
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Early Rising, Another Wiring Problem To Resolve and Tasty Tender Supper.

Our Location today is Dream Catcher RV Park, Deming, New Mexico, U.S.A. 

We both seemed to sleep more soundly last night after having driven from Tucson to Deming it had tired us a bit but we were also better prepared for sleeping with the cooler temperatures. What didn’t go to well was going into a Time-Change and loosing an hour in our day. To top it off we then set our alarm to get us up early today. We had to get up to the Clubhouse between 8:00 and 9:00 this morning. 

Every Saturday morning here at Dream Catchers RV Park they sell breakfast to anyone interested. You get Two Eggs, Hash-Browns, Toast, Juice, Coffee and your choice of Ham or Sausage all for $4.00 each. It is put on by park volunteers and they do a great job. How can you pass that up? We were both satisfied and we had the chance to visit with fellow Escapees most of which had also attended Escapade. 
Curb Side Mural.
Shortly before 9:00 we were on our way back to our trailer still tired but well fed. We saw this interesting little trailer that someone had personalized. It appeared to have been an older unit but with the Murals on it, it seemed refreshing. 
Rear Mural
Back Home since we had purchased Corn Beef and Cabbage for St. Patrick’s Day but never cooked it Kathy decided to cook it in our Crockpot today. She wanted to cut the meat into cubes so that it would come out much more tender. Unfortunately, with the Arthritis in her hands acting up and she couldn’t cut the meat the way she wanted. I took over and either the Corned Beef was very tough or that knife was getting dull. I trimmed the excess fat away and then cubed the meat as per Kathy’s instructions. When it came to cutting the Cabbage I knew the knife was dull. After quickly sharpening it I finished the chopping so Kathy could season it her way and get it cooking. 
Road Side Mural
Kathy wanted to go to the Book Exchange Library so after gathering a number of books that she’s recently read she was soon on her way back to the Clubhouse. 
Over the front window.
With expected high winds forecasted for this afternoon I wanted to get our new Max-Air Roof Vent wired and installed this morning. I started by removing the Step-Ladder from the rear of the trailer so I could have access to the roof. Then going inside to the bedroom, I removed the inside vent trim. Trailer Vent Openings are all supposed to be wired for both a vent fan and for a second Air Conditioner allowing you the choice of what you want. The only wires that were run to the front vent opening were for an AC. I poked my fingers into all the openings and was very disappointed not to find the 12 Volt Wiring. I checked the Fuse Block to see what could be done and if supper had not been cooking I would have shut off the Electricity at the post and fixed the issue. 

Kathy was beaming when she returned having had a successful book exchange. When I explained our problem, she was willing to stop the Crockpot but I’d rather wait until I look at other alternatives. With laundry needing to be done I closed things back up and repackaged the Max-Air Vent for another day.  
Soup, Crackers with Cheese and Yogurt.
While I started sorting our clothes Kathy made Soup for lunch with Yogurt for dessert. By 1:00 it was my turn to head back to the Clubhouse to use the Washers and Dryers. I was the only one there so it didn’t take long to get things going. Once the clothes were in the Dryers I walked the Delicates back to the trailer where I hung them in the shower to dry. Kathy had been cleaning the Desert Dust from all over the inside of our Home. 

After returning with the Folded Clothes and putting them away I realized that I hadn’t rehung our Ladder earlier. Since we had a roll of Electrical Wire disappear from our open basement back in November I didn’t want to temp fate. The wind was gusting to 34 MPH so it was a little tricky tying it back up there.  
Kathy's way of making Corned Beef and Cabbage.
By the time I got in Kathy was serving our Corned Beef and Cabbage for supper. It had cooked so well and tender that we only needed a fork to eat it. It was delicious and we still have enough for another meal.  

Once the dishes were finished Kathy went back to reading her book while I started some minor preparation for the Security Light Modifications 

The Weather Network is forecasting high winds until long after we leave here on Wednesday so we’ll do some exploring in the area that we missed back in November. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

Classic Bumper Sticker # 621 

Sorry! My karma just ran over your dogma.


  1. Please post how you do your corned beef. Maybe you should start a recipe section!

  2. Be careful in the wind! We had our corned beef the day before St. Patrick's Day. It wasn't Sy Ginsburg (an awesome brand of corned beef I used to get from Detroit), but still pretty tasty!

  3. From the pictures the murals on that older travel trailer look beautiful.
    Supper looks and sounds like it was delicious.
    Stay safe.
