
Sunday, October 25, 2015

More Bloggers, More Hockey, and More Shopping.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

I didn’t take any chances last night before going to bed I used an extra strength Tylenol to help get a better night’s sleep. I did manage to wake only long enough to roll over and go back to sleep. That was a great improvement over the past few nights. It was such an improvement that we both slept in not getting to have our breakfast until after 8:30 this morning. Getting on the computers this morning we noticed more of the blogs we follow had written today probably due to the fact that this is the weekend. 
Tyler after the puck.
It didn’t take long afterwards and we were getting ready to head out the door. Not wanting to have the same ill effects as we did last Sunday from eating so late. We chose to stop at McDonalds to get a sandwich and coffees to go. We then continued on to the New Belle River Arena to watch our grandson Tyler play hockey. When we met our daughter Karen pregame she said she was having carsickness issues this morning. Then when we informed her of the Countdown Counter we’d added to our sidebar. She thought that we were really pushing it. Of all our children she seems to be having the hardest time accepting our decision to Fulltime since she tends to depend on us a lot. We don’t mind helping out, but we have to do what we have to do! 
Tyler (black 97) after facing off.
When the game finally started we almost went into a state of shock when the opposing team managed to score less than ten seconds into the game. We were put even further in a slump when by the end of the first period the opposing team had made three goals with no goals against. The second period that all changed when Tyler’s team rallied and got back into the game by tying the score. In the third period Tyler’s team again kept up the onslaught adding an additional three goals. In an attempt to decrease the number of shots against his net the opposing goalie would deliberately knock his net off the pins. When the referee would see the net out of position he’d have to stop the game in order to reset the net which meant less time for shots on goal. The goalie was only given a warning but Tyler’s team still won the game 6 to 3. Tyler only got one goal with three assists this week. 
Tyler facing off again.
With Kathy and I having eaten before the game we were then able to go to Metro grocery store to pick up needed food supplies for the next week. After bringing that home and putting it all away we went to the Bulk Barn where we picked up some baking supplies that we’ll use for next Saturday’s Halloween Party we’ll be attending. Back at the apartment since the weather was so nice again today I once again fired up the Weber Q and grilled some nice Atlantic salmon patties on low heat directly on the grill. As usual everything tastes great cooked on the Weber. 

Tomorrow we will be buckling down so we can have everything we need to complete done before we start Fulltiming next year. We have a lot to do! Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your car has seat covers over seat covers.


  1. Sometimes it is difficult for our kids to accept that we have our own lives to live. Hopefully, your daughter will grow to understand your decision.

  2. Replies
    1. The thing we love about fulltiming is the constance change o scenery every couple week year round, it is just wonderful.

  3. We aren't full timers but we move around a lot more than some of them do. Hope when you get out there, she'll see how happy you are. Our children haven't lived near us since they were married. We see them more having the RV.
