
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Getting Things Ready For Fulltiming.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Even after two nights of broken sleep and the fact that we didn’t get to bed until after midnight I still managed to wake a number of times throughout the night. We both managed to sleep until nearly 8:30 this morning because we were that tired. Since we had no real plans we took our time with breakfast and reading on the computers. We did manage to get into more sorting in preparation for our Fulltiming. Kathy was still going through files and office supplies separating what we’ll be taking with us in the trailer and what will be stored. I continued the process of selectively transferring files from my old PC to the memory stick that will eventually be transferred to the Desktop Hard Drive Storage Unit. I never realized just how many files and pictures were stored in that computer.

After lunch Kathy and I had a couple of errands to run. The first was to continue the search for the large clear storage bins that suddenly don’t seem to exist. All the stores we’ve gone into lately have all kinds of smaller bins that you would be lucky to stuff a single pair of pants into. We even checked out Home Depot and Lowes today with the same negative results. 
Gathering skids for inside the storage unit.
The next thing we needed to do was scavenge some industrial type wooden skids. Due to the extreme cold and heat our area experiences we were told and read on a number of online sites not to stack boxes or bins directly on the concrete floor because that will cause mold and mildew to form inside. The suggestion is to lay wooden pallets on the floor so the air can circulate under and around the stored containers. Having lived less than a mile from the storage yard we knew the industrial shops nearby put skids they wanted to get rid of by the curb. We lucked out finding clean skids in decent shape and put them around the outer walls of our Climate Controlled Storage Unit where we’ll pile our containers. While at the storage yard I also got the last of the weights out of the basement of the trailer that I used to carry for exercising.

With all the fresh air we breathed in today we haven’t stopped yawning since we got home. Hopefully that will help us sleep soundly tonight. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


 You Might Be a Redneck If

You amuse yourself for more than an hour with a fly swatter.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to love fulltiming. Sherri and I have been doing it for years and wouldn't change it for the world. Maybe we will link up along the way.
