
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Moving On and We Weren’t There

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada. 

We haven’t got a clue what happen last night but we both slept so soundly that it was nearly 8:30 by the time we woke up this morning. Even after we’d been up for a few minutes it still felt that we were walking in a fog. Once our breakfast was over we did spend a short while getting caught up on reading our E-mails before packing up. 
Sanford with his Blankey. (Should have been called Linus)
That’s right I had to pack up our computers and Turbo Hub while Kathy gathered a few food stocks that she didn’t want to spoil if we were to leave them in the fridge. The reason she was gathering these was to bring them along where we could consume them within the next couple days. By the time I finished packing up our pillows and CPAP equipment it wasn’t long after that we were on our way out the door.
Today our journey was taking us only fifteen minutes from our Home. We were on our way to our daughter Karen’s home to not only house sit but to spend time taking care of our grandfurchild Sanford while his family was gone away for a few days. As soon as we arrived we were barraged with sloppy doggy kisses and being fanned by a wagging tail that could barely be seen. After bringing our belongings into the house and getting things set up we now had a very curious little doggy on our hands because we have never stayed overnight before. 
Sanford playing football.
We all went outside in hopes of giving Sanford some playtime. When we lived in the apartment we used to take him for walks as well as playing ball with him but today was different. Today we weren’t in any rush so he seemed to relax. We’d been told to make ourselves at home so when Kathy saw some bananas that were about to go bad she looked at what she could make for supper. Not finding all the ingredients needed to create her masterpiece I was sent with a list to the Zehrs grocery store. 
Luckily Greg our son-in-law has a big barbecue, since we didn’t bring our Weber Q with us, so I was busy grilling a zucchini and some spare ribs for our supper when we got a phone call on our home phone system, from our son Gary. He is in the process of finding a home in the area so that he can move his family back from Welland. This weekend our daughter-in-law Jennifer and the kids had also come to visit the area. Today they were also attending a Stag and Doe for friends they have known for years and it was taking place at the Co-an Park just up the street from Wildwood Golf and RV Park and they had thought they would just drop in for a quick visit. If we’d have known that they were coming this weekend we could have made other plans. After explaining where we are and why we apologized but Gary said not to worry and we’d get together another time. 
Sanford with his blankey staying close
The meal tasted great and we had the dishes washed before we had to deal with watching the News on a complicated TV setup. Sanford is finally starting to relax but still can’t figure out why we’re getting ready to sleep over. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

Witty Words of Wisdom 

It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser.

1 comment:

  1. We need a cat sitter in December for about four free? Hehehe
