
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Rotten Night’s Sleep, Some Preparation, Scouting Our Next Camp and More “Closed Due To Flooding”.

Our Location today is Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A. 

Like many of the other Bloggers we follow, Kathy and I were in bed shortly after 10:30 MST and we didn’t even watch the ball drop in Times Square. It wouldn’t be until we were having breakfast that we found out neither of us had slept very well. The only thing we could figure was the Diet Soda we had with our meal at the Main Street Eatery was not Caffeine-Free so we just couldn’t sleep.  The weather guessers were fairly accurate on last night’s forecast with the rain starting around 2:11 MST followed by a couple of Claps of Thunder around 2:15. After that the rain was so intense that it sounded like we were in a Drum. 
Evidence of Last Night's Rain.
While having our breakfast, we were comparing notes as to when and why we were awake. It seemed that neither of us had been able to stop thinking. Kathy was thinking of what she could Cook with the Leftovers in the fridge. I was busy designing and constructing a Solar Powered Water Heater and I even figured where to run the feed and return lines to the roof. With a shocked look on her face Kathy Vetoed that project saying that “It isn’t Happening!” Even when I told her how much propane it would save, she still wouldn’t hear of it. 
Salad with Balsamic Vinegar and Tortilla and Ground Beef Mixture.
After Breakfast, our morning Reading and Chores were finished Kathy started recreating the Leftovers from the Fridge just as she’d dreamed. I went up on the roof to lower our Solar Panels. Even then I still had people stopping by inquiring about the Solar. Like I said a week ago, when all the projects are done I will make easy to understand Drawings and put them on a Page at the top of our Blog. 
Found in La Posa West.
Once the panels were fastened down for traveling I took the time to Measure a few other things that I plan on mounting on the Trailer Ladder shortly. The first will be brackets to secure the HD Antenna pole so that we can get the local news wherever we may be. I’ll also be mounting a flexible flag pole that we’ll fly a Wind Sock from making it easier to locate our trailer when we are camped out in BLMs or LTVAs.  
Kathy wants to bring this home with us.
Before I could get wrapped up in one of those projects Kathy called me in for lunch. She had used some of the Leftover Lettuce to make tasty Salad with Balsamic Dressing and a Tortilla and Ground Beef mixture what had a number of Vegetables in it. It all tasted great and there is still more for another meal. 
While eating our lunch, we talked about going to see where we would like to set up when we leave Quail Run RV Park on Tuesday. Even though we know we could never pick the exact spot we’d be staying at we could narrow it down to which area we’d set up in. 
The temperature was comfortable enough we just brought our jackets in case. We had been advised by George of Our Awesome Travels why he preferred to stay where he was but we had to see for ourselves. We drove around all the La Posa LTVAs and understood what George meant. They all had Trash Bins but only La Posa South has the Potable Water and the Waste Tank Dump-Outs. 
Since we had to pass by the Vendor’s Area we stopped in so we could walk around to see who the new vendors were. There were quite a few that were open which was a surprise since this was New Year’s Day. We couldn’t drive down the service road as it was again “Closed Due To Flooding”. There even seemed to be a current to the water as it washed over the road. 
We continued North of Quartzsite to check out the BLM Lands that we had seen on our trip to Parker. The first was the Hi Jolly section which would be hard to maneuver our trailer around in an extremely Primitive setting where you would have shrub surrounding if not Scratching your RV as you drove through. There was No Potable Water, Sewer or Garbage. 
Traveling further North we were pleasantly surprised at the Plomosa Road lands. There was plenty of wide open spaces with the shoulders of the road having been recently graded. There was no Potable Water, Sewer or Garbage. 
Water over the road looks like a small Rapid.
We were heading back towards Home when Kathy saw the sign for Tyson Road lands. Turning around and heading back we got part way up the road only to find another sign saying “Closed Due To Flooding”. This time you could really see the current as it sped by the road barriers. 
For supper we had Hamburgers that were grilled on our Weber Q. We decided where we’ll be heading when we leave on Tuesday. Tomorrow we’ll be busy getting things ready for the Move. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration 

Young love is a flame; very pretty, often very hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deep burning, unquenchable. 

Henry Ward Beecher, American Clergyman


  1. When it rains here in the desert it floods, but will soon be gone again. The areas with no water,sewage or trash bins are free camping areas. The other are pay areas and all will be quite busy in a couple of weeks.

  2. We have found a spot at LaPosa South LTVA that we really like and though we have scouted other areas it is the spot we will probably always try for. We also like being out in the Plomosa Road area.(Maybe because it was the first place we parked out there and free is nice.) We have not parked in a bad spot in the area just some we like better then others. I am sure you will find a spot that will suit the two of you just right.
