
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Saving Money by Running Errands and Visiting Our Friend In Need.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada. 

This morning I was up shortly after 7:00 and had the chance to get everything ready for breakfast before turning on my computer. I’d finished reading the local news, the Weather Network, answering my E-mails but had only opened our blog when Kathy came downstairs just after 8:30. She didn’t have to say that she was feeling just a bit better I could see a glow that had been missing for the last few days starting to return. 

Once breakfast was finished we both sat at the computers finishing our coffees as well as the morning blogs we follow. Once I’d completed my reading I took my time getting my chores completed before starting to haul things out to the car.  

It was nearly 10:30 when we were driving out the gate heading towards Windsor. Our first stop would be TD Bank on Grand Marias to do some banking. It took a bit longer than expected because it seemed others had chosen the same time to arrive and the place was packed. 
This is not what I remember Huron Church Road looking like.
Since we were on the west side of Windsor we drove further west until turning north on Huron Church Road. Anyone who has ever crossed the Ambassador Bridge would know that road by name but we weren’t crossing the border instead we drove to Bogar Truck Parts and Service. I had figured that if anyone in the city would have the stem for our Airbags they would. Being just up the road from an International Border Crossing they deal with all kinds of trucks. When the first parts clerk couldn’t find what I needed they asked a senior clerk. He asked me what I wanted so after repeating it word for word he disappeared for two minutes. When he returned he presented me with the replacement part for the stem we have. This fitting will keep the moisture out of the threads of the fitting and should never seize up again. For just over eleven dollars for two pieces that was a bargain. 
Beautiful clear warmer day .
We then travelled to Guardian Storage where after checking for mail we did some shopping in our Climate Controlled Storage Unit. We were only there about ten minutes before heading over to the Credit Union where more banking was done before going for lunch.  
It was past 12:30 when we arrived at Arby’s where we used coupons and had a filling lunch at a greatly reduced price. Since we were in the same parking lot we also picked up a few things at Dollarama. Got to keep those costs down. They didn’t have everything we needed so a stop at Walmart, Canadian Tire and Tim Hortons took place before we had everything we needed. 
Next we stopped at our friend Kathie’s apartment where we found her visiting with her mother. The last time we’d seen Theresa was at her winter home just outside of Fort Myers, Florida. We spent just over an hour visiting and Kathie was in a better frame of mind then when we saw her just over a week ago. 

We still had a few more stops to make when we left just after 3:00 and the first was at our daughter Karen’s home in Tecumseh to drop off a reusable food storage container that she had sent home with us filled with a very tasty Ham and Bean Soup. Tyler had just gotten home from school so I still got a hug. Kathy had stayed in the car to avoid catching any more germs. 

Our next stop was at Shoppers Drug Mart on Manning Road to stock up on the rest of the Vitamins we’ll need to have when we go south. Fortunately, Nancy the clerk explained to us that if you are a senior, have an Optimum Points Card and shop on Thursdays you get quite a discount on regular priced items. Some of the vitamins will just have to wait until Thursday before we pick them up. 

We then drove to Leisure Trailer Sales in Lakeshore in an attempt to exchange the Screen Door sliding panel with the knob type latch release. We purchased it on Saturday and as soon as we got home I found out it was too small for our door. Brad the service tech had thought they made larger ones from Jayco but after both parts clerks searched the books, online and their shelves we only walked out with a refund. 
Kathy noticed that we still had a gift card for Swiss Chalet and wanted to use it up so we went back to the Manning Road location in Tecumseh. We overly enjoyed their Tuesday Specials and we won’t need anything to eat until at least breakfast. 

We were back Home in McGregor in time to watch the 6 o’clock News. Tomorrow I hope to make serious headway on some of our projects while Kathy does what she can since we are now under the six-week mark before we head south for the winter. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

Ask a silly question 

Why is ‘abbreviated' such a long word?