
Thursday, March 9, 2017

This Feels Like Summer, Still Stumped and More Places To Stop.

Our Location today is La Posa South LTVA, Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A. 

Even though Kathy slept soundly last night I was continually waking up, tossing and turning. Lucky for me I’d soon fall back to sleep only to Wake up, Toss, Turn and fall back to Sleep. It was like I couldn’t stay comfortable enough to remain asleep. 

We were both up shortly after 8:00 MST and as soon as we’d finished breakfast the next thing we did was to start opening all the windows. With the afternoon temperature supposed to reach 86 F (30 C) we wanted any breeze in the area to be able to cool down the inside of the trailer. We both checked our E-mails but then I finished my inside chores and headed outside while Kathy continued on her research. 
The mountain Silhouette of an Indian Brave. 
As mentioned in yesterday’s blog post the wiring in this trailer is a nightmare. Wanting to change a couple of simple light switches has turned into a major mess. The reason for changing those switches with ones that have indicator lights in them was to be certain we weren’t leaving our outdoor lights on at night because they drain our Batteries and the place the lights are mounted on our trailer you can’t see them from inside.  Anyone that knows electricity realizes there is a hot wire to the switch and a return that goes to either the load (Light) or a relay that activates the light. Some of the lights in our trailer are actually wired that way but others are not. Some of the lights have a wire that turns the relay to the On position and another wire that turns the relay to the Off position.  
The Jayco Relay System mounted on a small plywood
just above the yellow Multi Meter.
This morning I had to empty most of the basement in order to remove the rear wall. Jayco installed a very Complex Relay System in there that is triggered by the Switches in our Control Panel upstairs. They did this so that only a Jayco Trained Technician can service these units just like working on today’s automobiles you have to have the right Computer to do it with. I was able to trace which wires that ran back to the switch and simply planned on installing a separate relay. Where the problem lies is locating the Feed Wire to the light itself.  
What better way to cool down but with Chicken Noodle Soup,
A Chicken Wrap, a Plum, Yogurt and a Juice.
It was a relief when Kathy called me in for lunch. It seemed there was no breeze that we could feel. Even our Windsock was barely moving from a straight hanging position.  

Even the Roadrunner was staying in the shade.
Before going back outside we extended the Awning to not only help cool the inside of the trailer but the basement. I continued trying to find the Feed Wire to the light with no luck. I temporarily removed the Security Light to see what size and colour the wires were but when I tried to find them in the basement there was no such combination of wires. I even removed the bottom Dresser Drawer in our bedroom as there was a large pack of wires running through there but again No Luck. 
Working on this I noted that whoever wired this trailer did not hesitate to change wire sizes and colours in many of the circuits. On the Relay System in the basement there are plenty of Control Wires going up to the switches but nothing visible going to the loads. There are bundles of wires that you can’t see where they go. Jayco only put a Twenty Amp Resettable Fuse to Extend the Forward Landing Gear but a Forty Amp Fuse to Retract it all with number ten wiring. Kathy finally called me for supper after 5:00 and I was at the same spot as I was before lunch. When the Sun started setting it was time to close up for the night and try again in the morning.  
 Wieners and Beans on Toast, Juice and a Brownie
With the night time lows only dropping to 64 F (18 C) tonight we’ll definitely be sleeping with the windows open tonight. Kathy has found a few more places we’ll be stopping on our way back to McGregor. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

Joke of the Day 

Q: What are tired army clothes?

A: Fatigues.


  1. No wonder people have some many issues with nothing working.

  2. Rick do those lights also work off of a hand held remote control?
