
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Making It Right.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

After posting the blog last night I took the time to add a special date on to the calendar that I made for Kathy. The reason I made that type of calendar was so that she wouldn’t miss any of those dates but since it wasn’t on there we would be scrambling to make it right. So with another night that included deep sleep helped the both of us to wake up feeling refreshed. Watching the Weather Network while we had breakfast showed that we are in store for cooler than average temperatures for our area. We took the time it required to drink our coffees at the computers before heading out the door. 

Our trip to Walmart was quick and precise. Making the predetermine purchases we used the table at the in-store McDonalds to add some information. By 10:30 it had been dropped off at the Post Office before we headed home. 

We spent the majority of the day doing downloads from online. With the wind blowing just enough to stir the dust and dirt in the parking lot there was no way I could accomplish what I needed under the truck today. Hopefully after the heavy rains we’re expecting for tomorrow the dirt will wash down the storm drains. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Pictures taken while
Zip-Lining in May in
North Carolina.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Workplace canary: The person lowest on the hierarchy of your workplace, who is most likely the first one dismissed during a layoff. Other workers will use the workplace canary as a sign of an impending layoff.

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