
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Making Things Happen.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada. 

Last night Kathy had gone to bed while I attempted to upload the blog. Strangely I had no trouble what-so-ever adding the first three pictures and then it was like someone turned a switch off and said no more. I never even thought of that until I started writing this evening’s post. The temperature dropped down to 52 F (11 C) overnight which is far from the norm for this time of year. Having gone to sleep with most of the windows just ajar and the vents wide open around 3:30 I needed to close a couple of the vents in order to stop shivering. 

Once breakfast was finished this morning we took the time to finish our morning reading before starting other chores. Kathy completed some house cleaning before starting to make our lunch. This morning I used the Black & Decker mower/weed whacker to trim our grass before giving it a good soaking. 
Homemade Tomato/Cheddar soup.
Pineapple rings for dessert.
Kathy had made her homemade Tomato and Cheddar soup for our lunch. It’s always great tasting and has all the protein needed to carry a person through to their next meal.  

After lunch Kathy wanted some bacon grilled on the Weber so she can freeze it then simply take what is needed from the package and warm it up or break it up in a salad. Even though the outside of both store brand packages read that they contained the same bacon one package contained very thick bacon while the slices in the other were so thin you could practically see through them.  

With the temperatures being close to normal today Kathy wanted to continue cleaning the trailer since the sun had already moved to our door side she could work in the shade of the roadside. She took her time getting the last of a year’s worth of grime from that side of the trailer. 

I had to clean up the paint tray that I’d used to apply the roof coating to the roof last week. I’d had it soaking to soften it up since using it but it still took over an hour to scrape the material from the tray. Since I had a plastic shopping bag partially filled with garbage I took the time to scrape the inside of the Weber out which actually topped up that bag. My next chore was to install the two tree ornaments that we had bought at the Dollar Store yesterday into the trees. Since they are totally made of plastic I installed them on opposite sides of the tree in hopes of stopping the birds from defecating on the vehicles. Using the eighteen-foot paint-pole I got them way up there.  I’ll let you know if it works. 

Kathy had nearly completed cleaning the roadside of the trailer by the time I arrived to get the high spot she couldn’t reach. 
Zucchini, Pork Kabobs and Salad
The desserts are mixed frozen berries on yogurt.
For supper the Weber did a great job of grilling a Zucchini and some Pork-Kabobs to go with the salad Kathy had already made. 
The cooler temperatures really helped the plants.
In answer to a comment about attending the Escapade in Vermont this year? Even though we’d like to because we’ve never been to Vermont we’ll have to sit this one out because we just have too much to accomplish and too little time before heading to the southwest this coming fall. 
Kathy will definitely be using Tylenol tonight to ease some aches and pains. Tomorrow even though we have some chores to do; we plan on having a little Our Time for a special celebration. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy! 

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If 

Your year is downhill after the Daytona 500.

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