
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Plans Changed and Needing an Ark.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada. 

Again this morning we both managed to sleep a bit later than we wanted to but with the sound of the rain steadily falling on the roof all night it was not hard to do. As we sat having breakfast we discussed what we were going to accomplish for the day all of which would get us a step closer to our southern departure in five weeks. We even managed to get our morning reading along with our chores completed before heading out the door. 
The rain that had continued throughout the night had intensified slowing our trek to Windsor as we watched traffic ahead of us sending plumes of water spraying towards the sides of the roads. Neither Kathy or I had seen the rain coming down this much in this area as long as we could remember.
There's a parking lot over there.
Since we weren’t sure when we’d be having lunch if we waited until later so we thought that stopping at A&W on Walker Road at 11:30 was as good a time as any. Having coupons helped keep the costs down as we enjoyed a tasty meal. What we didn’t enjoy was that as we watched out the window the intensity of the rain increased to the point that we couldn’t see our car that was only twenty feet from the door and it continued that way for nearly a half hour. 
It was lucky that we’d worn our raincoats because the rain only slowed but would continue for most of the afternoon. Our next stop was at the Canadian Blood Services where I would donate my last half-liter of blood in Canada for this year. When we walked in I was surprised how few donors were there. As I began speaking with the attendants they had seen a News Flash on the Television Monitors that there had been localized flooding from all the rain we’d had so far this morning. Donors as well as volunteers were calling in saying they couldn’t make it due to their basements flooding. 
Note the Storm Sewer spewing water into the ditch.
Kathy and I had planned on crossing the International Border to activate our new TracFone as well as having supper while we were there. If the reports of flooding in Windsor and Tecumseh were true, the freeways in Detroit would surely be flooded. We decided to reschedule our trip until Saturday morning allowing streets time to dry out and still giving us more than thirty days before we again cross the border for our trip south. If we return to the US in less than thirty days after coming Home, US Immigrations deems us as not having left their country which would affect when we’d have to return by in the spring. 
These portable storage units can be stored at your home.
We stopped at Guardian Storage and the reports of flooding were true as they had already rented six of their portable units to people whose basements had been flooded. We got our Mail and additional clothes from the bins inside our Climate Controlled Storage Unit. 
Kathy was concerned about our daughter Karen and son-in-law Greg’s house in Tecumseh so she wanted to check it out. When we arrived they were both home dealing with a wet basement because their sump-pump just couldn’t keep up with the water leaking through the walls. The water was only a couple inches deep in their basement but their neighbour had two feet of water in their basement. When Greg had arrived home their street was under three feet of water and he had the pictures to prove it. When we arrived the water had receded to the next block where the water in the street was down to the top of the curbs. They declared a state of emergency in Tecumseh as there were so many homes damaged by the flood waters. 
Next block from Karen and Greg's home.
Earlier the water was three feet deep.
We offered to help them move things but they said their insurance will take care of it so we headed for Home. All along our route fields, parking lots and ditches were full of water. When we arrive back at the park the water hazards on the Golf Course that were three feet from the top when we left this morning were inches away from spilling over the top. 
There's a ten foot ditch under there.
Watching the Detroit News at 5:00 we were very happy we changed our minds as we saw scenes of flooded streets and freeways after they were hit with nearly six inches of rain. On the local 6 o’clock News we were in awe at the flooding that happened locally. Tecumseh like Detroit had received nearly six inches of rain. The weather guessers were saying that over a month’s worth of rain had fallen in a matter of hours which cause the flooding. We could get even more rain tonight. 
The water hazard inches away from flooding the fairway.
Kathy and I are both glad that it would be very difficult for our basement to flood. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes 

How to Avoid the Mistletoe at an Office Party 

Locate the mistletoe immediately upon entering the room. Shrug off the friendly hellos of co-workers and resist the urge to attack the buffet. Your first priority is to find which corner the little devil is hanging in.

1 comment:

  1. WOW....the parking lot photo really shows how much rain has come down.
    Glad to read that Karen and Greg were safe. My parents' basement flooded once. What a mess. Hope the insurance comes through for those two.
