
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Adjustments Do The Trick.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Sleeping with a few windows open helped us to have a good night’s sleep last night but we couldn’t sleep too late this morning. After having breakfast and reading only our E-mails at the computers we were on the road headed to Windsor by 10:30. We had written everything down on a list yesterday because if we had waited until this morning to do it we’d have forgotten most of the things we had to do.
On our way up Walker Road we remembered that we hadn’t had the tires checked yet so we added that stop to our list. Driving down Provincial Road it took us directly to J & B Auto Recyclers. Since we still had fifteen minutes before our appointed time we stopped in to pick up the replacement window for the truck. It was all wrapped in bubble wrap and both Doug and I inspected it to make certain it was undamaged before he carried it to our truck and helped me load it.

We arrived at Fantastic Sam’s on Howard Avenue with five minutes to spare, however Jenna was already busy with two other customers. That is the advantage of being retired, we had some spare time on our hands. When she finally got to us Jenna was really anxious and envious to hear how we’ve been making out living in our RV as Fulltimers. She always does our hair just right and we were finished by lunch time.

Since we added extra stops we stopped at Wendy’s for their wonderful salad meals. Many Fulltimers say they pack a lunch to bring with them and we could see doing that if we were touring or hiking. Since we have ample eateries available for us to eat at in the city and we don’t mind eating there, we do.

Our next stop was at Benson’s Tire on Howard where we had gotten the truck tires nearly three years ago. Larry the old manager had retired and Adam had taken his place. When I explained the problem of the bumpy ride on the rear right of the truck they immediately had me back it into a bay. Since our move from the apartment we have been so busy that I had become laxed on some of my other chores. As soon as they removed the rear tires they could tell there wasn’t enough air in them. Using a soapy/water mix they found each one of the tire sensors leaking air through their caps not where they fastened to the stems. Those things are supposed to tell you if your tires are loosing air but instead these were the cause of our air loss. Every tire on the truck was under pressure so the monitors have been removed and new valve caps put on. The cost was no charge and have a good day. Thank You Benson Tire in Windsor.

Our next stop was Princess Auto where I returned a Hitch Receiver that I had planned to install on the rear of the trailer but had a change of plan. The product was in perfect condition with their barcode still attached so even without a receipt they checked my purchase record and credited my account.

We then went to the License Bureau where after standing in line for a good half hour we spent the next fifteen minutes debating why we should not have a commercial license plate on our truck. They must have a set script that they never vary from. Even with what we had been told by a retired MOT officer we left there with our old plates on the truck and some phone numbers to call.

We then stopped at Guardian Storage where we had found mail in our mailbox before going back to our Climate Controlled Storage Unit. We had more shopping to do of toiletry supplies that we stored there. Kathy and I noticed an open space starting to form by the door and we hope to see a much bigger space start to develop wit time.

After stopping at McDonalds to take advantage of their summertime drink specials, all soft drinks are only a dollar, we headed back to Wildwood Golf and RV Park. We stopped at the office because we wanted to make a payment on our electric bill instead of waiting to the end of the season and having a massive bill. We also inquired about their water system because we’ve been getting a Sulphur like smell coming from our shower. Assured they were on city-water we headed back Home to our trailer. I’d barely unloaded the truck when Joe the owner was knocking on our door. Together we brainstormed what the possible cause of the odor could be but it is not from the park’s water supply.

We both had phone messages waiting. Kathy’s blood test from yesterday was already back from the lab and her doctor wanted her to start a vitamin supplement. Mine was simply that my meds were ready for pick up.
Hotdog with Tomatoes, Sauteed Mushrooms and Macaroni Salad
Kathy sautéed some mushrooms and sliced up some tomatoes to go with the last of the macaroni salad along with the hotdogs that I grilled for supper. The good news of the day is the tire issue is fixed on the truck. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Deep Thoughts: 

 If you think a weakness can be turned into a strength, I hate to tell you this, but that's another weakness

Jack Handey


  1. Rick, try checking the rod in the hot water tank. When they wear out, you can get that smell in your water.

  2. I know about blood work and vitamins. Listen to the doc Kathy.
