
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Good News And Bad Weather.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

After all the running around getting errands taken care of yesterday we had only one problem, sleeping last night. Deep in our subconscious we both kept thinking about an appointment we had this morning. Just that bit of awareness caused us to almost be staring at the clock intermittently throughout the entire night.

When we finally got up we enjoyed a lite breakfast but we didn’t even have time to turn on our computers. The sky was overcast and we were certain we’d be getting rain any minute. Strangely just before 10:00 the sky cleared and the sun made its first appearance of the day.

Right on time Mark our Financial Advisor arrived for our once a year get together. He had only seen pictures of our trailer in the past but was amazed at the size of it up close and personal. After giving him the grand tour outside then in we sat down to do business. We had only been sitting with our budget balanced before taking the chance with our Fulltiming Adventure. After answering his questions about our new operating costs he told us we could comfortable do what we have planned to do for a long time.

Mark is much younger than either of us but is a Financial Wizard making gains when most of the market is just crawling. He commented that many of his clients keep thinking of living the way we now are but we are actually “Living the Dream”.

Once Mark left to go back to the grind we felt good about his comment but we also knew that our dream had a reality base to it called Life. Kathy went to work to finish her bookkeeping entries while I started sorting our laundry. As soon as Kathy was finished on the computer she put together a lite lunch that would carry us until supper time.

I lucked out and arrived at the park laundry room when it was empty. By the time I started to transfer everything to the dryers, other people were coming in to wash their clothes as well. That’s when we started exchanging RV travel tales of where you have travelled. Bill and Rosie have been Fulltiming now for six years and love every minute of this lifestyle. They also had jobs that held them back but as soon as they retired they got rid of their home and have been on the road since. We’ll get a chance to visit more as time goes on.

Back at the trailer Kathy had been busy sorting and rearranging the drawers and shelves in the rear bedroom. The day we moved into the trailer many things just got shoved wherever they would fit in the near vicinity that they should be. Now it is all organized where it should be making it much easier for us to find.
Seeing clouds like this we knew what was coming.
For supper I grilled some boneless pork chops on our Weber while Kathy prepped the macaroni and asparagus inside. We finished off our meal by enjoying our tea out on the patio watching the birds busily feeding their babies squawking in their nests.
Watching the 6 o’clock News we were surprised that the temperature had reached 75 F (24 C) today because with the breeze we were getting it didn’t feel like it. They also forecasted a line of severe thunderstorms heading in our direction. Shortly after 7:30 the sky quickly darkened and within minutes we were closing the windows and listening to distant thunder approaching with the rain sounding like a drum on the roof. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You're receiving child support from more than four men.

1 comment:

  1. We're getting ready to do the tent thing, but I'm enjoying reading about your RV adventures! That would be a dream come true but meanwhile gotta get my feet wet, I guess.

    Over the Hill Chick
    <a href="</a>
