
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Holding A Dinosaur’s Tooth, Quartzsite Yacht Club, Movie Night and Choose a Profile.

Our Location today is Quartzsite, Arizona, U.S.A. 

Even though it was a cold we kept ourselves covered throughout the night and I still managed to be up shortly after 7:30 MST this morning. As soon as I’d gone through my routine of opening the window shades in the living area and getting things ready for breakfast I turned on our computers. As is also part of my routine The Weather Network was the first program that was opened. The outside temperature was a warm 43 F (6 C) at 7:45 MST. I know that everyone back home wouldn’t mind this warmth that we are experiencing compared to the freezing temperatures and snow that they are getting but they didn’t travel all this distance for the warm temperatures. 

I’d barely started reading the morning Blogs that we follow when Kathy came downstairs at 8:05 for breakfast. We discussed what else I needed to do to get our large inverter hooked up and running before we leave here on January 3rd when we’ll be heading out to La Posa LTVA to be Off the Grid. After finishing our morning reading and chores we had some errands to run. 

It was shortly after 10:30 when we drove to Herb’s Hardware in Quartzsite. To safely transfer the electrical power from our 3,000 Watt Pure Sine Wave Inverter to the trailer’s Electrical Panel we needed a heavier gauge Cable. As soon as the associates at the door heard what I wanted they brought me to what they had left. As luck would have it, there was just the right length of 8 AGW Cable that we needed.  

After spending yesterday working on the trailer we needed to do some walking so we headed down to the Vendors Area to see what other vendors had arrived. Instead of going to the vendors under the tents first we wandered over to some of the Gem and Rock Vendors to see what everyone makes such a big fuss about. When these rocks are mined, they don’t look like much but after some cleaning and polishing they are beautiful. Kathy even got to hold a Dinosaur Tooth that was millions of years old.  

Wandering over to another rock vendor he was saying that in the six years he’s been coming here it has never been this cold. He said normally it would be cold for two or three days and then be in the low to mid seventies the rest of the time. At K & B Tools we purchase some metal stakes that we’ll be able to use to tie down our Gazebo with. The last time we used it the wind nearly took it to OZ and we didn’t want that happening again. 

It was 12:30 when we left there so we thought that we’d try a different restaurant for lunch. We ended up at the Quartzsite Yacht Club where we chose to try their Fish and Chips for our meal. We’ll definitely be back. 
The remaining Cable still coiled on the ground behind me.
Back Home Kathy went to the Park Clubhouse to exchange some books while I started wiring the Disconnect Breaker Box for the Large Inverter. When she got back Kathy sat outside in the heat of the sun but out of the breeze reading while I continued to work. Jack another park resident stopped by inquiring about the Solar Panels today and what is necessary to set them up.  Even though I showed him the Inverters, Batteries and Charge Controller he just couldn’t stop looking at the Solar Panels and the way they were mounted. I only managed to wire the one Cable into the Disconnect Box when I closed up for the day. 
Around 5:00 it was really cooling down so we went in where Kathy cooked Bacon and Eggs for our supper topped with a Hot Cup of Apple Cider. 
Just before 7:00 we headed to the Clubhouse for a Movie Night. Neither of us caught the name of the movie that was based on an actual Coast Guard rescue in the early thirties. We believe this move was just released in the last year. It shows what people’s determination can accomplish and we would have given it Two Thumbs Up. 

I try to comment on as many of the Blogs on our Sidebar as I can. However, there is some kind of new sign-in that keeps asking me after I’ve written a comment to choose a Profile. There is an Empty Box that as soon as you click on it you can’t fill it in. I’ve asked Google for help and it doesn’t have a clue as to what I’m referring to. In order to post a Blog, you have to be Signed-in on your Personal or Blog’s Profile but that is not what it means. There are at least a dozen such Blogs that I can no longer leave comments on. It could be something that was change to prevent Spam but it is keeping legitimate commenters from leaving messages.  

Tomorrow we’ll see what we can do. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration 

For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
Francis Bacon, English Philosopher


  1. There should be drop down carrot in the box that you can click to chose your log in if things work right.

  2. You gotta love a "handy" man who can set up an entire solar panel system by himself. I'm lucky if I can just plug in my computer!!

  3. Rick I have the same problem on some of the blogs where I try to post a comment.

  4. I know some people also have difficulty commenting on my blog posts but others can. I post ours to Facebook so those people can put a comment there if they choose.

  5. We have had a good meal at the Quartzsite Yacht Club every time we stopped by.
