplemental Health Care Insurance so that we can declare them as a Medical Exemption on our Income Tax Return.

Our second stop was at Guardian Storage to pick up our mail. I was particularly looking forward to it because the Tightening Knobs that I had ordered to use on our Solar Panels from Amazon had been delivered and I’d seen that on the tracking tab.

Stop number three was Dollarama on Tecumseh Road East. We had gone to the Amherstburg location last night and they didn’t have what we had been looking for. Since all the different outlets are independently owned and operated we kept our fingers crossed. We lucked out on one thing but not the other.

It was already 1:30 and our late breakfast was gone so we walked over to Harvey’s for lunch. Since Harvey’s was one of the places listed on the Gift Card that we used the other day and there was still some money on it that’s where we used more of it on our lunch today.

Last week when we purchased my new cell phone at Bell store in the Tecumseh Mall they had accessories for those LG Brand phones. When we purchased our new LG TracFones in Parker, Arizona this winter we hunted all over unsuccessfully trying to get the protective Screen Cover and Body Shield. The associate at Bell looked through their stock but deemed those phones to be the older LG K4 models that they no longer carry and when they no longer carry them they get rid of those accessories as well.

Leaving the Bell store disappointed, we saw a Cell Phone Kiosk where the young attendant told us if it was a U.S. Phone they didn’t have anything for it. When I mentioned the Bell associate had called it an older LG K4 she immediately found the accessories right away. Ten minutes later everything was installed and we were on our way. Now we can breathe easier knowing our TracFones are protected.

Stop number seven was at Payless Shoes in the Mall where even though they had a Sale on for sandals we couldn’t find any shoes for Kathy.

Since we were bringing dessert we had to head to Sobeys in Lakeshore to pick it up before turning around and heading back to the west-end of Windsor. We were having supper at our daughter Rose’s home at 4:30 but unfortunately the quickest way to get to her home turned into the longest way as it was plagued with the fifth season of the year, Construction. We were lucky to have continued moving at a single mile per hour.

Just as we arrived I received a call that the Plastic Barrel we’d ordered had to be picked up today by 4:30. After I spoke with Rose momentarily I left to go pick up the Barrel while Kathy stayed and visited. I made the round trip in the estimated twenty minutes which only delayed our meal by ten minutes.

Our meal was good but we don’t eat big meals like that anymore as a fact Kathy and I shared the one plate and we were stuffed. After having dessert our twelve year old grandson D.J. left to go visit with his cousins for the weekend. That gave the adults time to discuss things that are happening, problems they are having with their roof and our plans for returning to the Southwest next fall.

We left after 8:30 and stopped at the Zehrs Super Store on Walker Road where we picked up the few supplies we need to see us through the weekend. We finally got Home by 9:30 at which time we still had to unload the truck. 
The sun had set by the time Kathy got this shot.
Maybe we can actually accomplish something around Home tomorrow. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You're still keeping a goldfish in the plastic bag you won it in.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Hibernating, Adjusting Our Laptops, Anniversary Celebration and Fun Visiting.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

With the Rain continuing to fall throughout the night Kathy had no problem sleeping whatsoever. With the higher humidity level in the air it made the temperature feel colder then it actually was. That combined with my Raynaud’s Disease had me awake a number of times. When I woke this morning to the sound of a heavier downfall I simply got up and figured on starting my day. I managed to open all the Window Shades in the living area, got things ready for Breakfast and completed all my Morning Reading but it was still raining. 
The rain again, is getting to be old news.
Kathy has often said she must be a Bear because whenever she hears a steady Rain falling she can just curl up on the bed or lean back in her chair and drift off to sleep. It is like her body is telling her it is time to Hibernate. I am not a fast reader and knowing Kathy’s affliction I finally had to turn on the stove to start heating the water for our late morning brews as I was beyond hungry. Just the snapping noise to ignite the stove was enough to wake Kathy in the upstairs bedroom.

When she came downstairs she was bleary eyed and struggling to wake up. Mother Nature must have sensed her influence and turned the rain machine off as we ate our breakfast allowing us to enjoy our Bran Muffin and Coffee/Tea for breakfast. We discussed our plans we have about building an Ark because of the Excess Precipitation our area continues to get and according to the Weather Guessers it’s not going to let up any time soon. 
This is now the Wallpaper on my Laptop.
After finishing my normal morning chores, I changed the Wallpaper on my Laptop from one that came preloaded to a Sunset we recently took while in La Posa South near Quartzsite. When Kathy saw that she chose one of a Mountain Range to put on her laptop as well. That is the advantage of taking so many beautiful pictures. You have an endless supply that you can use when you want and for whatever purpose. She also needed a few other adjustments made to her Laptop that now seem to be making it easier for her to use. 
This is now the Wallpaper on Kathy's Laptop.
Kathy made Garlic/Lemon Egg Noodles for our late lunch that not only filled our tummies but helped to warm us up. Even though our outside temperature would reach 61 F (16 C) with the 91 % Humidity and light North Breeze we couldn’t seem to get warm. 
Garlic/Lemon Egg Noodles.
Shortly after 4:00 we headed to Amherstburg where we first went to McDonalds for our supper. We both enjoy their Sweet Chili Wraps and they are actually healthy for us. We took our time eating before leaving and heading to our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa’s Home for our almost weekly visit. Since they are still raising their family sometimes they can’t always visit so that just means we have more to catch up on when we do. Last week they were busy so there was lots to catch up on tonight. 
Still raining after 4:00 while heading to Amherstburg.
Kevin and I went to the garage for a short while where I had to slightly modify our Over the Door Towel Rack. Things like that are made to fit Houses or Apartments but not RVs. With some measuring and Know-How at working metal I soon had the brackets reshaped to fit our RV Bathroom Door
This Robin was bigger then a Bunny that was only three feet away.
Back inside the house, Melissa and Kathy had been getting caught up on lots of things from last week. They were also celebrating their 21st Wedding Anniversary today and Melissa’s parents Al and Sal also stopped in with best wishes. They were amazed that we were living in our RV in the desert while we were away. They also complained there was too much work involved in owning their home but in the next instant didn’t want to sell it. 
This little Bunny kept eating his meal with the Robin nearby.
Once they had left the four of us kept on visiting having some serious conversations and then talking about other things that had us all laughing. The sad part was that the time seems to fly-by so quickly when we are enjoying ourselves.

Before leaving for Home the Rain had finally stopped and according to the Weather Guessers there is even a chance that we might see the Sun tomorrow that will make it warm up by a few degrees. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

Love is an emotion experienced by many and enjoyed by the few.

George Jean Nathan, American Critic

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Continued Weather Woe’s & More Research and Cheaper Prices In Canada

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

With the continuation of the Weather Rollercoaster that has been happening globally for the last year it has become very difficult to really plan ahead anything that one might want to do. We definitely will start referring to any future forecasts as coming from Weather Guessers. Looking beyond a three-day outlook has become a waste of time and even then when you are expecting a totally clear day you could end up taking a shower that wasn’t in the forecast. 

When we got up this morning all we could see was a cloud filled sky making the outside look very dismal. The forecast was calling for rain to start by noon so if there was anything that we needed to do outside we had to get it done before lunch. We had our breakfast, did our morning reading and were looking outside as the rain started coming down before 10:30. At least they said it would rain.

Kathy continues to further her research on things we’ll see when we return to the Southwest this fall. She sorts out what will be worthwhile for us and has found in the past that we sometimes get more for our money with some of the smaller outfits. She has also found that she needs to take breaks from this research because it just becomes too overwhelming. When she called it a day she was still in Moab, Utah
Homemade Ham and Split Pea Soup along with
Blackberries on Yogurt.
I added more things to the “To Do List” that have to be done to our Home before we leave this fall and some that will be done while we are away. While we sat eating the Homemade Ham and Split Pea Soup for lunch that Kathy had made and froze back in February she asked for me to get prices on some of the purchases that we’ll need to make.

Going Online looking for prices for the same size AGM Batteries that we presently have I was able to get prices on a number of U.S. websites but not off any Canadian. The only alternative was to start calling Local Battery Suppliers. In the past we could not get AGM Batteries here in Ontario at a reasonable price. It was cheaper to buy them in the U.S. when our dollar was closer to parity and since we have to pay 13% Harmonized Sales Tax on purchases and services. With these Batteries now available in Windsor and the fact that we would now pay 30% Exchange on U.S. Funds by buying them locally we will now save $125.00 per battery.

The rain continued on and off the rest of the day. By the time we would notice the rain had stopped a few times and were about to go outside the rain would return. We never did see the sun but did see lots of puddles. The forecast on The Weather Network for our area for this summer is for near normal temperatures but above normal precipitation. 
Pancakes with Cool Whip topped with Blackberries.
Kathy made Pancakes that we topped with Blackberries and Cool Whip for supper. We’ll see what we will do tomorrow. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Ask a silly question

Can hungry crows have ravenous appetites?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Why We Do It, More Research and Making a List.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Reading other RV Blogs lately I was surprised to find Comments stating to the Blog’s author that they had better find something more interesting to write about or that person would no longer be reading it. Those persons that made those statements just doesn’t seem to understand the true meaning of what a Blog truly is. A Blog is a Diary, Log, Ledger, a Record or an Accounting of what took place in the author’s life during a specific period of time. These are not stories that were dreamed up to entertain someone else’s passing moments. 
Pictures from Lake Havasu in January.
These Blogs most times are created for the purpose of Friends and Family Members to know what their loved ones are up to when they are away but many are open to whoever wishes to read them. Another way of saying it would be they are making their lives an “Open Book” for the world to read. A diary of there every day lives!  Every day life is not always very entertaining but what we do accomplish might be enough to bring a Smile, a Tear or a feeling of Satisfaction to someone that could never do those things. 
Part of the night glow at Lake Havasu in January.
Writing on a daily basis can also be a challenge because things can become very repetitive even when there are travels involved. It can get to be the same old. same old. Posting on a daily basis is also very time consuming and not just the time involved in Composing the Blog, Editing the pictures or even finding the time to take those pictures. For those that feel Bloggers should find something different to write about they should try writing a Blog for themselves and see how well they fair at it. 

The morning temperatures were finally mild enough that we were able to open the windows as we had our breakfast. Our plans for the day were simply to just accomplish whatever we could. We did finish our morning Coffee/Tea while we got caught up reading at the Computers. Kathy returned to her research this morning while I finished making the bed. 
Lunch was Chicken Soup. Chicken Strips and Tomatoes.
After lunch I cleaned off the Bicycle Carrier on the rear of the trailer. With our plans to head back to the Southwest this Fall some modifications might be necessary. Try as hard as I could I just couldn’t decide what to do because there were just too many things so I sat back and made a list. When I completed that I wrote it up on the Computer where they were separated and put in the order of importance. With a list to refer to things will get done faster then guessing on what to do. 

For Supper Kathy made some Macaroni with Cheese while I grilled Pork Chops on the Weber Q. As usual it all tasted great and was more then filling. By the time that Kathy finished her research today she was checking out Moab, Utah. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Jokes On The Job

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Monday, May 22, 2017

More Researching and Chores.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

It has felt so wonderful to be able to sleep without our heavy bedcover and still not be cold last night. That also meant that our quality of sleep has improved which makes us feel better rested when we get up in the morning. The only thing I wish is that it wouldn’t be so early.

I was opening the Window Shades before 7:00 this morning. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky just bright sunlight as it came above the horizon and the shadows that it caused. I had everything prepared for breakfast before sitting down at my Computer to get an early start on my reading. Kathy was tired enough that she got an extra half hour of sleep before coming downstairs to join me for breakfast. 
What is not to love about scenery like this.
Arizona 95 north of Quartzsite.
With breakfast complete we would spent the next hour reading before moving on to other chores. When Kathy came back downstairs she immediately started doing more research for our trip to the Southwestern States in the Fall. Even if we could spend another lifetime exploring we could never see it all but Kathy will be certain that we see as much of it as possible.

This was the morning I had to fill our Pill Doucettes. Having not been able to go out on many Saturday nights because the pills needed to be done I came up with a plan. The plan was to get additional large Doucettes but that still tied up a Saturday night somewhere down the line. They were also too bulky to carry if we went out during the week so we purchased smaller units for those nights. Finally by adding more smaller and larger Doucettes I can set up enough pills for a month and a half. The next time they need to be done won’t always be on a Saturday night. 

Kathy made a wonderful Salad to go with the Chicken Strips she had prepared and it was not only delicious but filling as well. Later while Kathy washed the dishes, I focused on stripping the bed and gathering the rest of the laundry. It took some time to get everything sorted but I was soon heading to the Park Laundry Room.

Since Wildwood replaced their old washers and dryers this past Winter it is much easier to get things done. They installed larger commercial sized units as well as increasing the number of units which will also cut down on the waiting for machines on busy days. I worked a Numerical Puzzle while the wash was being done but brought the delicates back Home to hang in the shower after getting the drying going.

I finally made it Home with everything folded just before 6:00 where Kathy was still researching our trip. When she left off she had us in Colorado Springs taking in all the sights.

Kathy was just about to come search for me but it takes longer folding four loads then three. While I started putting away our clean laundry Kathy started making toasted Chicken, Tomato and Lettuce sandwiches for our supper. 
Another Quartzsite Sunset.
According to the News today’s temperature was only 68 F (20 C) but with the 30 + MPH winds it felt much cooler. We might see an improvement by the end of the week. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Joke of the Day

Applying computer technology is simply finding the right wrench to pound in the correct screw.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Recovered, More Wet Weather, Delicious Meal and Learning New Tricks.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Neither of us had any problem falling asleep last night after a very tiring day. With a shortened night’s sleep the night before due to Yesterday’s Yard Sale and all the Fresh Air we were exposed to yesterday we had trouble staying awake long enough to post the Blog. Kathy was luckily sleeping soundly when the sound of thunder started rumbling outside. It was just enough to let me know we were having another storm before I fell back to sleep. 
The driving rain we woke up to.
We both slept late this morning but felt much better. With the Rain continuing to fall there wasn’t much that could be done outside so after breakfast, we finished our morning Coffee/Tea while reading on the Computers. Then after our morning chores were finished we wondered what else we could do with the rest of the day. That’s when the sky started brightening and the rain stopped. 
Chicken Noodle Soup, Crackers with Cheese and Berries on Yogurt for lunch.
While having Soup for lunch we discussed needing to make space in the trailer. While we were away this past winter while most people were shopping for Christmas Gifts for 2016 we were shopping for 2017 and getting some real bargains. All those special purchases had to be stored someplace so that we could still function in our Home and not be tripping over them. We declared our purchases upon re-entry into Canada and all the Immigrations Officer could do was shake his head and welcome us back to Canada. When our Home goes in for warranty work where these Gifts are stored will have to be EMPTY.

While I went outside to dump the waste tanks Kathy dug the majority of the Gifts from our closet. I brought the boxes that we had recently gotten inside so they could be packed but first I had to empty the bottom shelves in our bedroom. It took some time to pack everything in those boxes and get it loaded into the trunk of the car. Looking in the bedroom we now had a lot of extra space for our clothes that we recovered. Looking in the trunk of the car it was full. It was warm enough outside we actually had to change into cooler clothing before heading out. 

Our destination was Guardian Storage in Windsor where the first thing we did was pick up our mail. We then headed inside to our Climate Controlled Storage Unit where like last year we safely added this year’s Christmas Gifts until the time comes to wrap & distribute them.

The sky seemed to be filling with clouds again when we left our Storage Unit so we headed over to the East-End Walmart. We thought that we would just walk around to get some exercise but we ended up walking out with a few more groceries to fill the empty spots in our pantry. As we were leaving Walmart the sky was nearly Black in the West as we headed towards Tecumseh.

Kathy had brought one of the Gift Cards so we could eat out. It had been some time since we had gone to Swiss Chalet on Manning Road for a meal so that is where we were headed. Were we surprised when we walked in to find they were now sharing space with Harvey’s. When Kathy asked the Hostess when that took place she said last Christmas Eve. Swiss Chalet is famous for their Chicken Dinners but we know they are great at making Spare Ribs as well. We each ordered a Half Rack of Ribs that we could cut with a butter knife. We left at least half our fries because there was just too many and we still walked out very satisfied and we still have another meal on our Gift Card. When we came outside everything was very wet. It had rained quite heavily while we were inside.

We stopped at our daughter Karen’s house for a short visit. She and Greg were just getting ready to go meet some friends for dinner. As soon as they learned I had a new cell phone Karen immediately started loading all of their family phone numbers into it. Then Greg started showing me some of the features that I didn’t realize were on it. He showed me how to use them as well. They suddenly realized they were supposed to meet their friends so we said our Good Byes
At the end of our day.
As we headed towards Home there were large water puddles along the roads. Tomorrow most of the Weekend RVers will be leaving to go home under Warm Sunny Skies. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty.

Rudyard Kipling, English Author