
Monday, June 6, 2016

Neighbours Helping Neighbours.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Kathy told me that she had trouble falling asleep last night but then she slept soundly until this morning. I on the other hand struggled to get any sleep at all last night. After laying in bed this morning for quite a while my back started to object so I figured it was time to start the day. We spoke of my plans for the day as we ate breakfast and then spent a short time on the computers. 
That woodpile is actually a mouse house.
We have a very likeable neighbour Stan who lives directly behind our trailer who has been dealing with a number of personal health issues this year. Due to those health concerns he has only been out to his trailer once for a quick look. His friends Ted and Larry have been trying to keep his site clean and kept up. Unfortunately, his woodpile was set directly on the ground and because of his absence it attracted field-mice. Larry has been in contact with Stan’s wife and explained the problem. She gave permission to get rid of it without involving the park management. 
Ted helping to load the truck.
Today was cleanup day and I’d barely got outside when help arrived. Everyone took a few logs off the top of the pile but the majority was small kindling pieces of wood. Ted helped me to load the back of our truck with all the kindling along with a number of logs. By the time we had finished we’d disturbed two mice and a toad all of which scurried off to find new homes. Ted then set up a specially made trap that would clean up the rodent housing problem. 
No more mouse house.
I spent the next fifteen minutes trimming the grass on our site with our Black & Decker trimmer mower. It does a great job and it feels like you are vacuuming the grass rather than mowing it. 
Trimming our lawn
After securing the load shortly after lunch Kathy and I drove to our son Kevin’s house in Amherstburg. I’d called him before hand and even knew that he would not be home when we got there. I had unloaded half the wood from the truck when Kevin arrived from picking up our grandson Cameron at school. Cameron enjoys watching campfires in their backyard so the wood that was delivered today will be gone by the end of the month. 
Cleaning up the truck with Kevin.
Even though the temperature only reached 84 F (29 C) the bright sunlight this afternoon made it feel much warmer. We stopped at McDonalds where we each enjoyed a two-dollar smoothie that helped us to cool down.  
Brisket Burgers and Watermelon.
The wind had picked up by the time we got Home but we were hungry for Smoked Brisket Burgers. It took little time to grill on the Weber, while Kathy sautéed some onions for the buns. We are getting to prefer these over hamburgers. 
The 6 o’clock News showed we could expect a popup Thunderstorm within the hour and they were right on the money however they missed that it would keep recurring until after 9:00 this evening. We had a beautiful sunset. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. 

Then it hit me.


  1. I always cut up some onion, add a little butter and put it in an aluminum pouch for the grill. By the time the burgers or whatever is done, the onions are done too. Just a suggestion.

  2. I do the onions and veggies the same way as Flowergirl. no Need to dirty pots and pans.

  3. I think it was a good idea to get rid of the mouse house. Those things can do some real damage if they get into your 5er.
