
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Switched Around and Catching Up.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

I don’t know what was going on. The other day I had a bad headache and yesterday I had leg cramps that developed before I went to bed. Needless to say an Extra Strength Tylenol was used for the ability to get some sleep. Still I was awake nearly an hour before Kathy who said if I’d stayed in bed she would have slept longer to recover from all our traveling. 
After breakfast we took the time to do our morning reading on the computers before getting ready to head out. We’d received a call from the storage yard that the car blocking our storage site had been removed so putting Ava back on her site was top propriety for us today.

The first stop was Shoppers Drug Mart to pick up a prescription called in for Kathy on the day we left for North Carolina. While we were there I also picked up a few vitamins we were running low on. 
Yesterday's temporary spot for Ava.
A stop at the Credit Union to do some banking before we stopped at A&W to have lunch using a coupon to keep our cost down. 
Ava getting settled back on her spot.
Arriving at the storage yard we had the trailer hooked up and moved back to its spot in no time but we remembered a number of things that we’d forgotten to bring to the apartment yesterday. Before leaving we stopped at the office to let them know we’d moved back to our spot. They apologized for the fool that had caused the problem. I also explained a problem that we continue to have with the remote gate opener. 
Sanford accepting a treat from Kathy.
We chose to stop in and visit our daughter Karen only to find out she wasn’t home but we did visit with our granddaughter Kylla and grandfurkid Sanford who truly showed he’d missed us while we were away.

We went to the Dollar Store looking for something I could modify for a project with no luck so we stopped at Sobey’s Grocery Store to get fruits, vegetables and extra milk before heading home.  

Tomorrow we hope the weather keeps up because we plan attending our grandson Matthew’s Soccer Game. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Who gets the sack every time he goes to work?

A postman.

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