
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Making Progress, Meeting Fellow RV Bloggers And Enjoying Life.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We were both up earlier than expected so we had time to get our morning reading on the computers finished before heading out the door. Since our decision about going Fulltime next spring we try to make as much of our time count towards reaching our goal of being ready.

Today we were heading out to Leamington, Ontario which is less than fifty miles from home. Taking highway 3 to get there brought us within a mile of the town of Essex where our favorite computer repair shop SX Video is located. We stopped in to drop off my laptop for repairs. When we attended the RV Dreams Reunion Rally in North Carolina back in May one of the hinges broke. Since then I could only run it for a few minutes at a time because it would also get really warm and shut down. Since that time I’ve had to use our old back up laptop to do the blogs and have been unable to post any pictures for some time. The boys said they could fix the cooling issue but I’ll probably have to leave it open and use it like a PC without closing the lid. I’ll definitely be watching the construction of the hinges on my next laptop.

We arrived at Marlene and Benno’s home in Leamington just before noon. They have recently renovated a cottage not far from the shores of Lake Erie for year round occupancy.  Marlene served up delicious lunch that was more like a meal while we talked like old friends. They are more the world travelers than we have ever been even though Kathy and I have traveled to different parts of the world long before we ever met. They have been following our blog for some time and we have been catching up on their travels with their recently published blog Marlene and Benno’s Odysseys on Land andWater. While Marlene and Kathy talked about families, travels and anything else that came to mind Benno and I were talking shop which helped him understand what we are trying to do to the trailer. Benno helped me to understand how to calculate controller sizes in relation to the batteries and solar panel. I’ve always been able to work with the electrical side of things but now I was learning the electronic aspect of it. Before we left they gave us a tour of their travel trailer and as Benno said it was small so they could see if they really liked it without going overboard besides they were used to living in tight spaces after living on their boat. They will be going south to Alabama this coming winter so we will see them again in the spring once we become Fulltimers and give them a tour of our home. Kathy and I really enjoyed our visit with this lovely couple. Thank You Marlene and Benno for the wonderful visit and the wonderful meal.

Since this is Wednesday we headed in the direction of Amherstburg for our visit with our son Kevin and Daughter-in-law Melissa. We talked of a number of things about the boys and in twenty-three days. Melissa is in a new department at work and will have to work during part of the holiday season. We also spoke of our afternoon visit and they were happy that we’d made new friends.

Tomorrow I’ll be burning up the phone lines in the morning and hopefully completing the car repair in the afternoon. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

The only time you swept your wife off her feet,

you were on a riding mower.


  1. I wonder if the computer guys can give you any suggestions for your photo issue.

  2. Always nice to meet fellow Rv'ers always something to chat about.

  3. I was just standing here at the campground bragging on Howard and Linda and what a help they have been to us over the years. Their story goes on and on and on and we are thankful they keep sharing it to help the rest of us. Enjoy the holidays!

  4. It's fun counting down the days and planning all those trips. I remember it well. I still like to plan.
