
Monday, July 25, 2016

More Hot Weather, The Truck Is Ready and A Change Of Plans.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada. 

The bad habit was back again last night. After only a couple of hours sleep I was once again taking a Tylenol and sitting at the computer in hopes that I’d soon be able to go back to bed. Due to Kathy’s allergies during this high heat the only way she can survive is to close the windows and run the Air Conditioner. When the temperatures were bearable we both slept soundly the entire night with the windows open. We are so looking forward to cooler temperatures and then maybe I’ll sleep every night. The Humidex at 3:00 this morning was still at 99 F (37 C) so there was no reason to wonder why the A.C. was still running at that time. 

Just before I returned to bed this morning our area was hit by a severe thunderstorm. It pounded the trailer for well over an hour but by morning the only evidence was the standing water on the patios. After breakfast I decided to check the rain gauge we have planted in our Fairy Garden. Looking at the gauge it showed we received seven eighths of an inch of rain. Looking inside the Fairy Garden the water was level to the top of the rim. 
This evening's Sunset.
Shortly after lunch I headed over to do our laundry in the Park Laundry Room. Surprisingly for a Monday there were only a few people doing their cleaning. The fact that the Humidex was only 104 F (40 C) might have had something to do with it. Around 2:00 Kathy called my cell phone telling me the truck was ready. She had been indisposed when the message came in so I called Jim at Windsor Gas and Diesel to get more information. The part came in while they were having lunch so that was the first thing they worked on afterwards. There had been a couple of broken solder joints and a burnt crystal. Now everything is working according to their meters and the truck fired up the instant they turned the key. The entire cost is less than using a new Processor from Ford and it now has a lifetime warrantee. Since we are going to Windsor tomorrow we’ll pick the truck up then. 
Brisket Burger with sauerkraut, Greek Salad and fruit cup.
Back at the trailer it felt good to be where it was cool for a while even as we put our folded clothes away. Around 5:00 while Kathy busied herself making a wonderful Greek Salad I was outside grilling a couple of Brisket Burgers on our Weber Q. Even with the heat set on low each time I closed the lid it only took a minute for the heat to reach four hundred degrees inside. 
Our Fur Grandkid Sanford.
While celebrating our granddaughter Kylla’s birthday yesterday our daughter Karen had asked us to house and puppy sit next weekend. After supper she called with a change of plans. Being retired helps us to be flexible with our plans. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.


She was engaged to a boyfriend with a wooden leg but broke it off.

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