
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Helpful Information, Good Hockey and Feeling Sick.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Our new bedcover has really been earning its keep in the few short days since we purchased it. The results have all been positive even with the area temperatures being well below normal for this time of year we have slept without the heat turned on straight through the nights and only waking in the morning. Even though we would have enjoyed the warmth of the bed longer we knew we had to get moving because we had some place to be before noon hour. 
Tyler facing off.

After breakfast we did our usual morning reading and then Kathy noticed something on the Canadian E-news of interest. When we both started looking into the matter we learned that that little bit of information will help to make our transition to Fulltiming much easier. 
Tyler bringing the puck up the ice.
By 11:30 we were on our way to the New Belle River Arena to watch our grandson Tyler play hockey. Before the start of the game we managed to talk to some of Karen and Greg’s friends who had learned that we were going fulltime. They all understood what we were saying and agreed that being in our position they would be doing the same thing. 
Tyler in another face off.
The game didn’t start until 12:20 but I have to get my spot as soon as the previous game ends. Tyler seamed to struggle today as he’s fighting an infection to Poison Ivy that he got while playing in the woods near the cabin last weekend. He is on medications but it isn’t getting any better so he’ll be going back to the doctor tomorrow. Both teams were evenly matched and there were a few penalties given out some that were good calls and others that were bad. The teams battled back and forth scoring goals and the other team was ahead. With only seconds left on the clock Tyler scored the tying goal. The final score was tied 5 to 5 and Tyler had two goals and one assist for this game. 

We didn’t get home until 1:30 where we cleaned up leftovers from the fridge for a light lunch. We were well satisfied with lunch but it seemed a bit too little too late. Before we started eating Kathy was feeling sick to her stomach and I was coming down with a headache. Even after we ate those feelings wouldn’t go away. Finally around 4:00 we went over to visit with Karen but when we got there Greg said she’d laid down with a bad headache. 
Nicer looking skies today.
We ended up at A&W where we used coupons to have supper at a reduced price. By the time we got back got back to the apartment we were actually starting to feel better. What we suspect is that we should have had lunch before the game. We were overly hungry and that was our body’s way of telling us. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Why was 6 scared of 7?

Because 7-8-9.


  1. We always either pack a lunch or eat bit earlier when we head out.

  2. Paul gets headaches once in a while when he hasn't eaten. Your body has a wonderful way of letting you know something isn't right.
