
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Special Phone Calls, Special Celebrations And A First Campfire.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada. 

Even with the high heat we had yesterday we were still able to comfortably sleep with the windows open. We were both up and ready to start the day by 8:00 this morning and knowing from the weather forecast that it was going to be another hot one we even thought of escaping someplace cool. Our problem was that with the roof coating that I applied the fine print said not to get it wet for at least twenty-four hours so that meant no AC. 
Our Lily plant now has two open flowers that the Hummingbirds come to visit daily.
As soon as breakfast was over I was outside watering our newly seeded grass in hopes of saving it from the high heat. That didn’t take long so within minutes I was back inside the shade of the trailer. Luckily there was a cool breeze blowing coming from the north that was keeping us comfortable. 
Special visitor resting on our patio this morning.
Then the Father’s day phone wishes started first our daughter Karen and she included an invitation for us to go for Hamburgers at their house. When Kathy talked to her things got changed around and Karen said she’d bring the burgers and salads so she could finally see our park and the site we’re at. 

That sent Kathy and I both outside to start cleaning up the site. When you are working things can get messy so a little sweeping the twigs off the patio to make things look neat was not a big deal. The phone rang again and it was Karen saying the entire family was coming around 5:00. No problem but Kathy thought maybe we should go buy a cake. 

We were eating lunch and the phone rings and our son Kevin calls to exchange Father’s day wishes with me. They had plans which involved screaming kids. I wished him good luck. 

The phone rang again, luckily Kathy answered because Karen was asking if they could bring Greg’s parents, Ray and Rose to join in the barbecue and see our trailer. Of course we had plenty of room and chairs. Kathy mentioned about the cake and Karen responded she would be bringing it. 
Kathy, Greg and Kylla enjoying some cake.
We got all the folding camp chairs from the shed and started setting up our patio for this gathering. All around us other families were taking advantage of this beautiful day to visit. That’s when the phone rang again and it was our son Gary calling from near his home in Welland Ontario to also exchange a warm Father’s Day wish but it didn’t stop there. The entire family was in the car as they drove to Niagara Falls for a visit so I got to talk to them all. They are planning on moving back to the Essex area this summer and we are looking forward to that day. 
Karen, with Greg's folks, Ray and Rose enjoying the cool shade and cake.
Luckily for Kathy and I there was a cool breeze and plenty of shade on the door side of the trailer. Once we were ready for everyone to arrive we cleaned off our Tandem Bike from all the bird droppings under our trailer skirt. The uninvited family of birds had flown the coop in the last few days so now was a good time to clean up. Using gloves and a hook I dug the entire nest out of the pinbox filling the equivalent of a three-gallon pail of twigs, grass, mud and feathers. I tossed that whole mess into the firepit.  
Karen watching from a distance as Kylla shows Tyler how to play Flip the Bottle.
Having moved the car to our neighbour’s Bob and Sherri’s site after they left for the day gave plenty of parking for two more vehicles on our site. Everyone arrived right on time and Karen had been busy making all the food. We immediately started the Weber and got the hamburgers cooking while Karen and Kathy prepped the other foods inside. 
Greg and Kylla returning from a short spin.
Everyone enjoyed the food that our daughter had made and brought from home. Ray and Rose were amazed at the size of the trailer and couldn’t get over how much interior space there was. They were all laughing that we had a Tandem Bike but finally Greg took our Granddaughter Kylla for a short spin with it. Karen didn’t want to go for a ride so I ended up taking Kylla for another ride around the entire park. Shortly after 7:00 they had to say goodnight because Greg is on Midnight Shift this month. Thank You for a wonderful Father’s day barbecue/picnic Karen. 
Kylla and I returning from a ride around the park.
It took Kathy and I less than five minutes to close everything up outside but we didn’t go in, instead we set our chairs up by our firepit. It only took a single lit piece of paper tucked in the side of the pit to start our first campfire since we officially became Fulltimers. Kathy also got to enjoy her first roasted marshmallows of the year.  
Kathy enjoying her first roasted marshmallows of the year.
When our neighbours Ted and Eileen returned home from an outing we invited them to share our fire but due to some allergies only Ted did. Ted however did not come empty handed as he brought us some Watermelon to top off our night. We had a chance to learn more about the park and got to know our neighbour better enjoying every minute. It was past 9:30 by the time I extinguished our fire for the night. 
Birds nests are perfect fire-starters.
We’ve set up the Air Conditioner for tomorrow because the Humidex will be over the Century Mark for our area. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time. 


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes 

You Know You Work at the Branch Office If 

you share a restroom with Pay Day Loans.

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