
Friday, October 14, 2016

Cold Feet, Picked Up Our Inverter and Tying The Knot.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Being tall sometimes has its advantages but other times it can be a real pain. Last night turned in to the later when I woke up and my feet were freezing even with the furnace taking the edge off the cold air. My feet were definitely under the covers but because RV beds are only inches longer than I am my feet are definitely not protected. The only solution was to do something I hate doing and that was to put socks on to go to bed. The next thing I knew it was minutes before 8:00 and time to start the day. 

I had the blinds up in the living and dining room as well as starting to make breakfast when I heard Kathy starting to stir. A fast look at the Weather Network showed the outside temperature of 39 F (4 C) at the time with the high expected of 59 F (15 C) later this afternoon. 

As we were eating breakfast and discussing what we had to do the phone started ringing. It was Jim from Windsor Starters Powerhouse telling me our 3,000 Watt Pure Sine Wave Inverter had arrived just as they were closing up last night so it was ready for pick up. That call changed all our plans. Since we were heading to Windsor today made it a perfect timing and that would allow me to make more progress working in the basement tomorrow. 

I had waited to take my shower until this morning so I had to hustle because we were now leaving earlier than first estimated. We arrived at Windsor Starters Powerhouse in Windsor shortly after 11:00 all dressed to attend a wedding. Imagine the stares we were getting from all the mechanics in greasy coveralls. There was no one at the desk and since we didn’t have time to waste I went behind the stock racks and found Jim attempting to eat his breakfast. Minutes later the bill was paid and we were off. 
Aunt Kathy helping Liam with his Boutonniere.
Our next stop was at Riverside Car Wash. With everything we still have to do before we head south in just over two weeks I haven’t had a chance to wash our vehicles and the car had to be clean for today. Within ten minutes the car was shiny clean on the outside and equally clean on the inside. It was worth it and I didn’t even get my hands wet. 
Stephen (Groom) first time wearing a suit.
It was now nearly noon so we stopped at McDonalds where we each had a Sweet Chili Chicken Wrap that was more than enough for lunch. We also needed those few minutes to relax because we knew the rest of the day would be full steam ahead. 
(L-R) Theresa (Bride's Grandmother),
 Christine and Kathie (Bride's Mother).
The next stop was at the Green Shield Offices to submit my claim for the Specialized Blood Test the Optometrist sent me for. 
Driving the Bride to City Hall.
We arrived at our dear friend Kathie’s apartment shortly after 1:00 where Kathy and Cindy (the Maid-of-Honour) started helping Christine get into her wedding dress. I busied myself helping Liam put on his tie, shape his Pocket Square and I even tried my hand as a Taylor because his trousers were too long. I pinned them in place but since he is an active eleven-year-old the pins would soon disappear. I even had to go next door to help Stephen (the groom) with his tie and boutonniere. He claimed he had never worn a suit before. 
(L-R) Bill (Best Man), Stephen (Groom)
and Larry (Father of the Groom)
Needing to be downtown before time Kathy and I had the honour of driving Christine (the Bride), Kathie (the Bride’s mother) and Liam (the Bride’s son). We had forgotten that the city of Windsor is presently in the process of building a new City Hall so after dropping everyone off at the old location I had to go in search of a parking spot. 
(L-R) Bill (Best Man) Stephen (Groom), Christine (Bride) and Cindy (Maid-of-Honour).
The bride and groom had asked for an outdoor service if the weather co-operated and it did. The temperature actually hit 61 F (16 C) with a light breeze it was perfect. The Justice of the Peace Amanda took about fifteen minutes performing a very scripted ceremony that everyone was very happy with before presenting to those in attendance Stephen and Christine McLeish as man and wife. After taking a number of pictures including some that included all that attended in the green space at City Hall more pictures followed down at Jackson Park 
It's official, Mr. and Mrs. McLeish.
After taking a number of pictures under different settings we left Jackson Park around 4:45 and stopped back at Kathie’s apartment where Christine and others chose to change into more casual clothes. By 5:30 everyone headed over to Franco’s Italian Restaurant where a simple reception was held with approximately 30 people in attendance. 
Everyone that turned out for this special occasion,
except the guy behind the lens.
I spoke about making a special gift in the past but couldn’t post it. Today that special gift was on display where both our friend Kathie and her daughter Christine along with others in attendance broke into tears when they read it. Ross passed away back in May had wanted to walk his daughter Christine down the aisle on her wedding day. Our little sign reminded everyone that just because someone we love is not with us today, it doesn’t mean they are not here in spirit. The meal was only Italian Salad, Penne Pasta and an assortment of Pizzas but it was all very satisfying. The Newly Weds had a chance to visit for a short time with everyone before the dinner ended. 
It was past 9:00 after we dropped Kathie off at her apartment and had a short visit. Christine, Stephen and Liam stopped by to thank Kathy and myself for helping to make their Wedding Day Special. 

We arrived Home shortly after 10:00 and are looking forward to waking when we do in the morning. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

Ask a silly question 

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to commit suicide, 

is that considered a hostage crisis?

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