
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Organizing And Assembly Starting To Show.

Our Location today is McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

I was up by 7:30 this morning and managed to get an entire half hour of reading in before Kathy crawled out of bed. The last few days of getting the apartment emptied and then organizing the trailer (our Home) had taken a toll on the both of us. Once breakfast was over and we got an hour of reading in we chose to continue with our organizing Kathy on the inside and myself out.
With today being the only nice weather forecasted for our area for the next week I chose to start assembling the frame work to our new shed. Even though it is all made of sheet metal and held together with hundreds of screws I had the entire base put together by the time Kathy called me for lunch.
Birds watching what I'm doing.
After lunch I was trying to assemble the polycarbonate walls to the lower framework with the corner posts attached. The instructions called for me to drop the panels down from the top so they could interlock. The instructions didn’t allow for the wind to pick up to speeds of twenty miles an hour. Kathy seeing me struggle came out to help with the assembly. We found many of the screw holes that were supposed line right up were far from their marks but with a little push and shove we got the walls together.

At 4:00 we drove to the Office where we paid the cash for the cement pad that was delivered ready made to size for our shed to be attached to. We continued into McGregor to the Home Hardware where I purchased some Tapcon screws and a masonry drill bit to fasten the shed down with. Our food containers we had ordered the other day had not arrived yet.
Got caught sitting to assemble the roof framing.
Back Home while Kathy got things ready for supper inside I started drilling to fasten the shed down to the slab but as soon as I started applying the Tapcon screws they both snapped off without doing what they are supposed to do. I’ll exchange the rest for a different type of anchor. Now it was also time for me to grill a couple of large chicken breasts on our Weber Q. After preheating I lowered the heat so they would cook thoroughly.  As George would say Low and Slow. Everything tasted Great.
Momma Robin keeping an eye on me from another tree.
After supper I continued adding the roof framing which also helped to stiffen the rest of the structure. One of our neighbors across the street from us was about to leave when we briefly spoke and he mentioned that he had just moved his trailer here from another park. That rang a bell when he said that and I asked him if he knew Dan the building manager from the apartment building we had just vacated. Sure enough this was Bob that Dan had been telling us about and that he planned to come to visit this summer. Amazing that he is so close. By 7:30 the wind was picking up so we packed up working on the shed for today. Without the roof and doors not too much can happen to it at this time.
It wasn't until I was attaching the roof framing
I noticed a nest with eggs in the tree behind the shed.
Slowly things are starting to come together but what’s the rush we have plenty of time to do things now that we are Fulltimers. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time. 


A fine line by Mark Twain 

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.


  1. Nothing like playing outside in the fresh air.

  2. Looks like everything is coming together smoothly.

  3. You are just at the start of making some friends from all across the country. It is one of the nicest things about FT.
