
Monday, July 4, 2016

Chores, Backyard Experts and Fire Concerns.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada. 

Sleeping with the windows wide open last night was a real treat. All that fresh air just had us sawing logs until the sun decided it was time for us to get up. It was a good thing that we did get up when we did because by the time we’d finished eating breakfast the clouds had completely filled the sky. 
As soon as the clock showed it was 9:00 this morning I was on the phone trying to reach Jim at Windsor Gas and Diesel. After hearing it ring for nearly three minutes without going to message I started wondering if he’d taken an extra day off for his long weekend. I did the only other thing I could, I went outside to water the grass and flowers. Kathy spent time making entrees on her Bookkeeping Spreadsheet. 
It was nearly 11:00 by the time I talked to Jim. Explaining what time that I’d called he explained he was on the phone while working under a Jeep. That would not be hard to believe because I’ve seen him do it in the past. Explaining our problem with the truck he figured it was either a bad starter or cable so all I had to do was get it there.  
Minutes later I was on the phone with C.A.A. (Canadian Automobile Association) requesting a flatbed to transport the truck. I described the truck as an F-350 4X4 long box dually crew cab.  Within thirty minutes we were getting a call from the towing company as they arrived at the gate. The driver could only shake his head when he saw the truck because it was bigger than his tow-truck. He apologized and called his boss reporting the mistake. Ten minutes later a ten ton low-boy flatbed showed up. The operator had it loaded and all fastened down in minutes but then one of our neighbours who had nothing better to do came out trying to tell the guy how to do his job.  

We didn’t go with the truck because we had other things that needed to be done here at Home and Jim might not have it fixed today. After sorting the laundry, I headed to the in park laundry room. Kathy busied herself vacuuming and dusting inside the trailer. By the time I’d returned with all the folded clothes she’d even scrubbed out the shower.

Watching the 6 o’clock News they were reporting that our area is under an Extreme Fire Risk due to the lack of rain we’ve been receiving. That means a ban on all open fires until the risk diminishes. Since the beginning of spring our area has only gotten about twenty-five percent of the normal rainfall. They are even cautioning area farmers because they are already harvesting the Winter Wheat and it would not take much to set those fields on fire. The temperatures for the next few days will be hovering around the Century Mark. 

We are grateful the problem with the truck didn’t happen while we were on the road but we’ll be keeping our fingers crossed that we hear some good news from Jim tomorrow. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

The World's Great Proverbs 

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.


  1. Glad the problem did happen while you are both at home. Hope they can fix it and fast.

  2. I hope the truck is repaired inexpensively and quickly...
