
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Anything That Could Go Wrong.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Last night I had no problems what-so-ever falling asleep but for some reason I woke up around 3:00 and struggled to fall back to sleep for the next hour. This morning I still managed to be up by about 8:00 and set things up to make breakfast before doing any reading at the computer. It was nearly 9:00 by the time Kathy woke up but she’d had a hard time falling to sleep last night so it was understandable that she slept that late. 

After finishing our morning reading Kathy and I both had our chores to do. She vacuumed and dusted while I started doing the laundry. Our lunch consisted of our sharing a peanut butter sandwich. Kathy did further research while I went back downstairs to fold our clothes. I got all the clothes folded and was back in the apartment before Kathy’s scheduled appointment. 

Mary from Healthy Heals was coming over to our apartment for 2:30 to take care of Kathy’s feet. With the healthcare coverage we have and because of Kathy having type 2 Diabetes our plan covers for this. Mary was delayed because she forgot about the construction on the expressway and ended up crawling along in the slowdown. 

It was nearly 4:00 by the time Mary left the apartment and Kathy was just getting ready to cook supper when the electrical power went out in our apartment. Thinking it was just a problem with our floor I went to report it to the building manager but while I was downstairs a woman came in saying a car had struck a power pole in the next block and there were wires down all over. I helped another woman struggling with loads of grocery bags carrying them up the stairs to the fourth floor because without power the elevators were down. 

Kathy and I looked at what coupons we had so we could have something quick to eat because we needed to be in Amherstburg before 6:00. Last night due to our attending the Lacrosse Playoffs that our grandson Tyler was playing in we didn’t have our usual Wednesday night visit with Kevin and Melissa. Since we were heading to Amherstburg tonight our daughter Karen asked us to pick up a meat order for her and the store closes at 6:00. 

Leaving the apartment traffic was being rerouted because of the downed power lines and there were long line ups to the expressway. When we got to the Wendy’s location on Walker road half their parking lot was being resurfaced. After eating and getting back on our way to Amherstburg we were stopped for ten minutes by a train. Once the train had passed there were a couple of dump trucks crawling along side by side not even doing half the posted speed limit for another five minutes. Strangely when they turned off they both went in opposite directions. Then while travelling down Alma road a van slowed down in front of us looking for an address and when he finally found it took forever to make his turn. We couldn’t pass him because of oncoming traffic. Kathy was a nervous wreck by that point but we arrived to pick up the meat order with ten minutes to spare. 

Even though the meat was in an insulated shopping bag I was able to put it in the fridge in Kevin’s garage while we visited. Our grandson Cameron was just about to go outside to play and the skies really opened up with a major downpour. He complained we’ve had way too much rain this year and he just couldn’t stand it anymore. It was funny hearing a statement like that coming from a teenager. As usual we had a fun visit with Kevin and Melissa that was filled with a lot of laughs. 

We stopped at Karen’s to drop the meat order off on our way home. She only lives a few blocks from us and had also been without power most of the evening. It had just been turned back on around 8:30 this evening. As we drove towards our building the flashing warning lights filled the street just past the intersection and the street was still blocked off as the linesman were busy rehanging the downed power lines. Inside our apartment the Air Conditioner had popped the breaker and had to be reset in order to cool the apartment. 

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Tonight's Pictures were taken
on our recent trip to 
North Carolina.


Why did the lazy man want a job in a bakery?

So he could loaf around.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes things seen to go wrong in bunches, but it is sure nice the be able to help ot when it happens,
