
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Damp Weather, Fast Hockey, Good Visit and Photo Editing.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada. 

When Kathy saw her family doctor the other day she got her yearly Flu Shot. Yesterday I spent the day outside in all that Fresh Air, working on setting up our basement so that when traveling we can comfortably survive off the grid for extended periods of time. We also added our Skylight Shade Panel which for one thing really keeps the early morning sunlight and street lights from waking us when sleep is needed. Combine any of those with the Sound of Raindrops falling on our roof and we had no problems whatsoever falling and staying asleep last night. 
Short break in the rain this morning.
We both woke shortly after 8:00 this morning knowing we were limited to the amount of time we’d be at Home today. With the completion of breakfast, we both had a chance to finish our morning reading before getting chores done that would finalize in our heading out the door shortly before 10:30. 
Fall colours starting to show.
We were heading in the direction of Lakeshore where we planned on watching our grandson Tyler play hockey. When we stayed Home last winter in preparation to becoming Fulltimers we only missed a couple of his games for the entire season and that was because we were both sick. Since we’ll be leaving soon we want to get in as many games as we can before we leave. 
Tyler with the puck.
We were nearly at the rink when Kathy suggested stopping for a Snack and Hot Chocolate at Tim Hortons. The snack turned into a Breakfast Wrap which actually tasted fairly decent and was filling enough that we wouldn’t be needing lunch. The large Hot Chocolates were so hot we ended up bringing them along to the ice rinks to finish drinking them. 
Tyler (Black #3) intersecting the puck.
Arriving at the New Belle River Arena around 11:30 we walked in from the parking lot with our daughter Karen. The game started at 11:45 and within fifteen seconds Tyler’s team scored the first goal. Due to the Fourteen to Twenty-year old age group of this division there were very few breaks in the action. Also due to the age of the players some have job commitments away from the team so players need to be able to play multiple positions. Today Tyler who normally plays Forward was playing Defense and he seemed to do such a good job of it that his team won 6 to 0 shutting out the other team. 
Tyler (Black #3) trying to steal the puck.

After the game we headed over to Karen’s home in Tecumseh where we visited for a while. Her home is still in restoration mode after hundreds of Tecumseh residences were flooded when two months of rain fell in only two hours. Sanford didn’t go far from our sides because he hardly sees us lately not like when we would stop in during the day and just visit with him. It was a pleasant visit and we finally headed for Home after 2:00. 
Sanford staying close with his security blanket getting an ear rub.
(Should have been called Linus).
By the time we arrived at the trailer Kathy really needed a Snap so while she did that I went outside to dump our tanks. Back inside I started editing the Wedding Pictures that were shot on Friday and my eyes suddenly closed as well. Nearly a half hour passed before we both woke up. Later when I talked about emptying the tanks Kathy didn’t realize I’d done it. 
Karen's basement minus the waterlogged furniture, carpeting
and the bottom of the walls that absorbed the water.
Another view.
For supper Kathy made a simple Macaroni and Cheese Dish with a Fruit Cup for dessert. Hopefully the rain will have stopped before we get up in the morning so that we can continue getting things ready for our southwest departure. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.


  1. Hi guys. That is such a shame when something so natural as rain can destroy things like that. It was nice you were able to visit Karen and the kids before leaving.

  2. So sad to look at those basement photos. But so glad it wasn't worse.
